On the 7th day of Hanukkah, we begin the new month of Tevet. We have just stepped out of Kislev. (https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/rosh-chodesh-kislev/.) There is a new moon in the sky. God’s clock is still hanging there. It is still keeping accurate time. As the world’s calendar brings us into what they perceive to be a new year; God’s calendar brings us into an important new month. Tevet has much to teach us.
We will celebrate Rosh Codesh, the Moed of the new month of Tevet. This time falls on the heals of Sukkot, Christmas and Hanukkah. God’s calendar kept right on turning, whether you decided to celebrate one, two or all three occasions.
I hope you did what God directed you to do. He is so patient with all of us, and we are still learning so much about exactly what God desires of us in worship and holiness. I constantly pray for guidance. At our house we did celebrate all three occasions without any of what we have come to believe to be pagan (that may be different for many according to the intentions of the heart.)
Trees CAN be pagan, but our tree was intended to honor God. It is my perception right now that God loved trees and used them in so many special ways. I hope I have done right. It is my constant prayer for clarification.
Many Hebraic worshipers will not go near a decorated tree. I will keep listening to God. If He directs me to give it up; I will. In the meantime, I’m thankful for the lovely blessings we shared in the shade of this tree.

As I poured my morning coffee I caught a glimpse of the wooden cross which hung in the very center of our tree. It wasn’t too far away from the dove, which is always the first ornament we hang. The dove reminds us that God’s Holy Spirit is what matters most in our celebrations.
The cross reminded us of the love of Jesus. It was surrounded by many golden lights. God with us. Emmanuel – The Light of the World, and look; here is what He did for us. He died on a cross so that we could live forever. That was how the Christmas leg of our celebration showed up. It may be wrong in the eyes of many. I am still growing and learning,
For now I feel God was okay with what we did this year. He could completely change our mind by next year. This month begins a whole new growing process. I feel changes are part of life. Time will tell.
People are hoping for peace on earth. Many are attempting to come together under God despite their differences from the past. Can Christians and Jews actually unite to form one new man? Time will tell. Can the vines of the branches recognize their own roots? Will the roots support and bring new life? Here is an interesting article which speaks of one group’s perception of these three seasonal times: https://www.oneforisrael.org/bible-based-teaching-from-israel/christmakkah-the-hanukkah-sukkot-christmas-connection/. This is a pretty amazing concept to ponder as we head into another new beginning. I make no judgement calls; and am just trusting God to reveal what truly matters to all of us.
Tevet whispers it’s fresh new messages to us. The dark cold days have glimpses of light that say this is a time to leave the things of the past. We must be about preparing for a new and glorious future. The One who came to us long ago is coming again. That is the date we should be pondering. This time He will be a King and we will be a vital part of His Kingdom.
Many of us are finishing our celebrations of the last days of Hanukkah. Yes, we are Christians but we realize that Jesus kept The Feast of Dedication. What a full month! It is plainly a time of dedication. In ancient times Hanukkah was called The Dedication of Lights. You can read more of the history of Hanukkah here: https://www.chabad.org/holidays/chanukah/article_cdo/aid/102816/jewish/The-Chanukah-Story.htm. Here is a photo of the hanukkiah we used at our home:

Because this new month of Tevet begins around the end of Hanukkah, we are celebrating being able to walk in the miracles of the oil. Of course, this miracle oil that lasted for eight days at Hanukkah is symbolic of the gift of God’s Holy Spirit.
I learned something new during this season of Hanukkah. I wish to share these facts (new to me) with our readers. Did you know that originally Hanukkah was designed to be a second Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)?
This interesting message shares the facts most of us have never paid attention to. The service may not be what you are accustomed to, but it is authentic in so many ways. The message starts at point 12.26 in the video, you may only wish to pick up on that part of this service if you are rushed for time. It is well worth the time you will spend though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywebiRspVyI.
After listening to this explanation, learn even more with the follow-up video which is also available on Youtube.com. You will see the second message after you listen to the first. I would not recommend skipping because both are full of astounding details. I have been sitting under some of the lessons of Dr. Hollisa Alewine for several weeks now. Her wisdom and knowledge of God’s ways and the history of His people are astounding. I love how God has led her to clear up so many muddy details of worship. My studies under her teachings will continue. They have really blessed me, and I especially love her work called The Creation Gospels.
These videos I’ve referenced here speak of a time when God had proclaimed that those who had not been able to come up for The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) would have a second celebration. This was like a make-up time for those who had missed the dates for Sukkot. God apparently didn’t want anyone to miss this gift of special time. It seems this was the time and how Nehemiah celebrated Sukkot late after having built the walls and gates back up for Jerusalem.
Whenever this happened many were detained beyond their control because of extenuating circumstances such as exile, a death in the family, a harsh and uncontrollable travel schedule, etc. Those who missed the original dates could come and celebrate at this second Sukkot, which eventually became what we now call Hanukkah. I couldn’t help but wonder how this all ties in with the Resurrections that are coming. the bible does speak of two resurrections. It is something worth studying and paying attention to for the future.
At any rate, this was the original intent for what is now called Hanukkah. Over time Hanukkah grew into what we celebrate today because of the history that came later. I’m speaking of the history which is tied to the Re-Dedication of the Temple in the days of the Maccabees.
When the Temple was desecrated by Antiochus Epiphanes, a dead pig was sacrificed at the altar. This desecration meant the people had not been able to come into the Temple to celebrate Sukkot during that year. They were forbidden to touch or be around dead bodies, and even pigs would count as forbidden. Pork was a forbidden food, so it was a dual problem. If the people went around pork, and/or dead bodies, they became unclean.
After the purification of the Temple, (it took a year,) right after the Maccabees defeated the Syrian/Greeks and the faithful could return to Temple worship, they held a second Sukkot to make up for not having one during the previous year. Because of the great miracle of only one cruse of purified oil lasting for eight days, they actually celebrated for 2 weeks or two sets of eight days instead of one. This was to make up for the loss of celebrating past Sukkots at the Temple as well as to commemorate all that God had restored in their worship and their nation.
How appropriate, therefore, that this day also commemorates the date that Esther came unto the King. She had been in a process of purification for 12 months (the same amount of time that took place in the Temple restoration.)
When pondering the story of Esther, the time has dual meanings. It is symbolic of a year of purification before meeting the King, and symbolic of the day Esther came into the presence of the King after a whole year of purification. These two times were exactly a year apart.
It took a year of preparation time for Esther to be ready to meet the King. Annually we are reminded of how God’s calendar prepares us for time in His eternal Kingdom.
Some of us may be going through such a time of preparation today. Many may be at the end of a year of a time of purification in our walk with God. These may be making life-changes they have never considered before. Others may be only beginning that walk. Perhaps they just discovered the wonders of knowing and following God’s calendar. We are all in different places, but we have the same goal of honoring Our Father, God. This calendar is the one place where our differences are able to come together and grow.
If you follow the Hebraic calendar through a whole year, it will automatically walk you through times of self-examination and purification. Once you have followed the days and customs of the Hebraic calendar for a whole year, you begin to enter into a new sacred year (during the month of Tishri.) At that time, if you look back, you will realize how much walking with God through His calendar has cleansed you of your own ways.
His light will now be reflecting out of your life. This is nothing that we do ourselves. It is simply what God’s Holy Spirit working with our commitment to obedience to God can accomplish. I speak of an obedience of love and not duty. On our own, we can do nothing. After a year of faithfully following God’s Hebraic calendar, it will be easy to see how He has restored our lives and brought us into His more perfect ways of living.
It is a wonderful feeling to begin a new year clean and ready for service in God’s Kingdom. Through the miracle of the oil (symbolized by the keeping of Hanukkah) God will now (in the month of Tevet) begin to promote His people into new places and positions for this year. They will be led to carry out their individual and communal purposes for The Kingdom.
It takes going through that purification process first. Then the day finally arrives. It is the day of meeting with the King!
He will guide you into helping Him to rule and reign over His Kingdom. Your holy purpose will flourish and thrive under His guidance and care.
That is not to say that everything will be moonbeams and rainbows from now on. Not at all. As we walk through this new time in this new month of Tevet, we may encounter many enemies who wish to destroy us.
This happens just as happened with Esther when she encountered the hateful Haman. It is important to stay in prayer and to keep The Light of The World (Jesus) blazing before us in our hearts. We must remember to be properly clothed in the priestly garments of a holy priesthood.
For the flames of holy fire to keep burning, the oil must be constantly replenished. It is through following Yeshua and His Light that we will find our way as we travel on through time while living in a wicked and evil generation.
There is no need to be afraid or to shy away from the truth we have been given. It is time to live in the Light of the Kingdom. Begin to let your light shine out to the world. God has plans, and your purpose is about to be important for fulfilling those plans.
Walk in grace and truth. Stay covered with The Blood of Christ. You will never walk alone.
Celebrate this beginning of a new and holy month of God’s great gift of time. Enter into Tevet with the oil burning brightly in your life. Be a light that reflects The Light.