After Abimelek died, Israel was ruled by a man from Issachar named Tola. Very little can be found in the scriptures about Tola’s reign as a judge.
Though we don’t know a lot about Tola; it is noted that he was a man from Issachar.
We need to take the time to understand the history of the tribe of Issachar which leads up to this point of Israel’s story during the times of Tola. That information would be helpful in gaining some insight into what type of Judge Tola might have been.
Issachar was the fifth son of Jacob and Leah. In the formation of the sons of the Patriarch of Israel; he would have been the ninth son.
The name “Issachar” is derived from joining the Hebrew word for “man” and the Hebrew word for “wages.” In other words; the word “Issachar” means “a hired worker.”
Issachar had four sons. He went with his father (Israel) to live in Egypt. The scriptures tell us he died and was buried in Egypt.
After his death, Issachar’s descendants formed the foundation of one of the tribes of Israel.
By the end of Israel’s wanderings through the Sinai desert, the tribe of Issachar numbered over 60,000 fighting men.
Upon entering the Promises, the tribe of Issachar received sixteen cities and their adjoining villages. Moses referred to the tribe of Issachar as “a strong ass situated in a beautiful land.”
Many men of Israel remembered how the men of Issachar came to the aid of Deborah. They fought along side of her when she led them in battle against the Canaanites.
Tola was from the generations after those battles. He probably grew up hearing the stories of Deborah and the wars of Israel during her reign as judge.
The men from Issachar were very wise men who knew and understood the signs of their times. This fact became even more prominent among the Israelites during the later reign of David; but it was forming as a fact during the times of Tola.
Perhaps this “understanding of the times” was a gift of Tola’s too. This lack of information and the details of his rulings could possibly be relevant to the fact that he was a wise ruler. It is possible that the reason no significant events of Israel are mentioned during Tola’s reign was because he ruled with wisdom. No events would be a good thing. None of the usual problems and trials experienced with other rulers are recorded.
Things seemed to be going smoothly during Tola’s reign. We hear of nothing significant or notable. I would say this is one of the most outstanding traits of Tola’s time of judgeship.
We should be praying for more men like Tola and those of Issachar. Our troubled world needs such men who can understand and offer wisdom for the times in which we are living.
Wouldn’t you love to say we had a year of “no outstanding or significant events?”
That would mean we had learned how to live within our present circumstances with ease and peace and harmony. Sometimes “nothing” can be more significant than a list of other “somethings.”
Understanding the times is much more than keeping up with social media and cultural changes. It is more than listening to the right news cast. Truly understanding the times would mean knowing the things that are forming and shaping your people. This type of living is about being “alive” in the present moment of time. It is a type of awareness that points to wisdom.
You would be opening your eyes to an era full of significance if all men were able to discern and decipher the truth of our times. Each citizen would then be well informed and ready to position themselves uniquely in order to live righteously into the current moment of history.
Knowing and having wisdom for the precious gift of time which God has allotted specifically to all of us is about understanding the wider story of the world as a whole. It is important to understand where we, as people of God, fit into that picture.
With this type of understanding we are better able to make the correct decisions about how to live life as we move closer and closer toward God’s Kingdom and Christ’s return to earth.
These men of Issachar knew how to live in light of their wisdom of the times. They understood what it took to think through their culture’s times and act on that thinking. Their responses were accurate and correct for the times in which they were living.
It is rare to find men like this today. Everyone seems to be thinking everyone else’s thoughts. In today’s culture, it seems as if modern leaders have been spoon-fed their knowledge instead of coming up with their own thoughts based upon their own sound knowledge and wisdom. Nothing seems to be tested and true anymore.
Only true men of God are capable of such ways of thinking.
If I had to name an American who knew and understood these wise ways of life, I would have to point to Ronald Regan. He was a great leader. Regan totally understood the times in which he was living.
More than likely, this was because he was capable of listening to God. This trait would have helped his thinking through situations according to the times in which God had given him temporary power and responsibility over other people.
President Regan possessed the traits of the men of Issachar.
Can you think of anyone else who has helped America to discern the right ways to move in the times in which we are living?
Also; we must note that these men of Issachar were known for being loyal to the common, every-day workers in the land. Perhaps this happened because these men understood and accepted the fact that working people make the world go round.
Common workers making a common wage did not have to worry as long as a man from Issachar was in charge.
The name Tola means “worm.” This meaning of his name was most likely connected with the trade of purple dyes. History tells us that purple dyes were a huge commodity during the days of Tola.
Tola was the son of Puah, who was the son of Dodo. We know very little about either of these ancestors of Tola.
He lived in Shamir which was the hill country of Ephraim.
Tola ruled for 23 years before he died.
After he died; Tola was buried in Shamir.