October of 2020 went by so fast that it feels like a lovely blur. How could the month already be over?
The time we enjoyed was so full! Our nation has been in a pandemic; yet we feel we have also been blessed in a million different ways.

We have continued our on-going bible study, which we hold on-line every Thursday. This month we were studying from the book of Deuteronomy.
In October and the first of November we spent a lot of time discussing the last words of Moses to the People of God before they crossed the river and headed into their inheritance in the land of promise.
If you missed any lessons; you can review them here: https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/two-silver-trumpets/, https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/forgive-us-our-debts-as-we-forgive-our-debtors/, https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/gods-view-of-slavery/, https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/honoring-god-with-the-firstborn/, https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/observe-the-month-of-aviv-and-celebrate-the-passover/

Pen Art reviewed my friend’s book called RUTH; THE WOMAN WHO FOUND ROMANCE IN A BARLEY FIELD.
This section of the blog was full of fall poetry, as well as five of our SUKKAH SERIES STORIES; which we always enjoy sharing at The Feast of Tabernacles. I wrote these stories long ago for our grandchildren; and there are plans for a book with eight stories (one for each day of the feast and one for THE GREAT LAST DAY of the festival.) Look for these to be published by feast-time next year.
One of the most exciting things to us this month was the announcement of the blog author’s first published book; THE GOSPEL HIDDEN IN GENESIS – BOOK ONE OF TWO. We published a little review in the PEN
ART column for our readers.
If you missed them; you may find these PEN ART articles for October 2020 here: https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/story-of-ruth-one-of-my-favorite-books-for-fall-pen-art/, https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/abrahams-sukkah-from-the-sukkah-stories-series-story-one/, https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/isaacs-sukkah/, https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/jacobs-sukah/, https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/moses-sukkah/ https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/sukkah-of-joseph/, https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/the-gospel-hidden-in-genesis-book-1-of-2/

The Feast of Tabernacles was the highlight of October for us! What a joy to gather together as a family and worship God in a “temporary shelter.” This year we made our way to Tryon, North Carolina for the annual festival.

Why do we keep this feast? Here is a link that might help you to understand: https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/feast-of-tabernacles-christian-sukkot/

I think (inspite of the world’s “panic-demic” we had one of the greatest feast-times ever. God blessed us in a million ways.
Our rental house turned out to be so idyllic and lovely and it was just perfect for a large and growing family. We all had our own spaces and yet we all had good places to come together and enjoy one another’s company.

The house had a river running through the back yard which fascinated the grandkids and kept the adults happy too, as we sat on the wrap around porches and rocked while watching them running and climbing through the woods and rocks right below us.

Nights were especially lovely on the porches outside with the twinkling lights that lined so many cozy outdoor areas. We told stories by the campfire each evening; and we roasted marshmallows and made some-mores.

Each individual family unit took turns cooking the evening meal; and some even chipped in for making breakfast. We shared a feast-related bible verse each day and kept journals of notes and drawings of the things that God was teaching us day-by-day. The kids played a game that recorded our nation’s history. Olivia and Vinny tied for the winning of the prize at the end.

One afternoon was devoted to celebrating Lennon’s birthday. He turned four. How sweet get to celebrate in the same birthday week as Jesus!
We spent a lot of time exploring the area; though a lot of restaurants were closed and Tryon rolls up the streets on Monday. They give everyone in the city Monday’s off! I loved that little town.

Okay……I guess you have noticed by now that we loved Tryon and seemed to fit right into the landscape there.
There are about one million and one waterfalls and nature trails in this area. For some reason all the ones we chose were closed for COVID. Oh well – we had lots of woods around our house and we hiked the river bank trails. When we go back again, Preston Falls is definitely on our list. Also the little town of Saluda was interesting (though lots of things were closed there too.)
I think my favorite day was the day we went horseback riding. The area was big on equestrian events and we were happy to realize this. Adding horses to our festivities was a perfect idea. I’ve shown you so many photos; but I love this video of the trip to the stables: https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipNrWA_zcKv2_xOtiqSOKhR0q_cctnJJSdNnzX-d

God surely met us in Tryon, N.C. this year and we look forward to re-visiting this part of the country at a later date.
Did we enjoy the Feast of Tabernacles this year?
Do you even have to ask?
It was amazing!

As positive as the Feast of Tabernacles was; we were still in the month of October. Our joy had to endure a few negative thoughts and ideas that the would around us has about the celebration of Halloween.
The nice thing was that our power went out! Nobody could ring the doorbell. Thank you God!
If you missed our series on why The IN SEASON Lifestyle does not enjoy this holiday; you can catch the articles here: https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/halloween-and-christianity-a-haunting-subject/, https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/who-is-satan-part-two-of-the-haughting-subject-of-halloween-series-pieces-of-the-puzzle/, https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/out-of-egypt-part-three-of-the-haunting-subject-of-halloween-pieces-of-the-puzzle/, https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/whatever-things-are-lovely-part-four-the-haunting-subject-of-halloween-series-pieces-of-the-puzzle/

Another favorite part of the SEASONS articles this year were our fall related posts.
We shared books, poetry, recipes and short stories that all related to the Fall Season.
There were some travel articles in OH THE PLACES WE SHOULD GO, and PEN ART revealed the celebration of the blog author’s first published book – THE GOSPEL HIDDEN IN GENESIS – BOOK ONE OF TWO.
Here are a few of our favorite links: https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/beautiful-october-days-at-old-baker-farm-oh-the-places-we-will-go-fall-festivals-series/., https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/story-of-ruth-one-of-my-favorite-books-for-fall-pen-art/, https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/fall-main-dishes/,

This column in October was also full of interest; as we tried to forget COVID 19 (another social justice issue) for a few hours and explore the social justice issues of the Native Americans.
The IN SEASON Lifestyle writer hopes you caught our article about the terrible unjust circumstances that these people have endured over time. If you missed it; just click this link: https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/social-justice-history-and-the-plight-of-the-native-americans/.
My heart has trouble letting go of this subject and I’m sure we will be approaching it again in another day.
This will be the last people group we explore before our summary of our Social Justice Series.
How should Christians in America be responding to these issues? Do we join in with the Marxists and the critical theory point of view; or is there a better way?
Look for the wrap-up articles in November.

There were lots of fall products (blog-subject related in nature) presented from our IN SEASON Community Store; both in October and November of 2020.
Just click this link to see them: https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/the-in-season-lifestyle-community-store-for-november-2020/
We hope you enjoy our little shopping excursions that are offered once a month. Our favorite product for October has to be our new book; THE GOSPEL HIDDEN IN GENESIS – BOOK ONE OF TWO. Be watching for the publication of BOOK TWO OF TWO sometime this fall.

We are excited about the upcoming November articles!

Of course we are all about the holiday of Thanksgiving! We are so very grateful to our readers and our community here.
Thanksgiving has never been so fun and festive!
Look for our articles on Thanksgiving decorating themes in THE HOUSE DOCTOR topics. We debated a Little House on The Prairie theme; but changed our minds and simply went for the theme of GRATITUDE. I guess we just really wanted to keep this year simple, fun and uncomplicated. It is about the gathering; not about how much work you put in – right?
Finally; you know we won’t be forgetting Veteran’s Day as we are so busy getting ready for Thanksgiving. It is so important that we honor those who have faithfully served our country and we will be looking at different ways that is done in America this year.

If you want something more complicated for Thanksgiving décor; yet quite eloquent and lovely; we have those styles from previous years which we will re-feature in THE HOUSE DOCTOR; just for fun.
How many of you caught Thanksgiving in a Vineyard a few years ago; or Thanksgiving on the Farm last year? What about that year we did Thanksgiving By The Sea? Remember when we did a Classic Thanksgiving? Also; remember a Traditional Thanksgiving? You have lots of choices to browse through here!
Look for some walks down memory lane as well as some new articles on a Thanksgiving full of Gratitude and Simplicity.

You know we are going to remind you of all those recipes we have used in the past; the ones that follow our themes in THE HOUSE DOCTOR. Also; we will give you another glimpse of our OOPS I FORGOT; that makes you a simple Thanksgiving menu, gives you the recipes and even the grocery list. What more could you need?
We might just throw in a few new surprise recipes as well as some tried and true old traditional dishes. Lots of these will tie in with family fun and activities to enjoy together; so get ready for more fun/less work this year.
You know how The IN SEASON Lifestyle loves sharing our family time with our readers. Look for a Thanksgiving recap in the December Newsletter. We really do hope that you will send us comments and stories of your own celebrations to share with the IN SEASON Lifestyle Community too.

We will summarize our thoughts on the best ways for Christians to participate in social justice issues.
This will close our long-running series on social justice. I hope we have opened a few eyes and have found new ways to love one another in this whole process.
America just elected a new president. How will that play out in the circle of social justice? All I can say is God is still in control. He has promised to be with us as long as there are changing seasons on the earth and a rainbow in the sky. Let’s trust Him and pray that He will lead our leaders.
Let’s end this secular calendar year in December with a heart-felt “God Bless America” from all parties. May America continue to be blessed!

This month we are on the lookout for great poetry that expresses gratitude in order to share with our little community.
Do you have a favorite?
I hope we can share our collection with you before this month is over.

We are going to feature a few of our favorite places to go in the fall. Some of these you have seen in the past; but might want to review again; and some of them are completely new places that we think would interest our readers. October and November are such lovely months for travel, adventure, gatherings and community events!

We have already shared our November 2020 Community Store; if you missed it; just click here: https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/the-in-season-lifestyle-community-store-for-november-2020/. One new product should be rolling off the presses soon and that is Book Two of Two for THE GOSPEL HIDDEN IN GENESIS. Why not make these new books a part of your Christmas shopping and help us to spread the joy of the gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone that we know and love this year.
These are only a few of the things we have planned for November. There will be lots of other surprises along the way.
Thanks to all of our faithful readers for making The IN SEASON Lifestyle Community a fun and active place to visit and read every fall season.

Gail Landgraf
The IN SEASON Lifestyle Blog
Via Wordcastle Publications LLC