Last week we took a short break in our study of Deuteronomy in this COME AS A CHILD, every Thursday on-line study.
Today’s lesson will pick up at the end of Chapter 16 and continue into the first sections of Chapter 17.
I found Chapter 16 of Deuteronomy to be very profound and most important toward the establishment of Israel as a new nation blessed of God. Any other nation desiring to be blessed of God would do well to read this chapter and take its advice very seriously.
Four things stand out to me:
1) God felt it was critical that the new nation always observe His appointed times. This was mentioned before the discussion of laws, courts, justice or Kings. God went to great length to explain (yet one more time) all seven of the feast days and to mention how important they were going to be for this new nation. These days, along with regular Sabbath observance, are how the people found and maintained their identity as God’s people.
Today; this remains the same for us. Any nation that keeps and follows God’s appointed times will be blessed and protected by God. Oh that America would grasp this concept.
There is also an opposite to this blessing. Any nation who does not keep and observe God’s Holy Days and appointed times will fall into judgment. They will never thrive or maintain the ability to defeat their enemies.
At some point in this blogging process I intend to discuss and review Jonathan Cahn’s book called The Harbinger II. It speaks of signs of America’s eminent judgment. Other American prophets have spoken of such things for years. The dates noted as holy often tie in with God’s appointed times and there are some theories given as to certain appointed dates and how they relate to the fate of the nation. If these appointed times are not engraved within your heart; you will never understand the rest of the appointed times that speak of a future judgment.
Learning and observing these things begins with observing the appointed times that God has already established and given us; the annual Holy Days and High Sabbaths of God which are; Passover/Unleavened Bread/Early Firstfruits/Pentecost/Feast of Trumpets/Day of Atonement and The Feast of Tabernacles. In your bibles they are spoken of using their Hebraic names; Pesach, Hag HaMatzah, Brikkirum, Chag Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot.
It is critical for America’s survival as a nation under God to keep these sacred, holy appointments. They will constantly remind us of all the things that God wants for our nation.
2) The scripture references in Deuteronomy 16 and 17 point out that, just like Israel, as a nation; we are to be careful how we govern. Those appointed to judge and reign over us are important and must be Godly people.
Also, the laws that are created for a nation to observe which are monitored and carried out by the government must be Godly.
They must be just!
If the Godly laws of the nation fail and the people walk away from them, so goes the nation. Judgment then comes swiftly behind.
3) These two chapters of Deuteronomy clearly point out that a Godly nation’s courts must be pursuing matters that are Godly.
Three witnesses must be established before anyone is proven guilty of a crime.
The person who has pronounced judgment on someone else must be the person to cast the first stone of their punishment. Deuteronomy 17:13 speaks about why this procedure is necessary; it says: “All the people will hear and be afraid, and will not be contemptuous again.” Once one has seen justice executed in a fair way; one will always think twice before desiring to break a law. Notice the use of the word “all.” All of the people must be a part of this governing process.
4) Any nation claiming to be a Godly nation must remain loyal to God and all of His ways (commandments.)
Loyalty is everything.
There should NEVER be any other gods or any pagan ways brought into a nation that claims to be full of God’s people.
Originally, God chose Israel to carry out this pattern; but today ANY nation committed to keeping God’s laws and God’s ways may come under the government of God; if the people are committed and loyal to following God.
God knew the day would come when the people would desire to appoint a King. He spelled out the ways that he required for such a position of King to be used in such a time.
The people appointing the King were to be sure that the man they were appointing was chosen of God.
No foreigner was to ever be King.
Any appointed King should not have many wives, who would only tend to lead him astray; and he must not be a man who piled up gold for himself by taking it from the people.
This man should be one who was capable of leading the people forward; not backwards. The last statement was put in words that the Israelites could easily understand; “do not allow him the power to take you back to Egypt.”
A good government official governs to benefit the security of the people, not to enslave them from the results of his own foolishness.
So we see in Deuteronomy 16 and 17 the ways of a Godly nation.
Look around you today and tell me how much of this matches the government that we all share today.
What is good?
What is bad?
What needs to change?
Don’t be deceived into believing that these are outdated words meant only for the Israelites. Good government for one body would have the same aspects as good government for any group of people.
That last question is critical because the thing that is facing America right now is a time of judgment.
Most of us cannot even see that we are being weighed in the balances. Our actions will determine the outcome. Justice will be served in the end.
We have been experiencing the beginning of this judgment since 2001 and it will continue and only become more harsh and severe if our people do not change their ways and return to the ways of God.
Everyday our behavior as a people risks more of the blessings of God for our nation.
Can we not turn this around?
My prayer for today is that the people return to God.
Our civil year is about to change. Those of us who follow the sacred Hebraic calendar know this only relates to our own nation’s times for governing. Those following God are busy keeping His sacred calendar; but all of us remain in a world ruled by worldly people and dates and times that God has not appointed. As our nation’s times change; can the people not change too?
Can our hearts of stone not be turned to hearts of flesh?
Can our stopped-up ears not become workable and can every man not hear what the ancient Word of God is saying to the times of today?
The mysteries and the hidden things are all becoming open and visible now. More of God’s truth has been revealed than ever before. We have no excuse.
We must be just.
Our nation must stay loyal to God.
The rulers of our nation must be the ones that God would appoint.
New laws on our books must reflect God’s love and mercy and they should respect and honor God’s plan for men and women and children. We cannot continue to make up our own rules and escape judgment.
The prophets of old sat in ashes and fasted and prayed. They begged God to have mercy and to forgive the nation’s sins. They repented for themselves and for their fellow man. The crimes of the nation were brought before God and repentance was made.
This year at around the time of The Passover, several groups gathered at The Mall in Washington DC in order to repent for our nation. Many hearts were opened to repentance and change and a turning back to the ways of God that our nation was originally founded upon. Hopefully, these have not forgotten their vows.
There were many on that day; but there are also many who DID NOT listen. They are not focused on a change for our nation or on giving up their sins and turning. A day of reckoning is coming to ALL. No one will be spared.
If you know the truth and you desire a change; share it with your neighbor today. You never know how God might bless just one little conversation. Go out and tell the world about the God of Heaven and Earth and let Him begin to change the hearts of our nation.
Everyone has a part to play.
The battle rages.