December blew right on out of town this year; before I could even catch my breath. As a matter of fact it is almost time to write our January 2023 Newsletter! This could be a problem; but I’m going to solve that dilemma by making every newsletter from this moment forward into a simple look back over the month that just ended.
That means no more previews of the next month in the newsletter; but don’t worry those will be given all month long in other articles and posts. Maybe that will simplify the time-trap and make achieving these newsletters a more timely task for us here in this little blogging community.
Life is moving so very fast these days; We can hardly keep up.

However; I definitely don’t want to forget all of the lovely details of December 2022. It was an amazing and wonderful month. As always, it seems that family members make life so special. Almost every day of our December time was filled with wonderous events and happy smiles. The whole month was such a nice change from the weariness of recovering from a pandemic and so many of the crazy political happenings transpiring across the globe.

We snuggled into our December wonder and let God guide us into happier and more positive days. I am so grateful to be making such a turn. The only news I am paying attention to in the coming year is the Good News of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. The world news will be falling on deaf ears; though I will continue to pray for God to change the world. From here on out – you will find me on His time and not the clock that is ticking towards doomsday.
So let’s move ahead and look at the fresh new memories that we found in December of 2022.

Below you will find illustrated and categorized links to all of the articles we covered in the blog during last December. We hope you enjoyed all of them, and we would love to have any comments or suggestions for the future Decembers to come:

Perhaps one reason I had so much trouble being timely with our December Review is the fact that I had ended the year by writing the annual article about The Glorious Impossibles for 2022.
In this summary of the memories and miracles of the past year which I publish annually; I did a brief review of the year gone by. I think that gave me a subconscious feeling that I had already finished this Newsletter for December.
At any rate; here is the article if you wish to review it. I can truly say out of all the articles that I write every year; more prayer and thought seems to land in this particular subject’s topic. I’m always fascinated at the wonder that God puts into each moment of the time He created for us to live. I treasure having memories of the glorious impossible moments from so many past years. They are like pearls on a string making a beautiful necklace of the stories of our lives.

Have you been following along with us in the book of Joshua? Here are all of the December articles in case you might have missed one.




And just like that – December turned into January and our lives turned another page. It will be exciting to see what God shows us in the coming year!
God bless you everyone!