Day One of our feast is going to be so full; it is hard to imagine that Day 2 could be any better; but you know what?
Every day builds on top of the last when you come to the Feast.
Each passing day becomes more and more special. It is just like going to a great dance where everyone keeps dancing but saves the most special dance time for last.
You have to express yourself with a happy sigh just thinking about it.
But what else would you expect in a time when you are rehearsing what the world will be like when Jesus Christ is finally King?
Every day is amazing.
When we come to Day Two there is a little decorating to do.
The kids especially love this part of the feast.
We have designated that our screened porch will serve as our “temporary sukkah” and now we have to decorate it.
As our story about The Sukkah of Moses explains; everyone will decorate by bringing a part of something that represents their own self.
Some of us will share a song. A few people who love art will paint or draw and then explain what that painting or drawing meant to them in relation to our time at The Feast of Tabernacles.
Others might write and share verses of poetry, and maybe one will volunteer to teach all of us a few new dance steps.
One son loves the guitar, and I suspect he will play a song he wrote to us. Another son is good with making things out of wood and he might share his favorite piece of woodwork. The son that is very athletic will teach the young boys a few new moves in their favorite sport. Our photography-careered son will be shooting family photos as we go along and hopefully; he will share them with us after this week is over.
The kids will have lots of crafts to work on; and each one of them will come up with their favorite masterpiece and explain why that is so. They might also create a few plays for us about the Feast.
Four lovely daughters will bring beautiful smiles and lots of laughter as they share their gifts of homemade apple pie, the perfectly mixed cocktail, and a fine Caribbean dish for dinner one night, and a special knack for knowing what fun activity the kids should enjoy next. It is a great gift to have the heart of a child at the Feast; and we all will definitely revert back to those more playful and spontaneous days.
My husband will be constantly exercising his leadership skills as he leads our worship and guides our trip. He always has a few surprises up his sleeves; but we never know until they happen.
And me?
Well; you know I’m going to be telling those Sukkah stories from the series I wrote long ago; and the story for Day Two will be “The Sukkah That Moses Built.” You can read the story from my latest book called GOLDEN TALES FOR RAINY DAYS. Order your copy here if you like:
We will all take turns cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner and somewhere in between there my husband will probably give a talk about the fact that this feast day is really a rehearsal time of when Christ returns again and transforms the earth into God’s Kingdom.
Have you ever wondered what that would be like?
Once we have been with Him at The Marriage Supper of The Lamb; Christ will usher in the Millennium, which will be a thousand year period where He will reign as Our King of Kings.
All wickedness will be subdued and God’s True People will be in charge of all of the cities of the earth. No one will want for anything; everyone will be happy. It will be a period of great abundance and it is the only time of the whole year where we do not restrain ourselves from all our heart desires. The usual balancing act is not required during this week.
It is a festival and a feast and we treat it as such!
You can eat all the chocolate you want!
Shop without worrying; we have saved for this event all year and there is plenty for everyone.
Which part of life will you enjoy that you never let yourself spend or take time for normally?
Hopefully; by now we have given our tithes to help others with their feast expenses; so there is absolutely no reason to feel guilty. God WANTS us ALL to have plenty during this time.
Dine out if you wish; and don’t skimp on the luxuries; have the wine, eat the dessert. Buy the shoes!
As I mentioned earlier; it is a time of freedom to go out with your family and explore all of the blessings of the earth you never have time for during your typical working week.
My family will be staying near a well-known Antebellum Trail. We might visit a few farms with pumpkin patch activities; or take a tour of a farm where Clydesdale horses reside. Part of the time we might tour some of the Arts and Science Museums along that same trail way and also take in a few nature walks at some of the many parks. History buffs like me will have a blast. Nature lovers like our grown children will certainly be in their element.
Mornings will be full of teaching and fellowship and afternoons will be full of explorations and adventures, and just enjoying downtime and rest.
Evenings will be for enjoying food and fellowship around the firepit situated right on the edge of the beautiful lake that backs up to the backyard of our “temporary shelter.” The lights on the water will be mesmerizing.
Every day we will take some special moments to enjoy our Sukkah in some unique and fun way.
On the occasion of The Feast of Tabernacles; we pray that you and your family be blessed with happiness, pleasure and prosperity.