A lot of our blog posts are about time and how we can best spend our time.
Here at The IN SEASON Lifestyle, we love to consider time from God’s perspective (if that is even possible; but perhaps we CAN get glimpses here and there, through the scriptures, as a gift from above.)
One thing we know about how God thinks of time is the fact that He gave the people of Israel a sacred calendar and a civil calendar to follow each year.
God’s specifications for keeping time are recorded all through the scriptures; especially in the observances of His sacred calendar.
This writer has a personal opinion that God stands on the outside of all time, looking into our days as they transpire (much like watching a movie is to us) and observing what we are doing with the blessings that He has given to us.
He already knows our end because He can see and know the whole spectrum of time; but he puts us inside of time with free-will and choices. What we do determines our own outcome; but He guides us and leads us if we let him.
His ways always outshine any ways that we could ever come up with on our own.
Imagining how this happens would almost be like a one-way Zoom call from one world to the other. God would be on His throne in heaven; but seeing into everything that we do and Jesus would be the One connecting our calls. It is actually a two-way call in that we can also talk to Him; we just can’t look into the throne room yet. One day we will be able to do that too.
What would God see if He looked into your time right now?
Are you pondering the right ways to keep Sabbath?
Are you trying to discern why God gave the calendar to His chosen people in the way and the fashion that He did?
Do you know about the feasts and festivals of God and why it is so important to God for us to keep them?
In looking at the Jewish calendar of today (which would have evolved from the ancient calendar that God gave to Israel) I can see as I write this article that we are heading for the month of Tamuz, in the year 5782 (2022 in secular years.) Tummuz for this year starts on June 30 of the secular calendar.
But should we even be saying that word “Tammuz” out loud?
Have you heard the stories about how pagan it is?
I think we have noted before that the scriptures refer to the months and the days of the years in numbers instead of words. There is a reason for that. Many of the words making up the Jewish calendar come from the Babylonian era; and they have very pagan meanings. This is also true for the days of the week. The biblical passages use numbers instead of these words MOST of the time.
However; the word “Tammuz” or “Tamuz” (spelled different ways too) is mentioned by name in a few passages; and we are going to determine the meaning of why God let that happen today; hopefully.
The word for this month; “Tammuz” means: A Sumerian and Babylonian shepherd god, originally king of Erich, confined forever in the afterworld as a substitute for his consort Inanna or Ishtar. Other cultures have similar false-gods and fake-deities with the same stories just changing the names to match the names of their own culture.
Why would good Jewish people use such a name for this month?
Have they lost their direction?
This name totally symbolizes idolatry, which is strictly forbidden in both the Jewish AND the Christian religion.
I’m looking mostly for the Christian reasons for this; but I’ve found that studying the Hebraic reasons often helps me to arrive at a good and or better conclusion.
The legends around this definition speak of a pagan god named Tummuz who was loved by a pagan goddess. He was out hunting for her and was killed by a wild boar. She mourned for him crying giant tears and it is said that her tears brought him back from death. Then he was said to have been cursed to spend half his year in the otherworld, and half his year in the present world. A pagan festival was established where the women fast and cry for Tummuz each year to remember this. Their mourning brings him back from the otherworld each year.
Of course this story is a perversion of the death and resurrection of Christ.
All pagan celebrations have a touch of truth; but are not about the proper deities; thus are NOT true.
The worship of nature is very prevalent in these celebrations. Immoral acts are said to have been the main activity of the participants.
So; what gives here; and why has God let this type of situation happen to this month of the calendar?
The Prophet Ezekiel had a little to say about this situation in Ezekiel 8:14: “Then he brought me to the entrance of the north gate of the house of the LORD, and I saw women sitting there, mourning the god Tammuz.”
What was happening with Israel at the time when Ezekiel spoke this?
Ezekiel had become known as a prophet and the Elders of Israel who had been through years of captivity under the Babylonians had sought him out for advice in a time before they were released to move back to The Holy Land.
Some captives were being allowed to return; but things were not as they expected.
This month called “Tumuz” (also known as the name of a pagan god) was a time between our months of June and July. This passage of the vision of Ezekiel probably was speaking of a time in August – September of 592 B.C., so the pagan time for mourning to Tummuz had already passed when Ezekiel experienced the vision.
Ezekiel had been called by God to be a Prophet to The People of Israel. It seems that word of Ezekiel’s prophecies had actually reached to Jerusalem. Though he was still young and a new prophet, he was famous enough that others were seeking him out to discern what they should do next.
The original remnant of Israelites who had survived the captivity and were still living in Jerusalem resented and hated the return of the exiles which consisted of those Israelites who had been led away into captivity and had not been allowed to return to Jerusalem for over 70 years.
The resentment was all about land and property rights.
Those who had stayed and suffered through the atrocities done to Jerusalem felt they now owned all of the land, even the lands that had previously belonged to those who were carried away in exile against their will.
This remnant who had stayed in Jerusalem merely by default considered themselves “favored of the Lord.”
Those who had been exiled, even in that time of exile, had heard from the Prophets; one of them being Ezekiel, and they resented the arrogance of the remnant who had originally been allowed to stay in Jerusalem.
They were grieved at the way these people were treating those who had decided to return.
The former captives were distressed at the circumstances of having to reclaim what was rightfully theirs in the first-place and then having to deal with their own people in order to take back possession of their own lands. In their eyes they too were “favored by the LORD.”
So finally, seeking God’s perfect will, they had come in person to talk to Ezekiel about the situation.
While speaking with them Ezekiel experienced a vision from God, where One who was enthroned took him by the hair of his head and brought him to Jerusalem to the door of the gate of the inner court of the Temple. God told Ezekiel to look and see what was happening there and he beheld four abominations to the Lord in that place.
The first abomination he observed was an image (an idol of a false god) which had been placed upon the altar of the Temple. This false image had provoked God to jealousy.
In this vision God says to Ezekiel; “See what they are doing?”
“See how they make me so angry that I desire to go far away from here?”
And to make things even worse than that first observance; God told Ezekiel that a time was coming when he would see things even worse than this.
As he spoke to Ezekiel God was referring to many things in the Temple as “abominations.”
Then Ezekiel saw a hole in the wall and on the other side of it was a door that opened into a secret place.
God told Ezekiel to go inside and see the things that the remnant of priests had been doing in secret.
Once inside this place, Ezekiel saw every idol of Israel portrayed against the wall, all kinds of beast and creeping things (these were pagan fertility gods.)
Standing inside that desecrated place were the Elders of Israel, and they had censors in their hands.
In the middle of them stood Jaazaniah – Son of Shaphan.
The smoke of their incense filled the place.
Then God asked Ezekiel if he had seen the abominations that the Elders of Israel do in the dark?
This place was on the inside of the Temple in Jerusalem; so the “Elders” here were the original Israelites who had not been taken out of Jerusalem during the Babylonian captivity. They were NOT ordained priests and they actually had no rights to be serving inside the temple as they were with the burning of the incense; but they had appointed themselves as priests when the real ones had been taken captive and taken away.
Each man had concealed idols within his own chambers.
And God told Ezekiel that he would again see such things as this (possibly this meant in another time, and that time could be right now. Could our “elders” be concealing things, hiding them from the people? Could these be pagan and improper things that we would be shocked to know about which are going on in secret and hidden places?)
Ezekiel saw that the Temple had been defiled by apostate Israel and he knew that God had left the Sanctuary.
He saw that six men with destroying weapons came from the north and there was a man in the middle of them in white linen with a pen in his hands.
The Glory of God had moved from the Cherubim by the altar to the threshold of the Temple and He called out to the man with the pen in his hands. This one was to go through the city and mark the foreheads of those who had mourned and wept for the state of Jerusalem.
I’m taking this to be that these are people who detested the pagan, hidden things that were going on inside the temple and causing abomination for the whole nation.
Those who were not marked were to be slain by the other six beings, sparing not one in the process.
This was very similar to what it was like when God sent the flood in Noah’s days, and also when Saul was told to destroy his enemy completely; and this is what it will be like when God choses to destroy the wicked of mankind again. Ezekiel was actually told that these things would be seen another time too.
God departs the Temple and it is thought by many that He went forth to dwell only in the scattered remnant of the original captives, and His Holy Spirit doesn’t return to Jerusalem again until the Day of Pentecost. He goes out, not to the Temple; but He returns to the true believers. This is when The Body of Christ – The Church actually becomes the TEMPLE of God ON THE DAY OF PENTECOST. This is a story of the true Third Temple, which is a Temple not made by the hands of men.
Considering the time that we are in with God’s calendar; over the last few weeks I have pondered and wondered how the month of Tummuz plays into this passage and what it should mean to us today in light of God’s calendar, and where God’s sacred calendar keeps leading us. I’ve learned over and over in the past that following this calendar correctly leads to victory in the Christian life.
These have been my thoughts as the time has been moving on:
The more I study the Hebraic calendar; the more I see how God uses it to give us direction.
For instance we are now entering the last three months of the civil calendar and the fourth month of the sacred calendar. We have come again to this provocative month of Tummuz.
What does it mean to us?
This month was named after an Egyptian false god; an idol that was worshipped for fertility; one of the most pagan of all idols. Why would God’s people have such a name for one of their months?
When you see something so ironic; it is usually there as a reminder.
For example; at Purim when you might be told that it is okay to drink so much that you can’t remember anything. This is a reminder of the fact that the world can become completely evil. It tells us to be paying attention to how we are living our lives for the other 364 days of the year.
We should be sober and attentive to the details of our lives; not drunk and forgetting about every responsibility. The contrast at Purim shows us what we should be avoiding and not doing.
It is a form of irony in order to teach a lesson.
Have you ever viewed plays set up in this fashion? They show wrong, but the point is to teach right by allowing knowledge of what is wrong. We call these sometimes ironic plays satires.
That is how the name “Tummuz” works on the calendar.
It isn’t the only such word that is used this way. Most of the months and days of the week are Babylonian names and they too can be translated to be the names of false gods or idols. This is why the scriptures often use numbers instead of names for the months and days of the week in the scriptures. It is confusing to the average reader.
The days of Tummuz are to bring things to our attention so that we remember them.
We know that our ancestors sinned greatly by melting down the gold that God provided for them from their slave masters, and making that very abundant blessing and provision into a golden calf, an idol that was used in sun worship.
This happened just as Moses was coming back into the camp. He was so disgusted and angry with the people that he threw down the tablets of stone and broke them into a million little pieces. Then he had to go up the mountain AGAIN for 40 more days and plead with God as an intercession for the people for such a great and terrible sin to have been committed against God.
Well, here we are folks. The month of Tummuz symbolizes those 40 days AFTER the tablets were shattered and broken into a million pieces.
This was a 40 day period of intercession by Moses for the people with God. Moses was a type and shadow of Jesus, who is now interceding for us as we pray to Him.
I can look back over the last year at America. There were so many instances last year when people were repenting and trying to return, repeating that popular scripture over our nation found in 2 Chronicles 7:14. They were reminding God through prayer to Jesus Christ that the ways of the nation were not the ways that we truly wanted and repenting and repenting and pleading with God for healing of the land.
Many were asking God to change the hearts of our leaders or to put leaders in place that would again bring America back to “One Nation Under God.”
When we pray our prayers are carried by God’s Holy Spirit living within us up to Jesus who sits at the right hand of the Father, waiting to hear from us.
He in turn takes those prayers to God and intercedes for us. Jesus pleads for answers for our problems. He asks God to apply His own blood against our sins. He requests for blessings to be poured out on us.
Our Messiah is for us.
He loves to defend us and bring us closer to the Father.
As the month of Tummuz was a time when Moses was pleading for the Children of Israel; so the month is a time when Jesus is especially in tuned to hearing from us and on a mission to bring us closer to God. Once we act and pray He is faithful to intercede on our behalf.
It all fits in accordance with God’s calendar.
Heaven is doing its work to nourish our souls, and probably nine tenths of God’s people are still totally unaware that this timing comes around annually and we all benefit from it each year. This is the month.
Hence, as I’ve continued to look at this month, and the months before this month and even at what occurs after this month on the calendar; I can see patterns in the year of ways that resemble the paths that the ancients took as they journeyed through the wilderness. The times of their times fit right over our calendar times.
It seems that time is somehow related in that certain patterns form each year which relate to similar situations that were happening in the days of crossing the desert with Moses who was listening to God and directing. Only now, this happens with us living in the modern world and Jesus directing the steps of the faithful from the Right Hand of God’s Throne in Heaven. They are keeping this same calendar; because it originated first in heaven.
Remember when God created night and day in creation week? He gave us this calendar that followed His own ways in the Heavens, which he also created during that period of time.
God is ALWAYS a God of order.
He would not bring us to a very prophetic time in history without first warning us; nor would he let us go through such a time without the comfort of His Holy Spirit, or the intercession of His Only Begotten Son; Our Messiah.
We are living in a very significant time in prophecy. I can almost feel Ezekiel breathing down the back of my neck as I type out these words. Christians MUST be paying attention to how God is moving in the keeping of our allotment of time.
The name of the month of Tummuz is there to remind us to destroy our idols. It is a critical reminder that we do not want to go back to those apostate times of idol worship ever again.
You have to understand the myths about this false god to understand exactly what to look for and what to see and avoid in our daily living today.
The story was that Tummuz was in love with another false goddess (every culture shares a different pagan name for this woman) and he went out hunting and was killed by a wild boar.
The false goddess grieved for him so much that she went into the underworld to find him and brought him back to life where he was then permitted to live half of the time of each year in this world and half of the time each year in the underworld.
The pagan festivals started with all the women mourning for the loss of Tummuz, and ended in immoral celebrations to reenact his rising from the dead.
Whenever we see the actual word “Tummuz” used in the scriptures it is referring to visions where the women are seen in this time of mourning for Tummuz. The prophet Ezekiel saw this in his vision from God about end times. The women were seen mourning for Tummuz in the courtyard.
Note they were mourning for Tummuz; not the loss of the Temple, not the tragedies the devil has brought upon their people; but for a false, pagan god.
On first glance from a Christian perspective; it is sad to know that this time of mourning still takes place in the Jewish culture today.
It looks that way at first, however, instead of mourning for Tummuz; they are mourning for the loss of the Temple and the tragedies that the Jewish people have endured over the courses of human history. They are not doing pagan things; they are actually doing righteous things.
In Ezekiel’s vision it is told to the angel with the sword to go about the cities and to kill all those who are not marked as being the ones who mourn and grieve over the state of what has become of God’s people.
The more I think of the past, the present and the future; the more I see the similarities of these stories together and the more I am thinking that God is indicating that all of those who do not mourn the idol worship of the people in the end times will be destroyed in the end.
God hates idolatry.
He is pulling another great reversal here; as he so often does.
In the visions of the prophet named Ezekiel; God is using the same form of action that the pagans were doing (mourning) to reverse and produce just the opposite in his own people. They are NOW told to mourn the fact that pagan idol worship is prevalent in the land; this is just the opposite of the women who worshipped Tummuz in the pagan rites.
So; on first glance it looks wrong to participate with Israel in their times of mourning.
At first it seems pagan.
Then you have to stop and think of what they are mourning.
They are mourning the tragedies that happened to God’s people; not the tragedy that happened to a false god.
This would not be idol worship but it would be counted as righteous.
There is a time to mourn. If you don’t mourn God’s people destroying themselves with pagan ways; then you might need to look at your definition of Christianity.
Still; how strange that it has come to this point and has been turned around in this way.
Yet; this overturning, reversing pattern is shown in almost every celebration of God.
Remember the story of Esther in the original Purim?
Passover overturns bondage for freedom, Early First-Fruits (Resurrection) overturns or reverses death and brings everlasting life.
The Day of Atonement overturns the sins of the repentant and reverses the actions of their days forward.
The Feast of Tabernacles overturns the wicked and evil ways of mankind and shadows the coming reign of Christ on the earth for one thousand years of peace.
God is into great reversals.
If we pray to Him, He will overturn and reverse every evil situation that we are experiencing today.
Many of God’s people have just experienced this fact with great joy in the reversal of Roe vs. Wade by the Supreme Court. Many have mourned and prayed for years for this to take place. Now; with God’s help we have seen victory in this particular situation. It is only the beginning though – there is so much more to do to reverse the idols and perversions of our lands.
This month of Tummuz is a time to observe that Our One Great God will always overturn the evil forces of the world.
Know that Jesus Christ is at the Right Hand of God interceding for us right now. It is a time of being reminded that idol worship and pagan practices are strictly forbidden by our Great God. This is a time to be turning, repenting, fasting and praying because we clearly have the ear of our Beloved.
Now I look at what is happening worldwide. As the Jewish people begin their three week time of fasting and mourning for the atrocities committed against their people in the past; I see happening in the rest of the world the very things that they are praying against.
As they repent of the sins of the nation of Israel that brought on the acts of idolatry; I see the golden calf of America rising up and the people gathering around this calf that was made from the material blessings that came to us from other nations.
Those material blessings are now disappearing because of our idol worship.
The government has turned into a BIG FAT golden calf that claims fertility and blessings on the whole nation; and America has put their faith in the golden calf of the government instead of God.
This is very wrong and so deceptive.
When Jesus spoke of end-times, the thing He always stressed the most was that God’s people had to be very careful not to be deceived.
The people in America have already allowed this new golden calf to tear down our churches, or infiltrate them with false worship and abominations to God.
It is destroying our freedom and deceiving our children about what is right and wrong. Our defenses that have always been so strong are breaking down right before our eyes. We are in danger of violating everything sacred and good.
Like those shattered tablets of the Law; we are letting our hope and freedom be destroyed because we have fallen for false worship and ungodly beliefs.
God help us all.
Keep in mind that an abomination is any act that God’s people do to provoke God.
If you study Ezekiel’s vision you will find that he saw four abominations in the Temple before the Glory of God first moved to the threshold, then left altogether.
Those four abominations were: 1) false image – of a fake god that provokes jealousy from the REAL God; 2) Un-ordained, self-proclaimed priests doing secret pagan worship in a secret hidden place; 3) The women at the North gate weeping for the false god Tummez; 4) 25 men in worship to the rising sun with their backs facing God’s altar. They have turned their backs on God and the ways that He has given for them to live.
Do any of theses abominations seem familiar in any way to how America is operating today?
In this vision we learn that the REAL God (who is very slow to wrath and punishment) is angry and concludes that the only way to turn his people’s hearts back around is to punish them with his wrath.
This was an end-time vision, as well as a vision for the days of the destruction of the Temple in Israel.
Are we ready to face this wrath that God has surely promised to pour out?
As we approach the end-times now; we; God’s people of today, should be mourning the abominations of our country toward God.
As an opposite act to how the pagans mourned the death of Tummuz; God’s people should be mourning the death of the faithfulness to God toward our own people who have turned their backs to his altar.
Have we come to the place in our society that the pagans of our culture have more faith than God’s people?
On this day in Israel’s history the wall of Jerusalem was breached just before the destruction of the Temple. When I read about walls being breached today my ears perk up. I cannot help but see a picture in my mind of what is happening to the southern border wall in America.
It is also noted as the day that Moses returned from the mountain with the Ten Commandments and he found the people worshipping the golden calf.
I have began to see our own government as a golden calf that sectors of our society have decided to worship. They put the government up as a true source, whether that is the case or not, and they think that everything they do or say or want depends upon the decision of the government.
Have they forgotten The One True God?
The government isn’t going to sustain you when the wrath of God begins to pour out.
God’s jealousy against this type of idol worship is great. He wants us to live His ways; not the ways our government is pushing in our face night and day in order to produce more chaos and division so that it is easier for them to set up more global power.
God has our best interest in mind. He loves us and wants to look after us, but the golden calf of elected officials keeps trying to interfere with this process.
Never in the history of mankind has it been harder for a person to be a Christian. Christian martyrs are dying today right and left; but the news isn’t telling anyone about it. They are only feeding us the propaganda that they want us to hear; all of it is fear-based; but our God is bigger than these fears if people will only trust and obey.
This is what Ezekiel had to tell the captives of Babylon who came to him for advice. It is a message that is good for us today too.
As the three weeks of mourning progress with the Jewish people and some remnants of faithful Christians; another thing that is being remembered and mourned is how the stone tablets containing the laws were broken into pieces when Moses saw the golden calf.
This golden calf of our present government is dashing every way that is godly in this nation and perverting it with their own forms of self idolatry.
We are going to need deep, deep intercession for this practice against Christianity.
Godly people must rise up like Moses did in those ancient times and beg and plead with God for mercy and forgiveness. Our sins must be covered and turned around before the wrath of God is so strong that we cannot undo all of the evil that has been done.
Those who are faithful, who are interceding must be patiently interceding and waiting on The Glory of God to fall again.
When Moses came down from the mountain that second time; his face was so glorious that he had to hide it from the people. This is what happens when God’s people agree to return, obey, and have received God’s forgiveness and mercy. The Glory of God falls upon all of those who have kept God’s ways and interceded.
Be prepared in the midst of great pain and suffering to receive God’s Glory. He will not forsake anyone who turns to Him and repents.
During this time when the devout Jews as well as many devout Christians are praying for the rebuilding of the Temple, We who know Jesus realize that a greater Temple has already come. Through repentance and baptism and turning our ways toward God with commitment we have received God’s Holy Spirit living inside our own bodies. The Body of Christ is the living Temple.
This great miracle of God’s Holy Spirit living within us has become The Third Temple.
Because we have traveled further down this road than the devout Jews; we ask God to heal our bodies and to bring us strength and endurance so that we can remain living and breathing temples joined together to bring Him worship and glory.
Israel mourns the sins of their nation; and so do we. Many of the nation of Israel prays for the restoration of the Temple; and we pray for the restoration of The Body of Christ; which is made up of all of our individual bodies (temples) filled with God’s Holy Spirit.
In this time for ancient Israel the daily offerings ceased.
They could no longer be offered up because the Temple had been destroyed.
The Jewish people remember this and lament this fact.
The time is coming when God’s Holy Spirit will stop working to call the people of the earth to God. We are at the end of that window of time right now.
Christians realize that Jesus restored the Temple with his death that allowed God’s Holy Spirit to dwell inside men’s hearts.
Jesus offered himself once for all.
So Christians today stand as Moses did for The House of Israel and intercede for them to discover and receive God’s healing salvation and deliverance by believing on the name of Jesus. He has delivered God’s true people into a new Temple; one that wasn’t made by the hands of mankind; but the spiritual formation of God.
During this time of mourning the Jewish people are remembering their history and one thing they recall is the day prior to Bar Kokhba’s revolt when the Roman military leader Apostomus burned the Torah scroll.
Can you imagine how tragic this was to the people?
Some arrogant, prideful, evil person had actually burned to ashes the words of God that they depended upon to live out their lives. It was a HUGE tragedy and it struck fear into their hearts. They must have been appalled that this abomination had been allowed to happen.
Yet; here we are in an age where our own culture and people are trying to re-write the gospel and spin it into some type of fairy tale that proclaims their ways instead of God’s ways.
Do these people not know that they are mortal?
They are not gods!
Who gives them the right to pervert the Word of God and feed it to a nation that does not care to receive it?
Yet; every day the Church of God is being force-fed the evil perverted words of our culture. It comes from every corner of the earth and lands right in the middle of the schools of our children. Lies, lies, lies; every day and everywhere.
God will not stand still for this forever.
He has waited patiently for us to turn around; but it has not happened. Judgment is coming and it will come FIRST to The House of God.
People need to wake up and mourn over this fact; Eziekiel’s prophecy was proclaiming that those who mourned and fasted and prayed over the evil state of the world would be marked as children of God by the Man In White Linen Carrying a Pen.
This is God’s Servant who records our names into The Book of Life.
Mourn the abominations of the earth against God so that you are marked with His Holy Spirit and recorded into The Book of Life.
Otherwise; the rest of Ezekiel’s prophecy will come to be; that part where angels are given swords to go out and slay those who do not belong to God.
Tummuz is almost here. Christians have a duty to repent, turn, mourn, and to wait eagerly for the return of Messiah.
In this time of waiting we will be given glimpses of God’s Glory. The Roe vs. Wade victory was a slight glimpse.
It will sustain us and help us to survive the terrible things that will continue happening in the world. God’s wrath will not be leased upon those who are observing His times and keeping His calendar. Pray that we all may escape.
Know the Hebraic calendar reveals so much to Christians who are yearning to grow closer and closer to God as we journey together toward the end of time as we know it.
When you know the calendar of God you can take comfort and realize that every ending is simply a new beginning.
We still have the very best of everything to look forward to!