Have you considered who your Haman is?
Tonight at sunset begins the celebration of Purim. Have you pondered the Haman’s of today’s world?
You know; Haman was the villain from the story of Esther who wanted to annihilate the entire Jewish population. Of course all Haman’s receive their calling straight from the devil himself. So; we know any humans we name would be indirectly acting as Hamans.
However; the world is full of Hamans.
We all have one.
Can you name yours?
If you are one of those people who proudly proclaims that no one is opposing you; I would suggest that you are not living with any certain purpose or cause. Anyone doing anything good for God’s Kingdom will have someone or something to rise up against them at some point.
Of course, it could be that the time isn’t ripe for your Haman to make a move.
Beware; he is out there somewhere.
When I think of the original story which involved salvation for the population of Jewish people living in Persia during the reign of Queen Esther; it reminds me of Israel today. Israel still has a host of great enemies surrounding them.
The wars never cease for this little country who only wants to defend their borders and keep their sovereignty over their own lands in tack. I wonder who else might wish for such a thing?
Many of today’s worldly and global leaders and scholars will chose the side of their many Haman’s instead of coming to the aid of those who simply want to defend their own godly way of life and continue thriving under their own country’s blessings.
It is all so very similar to the story of Esther.
I would be so brave as to remind Israel’s enemies of the end of the story.
Then I look at the United States. We too have Hamans in every corner of the country.
Haman was all about hate, greed and ethnic cleansing. He promoted genocide among certain national identities by wiping out certain types of people.
What was his main reason? Because they didn’t agree with him. They did not bow down and worship him instead of God.
I wonder how this could happen in a modern day society?
Perhaps it might start with cancel culture or government working with big tech and media organizations that silence all other opposing voices.
Or perhaps it might tend to make illegal maneuvers seem official and correct when they really are not at all about the values our country was founded upon.
You could certainly say that critical race theory was one of Haman’s favorite tactics.
The Jews living in Persia in the days of Esther had worked hard to obtain their wealth. They had survived the Babylonian captivity and kept their faith. For years they had built up the wealth that they had labored for.
Finally, with a less greedy king; they had gained success within the land.
Haman looked at what they had obtained and wanted it for himself. Wiping them out would create a large surplus of wealth which he and his men would swoop down and confiscate without any legal consequences. This would work well for them.
The Jews would have nothing, if they survived, and be happy.
This timeless evil plotting would work in their favor – unless……
Unless there were Esthers and Mordechais whom God had placed in powerful places.
Haman had already eliminated one Queen that the King loved very much. If he tried with Esther he would be overplaying his cards. If this became an open act he probably stood to lose the game.
Esther was strategically placed by God for the day in which she was living. Had she not been there, it would have been possible for Haman and his men to wipe out the whole Jewish population who brought us Jesus Christ and salvation.
There was one brave young woman named Esther that was willing to risk it all and speak up to the King.
I’m holding on to the fact that there are also some very brave young women and men left in Israel and America.
Despite the campaigns for counter cultural ways; they will eventually rise and speak up.
God will never be defeated by Haman again.
This is the very reason why he told leader-after-leader to wipe the Hamans off of the globe forever. Our God who sees the end from the beginning knew the outcome of allowing their evil ways to remain in place.
God is always merciful unless the offending party has become so hopelessly wicked and beyond control that it is better for God’s people if they do not exist. He is a God who hates injustice and evil.
In essence; the way of life of the Hamans brings them to their own end.
All any of the generations full of Hamans ever had to do to survive and live was to change.
If their hearts could melt and fill with love and become true to the One God of Heaven and Earth they could survive. If they could learn how to love God and their fellowman and obey God’s laws that protect and help everyone, the Hamans would be able to live and prosper along with all the rest of us. In the end though; God cannot tolerate pure evil. It must be destroyed forever in order to bring peace to earth.
In the end, the name of Haman isn’t about a person at all; but a way of life. This way of life brings unnecessary death and destruction. Have you seen anyone promoting such things lately?
Hamans would be the ones on the side of defending abortion. They would love to see the family torn apart and dismissed as if it never existed in the way God created it to be. Also; Hamans feel that old people are disposable. They think old people should just be be killed for environmental purposes, since they believe they are a burden and an expense to the younger people.
Yes, Hamans promote anything that will put a jingle in their pockets, even if it is based upon faulty reason, bad logic and lies. They will lie to you as long as you let them do so.
Most of all, Hamans love being in control.
They want to control anyone and anything that would cause them the least amount of discomfort. There are no rules to live by with them; only to do what seems right in their own eyes for their own selfish purposes.
Hamans eat good, innocent people for breakfast. They are always planning and scheming about their next plan to defeat them.
However; God is not silent as He watches all of this unfold throughout every generation.
From Purim to Purim, God knows the lessons we need to learn.
He tries to teach us through His Holy Spirit Who uses the beautiful story of Esther and The King as an example.
The story of Esther was only laying the groundwork. Esther’s story was one of the backgrounds for the future announcement of Jesus Christ as Savior of the world. The whole story is one long analysis of our salvation and freedom from Satan because of the love and redemption of Jesus for our souls.
As Esther saved the Jews; Jesus came to save us ALL.
Both Esther and Jesus display unselfish honor and a willingness to offer self-sacrifice when needed to help their people survive and thrive within God’s ways and within God’s Kingdom.
Maybe there is a greater question here.
Who are the Esther’s in your life today?
Have you thanked them?
A Purim gift might be a good way to express your appreciation. You can continue to appreciate them the whole year through with Purim being yet another annual reminder.
Let us hope and pray that the world can find a way to change or rid itself of all the Hamans.
Also let us continue to celebrate our Esthers and Mordechais forever.
Most of all; may God’s will break through and reign in our land.
It is our only hope for freedom.
Happy Purim to you and yours!
Excellent post, Gail. Hamans are not just people but beliefs, institutions, and ways of life.
Thank you Priscilla. I totally agree with your definition. Even if they appear to be just people, we know who is behind them pulling the strings in a spiritual way.