Like a determined Old Testament prophet who will not give up or go away; I keep harping on the curses for disobedience found in Deuteronomy Chapter 28.
Why dwell on these so long?
To be fair; we DID cover the blessings first (as the scriptures also did.) But; now we are spending time in the curses, because I feel our world today is seeing a repeat of disobedience, much like before Israel was dispersed, or even much like before the Great Flood that only Noah and his family survived.
We must wake up and change!
Today we are going to look at the words from Deuteronomy 28: 25:
The Lord shall cause thee to be smitten before thine enemies: thou shalt go out one way against them, and flee seven ways before them: and shalt be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth.
How could this possibly play into our lives today too?
You do not have to participate in a publicly declared and known war to destroy an enemy. Some wars are fought quietly and in a hidden way. The enemy infiltrates your land quietly and unnoticed. One day you wake up to meet him standing at your gate.
There has been a plan (or several plans) to destroy America from within for years from several countries who tend to be of different national persuasions. These are nations who have different values and morals than the morality Americans have always stood for; most of which have been based upon Christian principle’s and values.
The first strategy such hidden enemies have for defeating America is to destroy their faith in God. American’s may have lost the vision for where their true strength comes from; but those on the outside looking in have noticed all along.
These countries are forging hidden wars within our very homes and deep within the hearts of our children everyday.
Most of us just do not recognize what is happening.
They prowl our schools, churches and institutions, constantly looking for ways to break down our society so that they can take over in the chaos that follows.
No rules of war are set.
They quietly make the rules behind the scenes as they go along.
Most of us fall right in step with whatever they are trying to pull over our eyes.
We are constantly deceived.
Let’s stop and remember where these curses originated. They come from the twin sins of apostasy and disobedience.
We have been disobedient and are in a constant state of apostasy in the nation of America.
How so?
I looked up “apostasy” in the encyclopedia and it was described in this way:
“It (apostasy) has been described as “a willful falling away from, or rebellion against, Christianity. Apostasy is the rejection of Christ by one who has been a Christian….Apostasy is a theological category describing those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned their faith in The God of the Covenant, who manifests himself most completely in Jesus Christ. Apostasy is the antonym of conversion; it is deconversion.”
That word “deconversion” is very interesting in light of the cultures of this world. We seem to be in an evolving state of “deconversion” to the ways of Christianity.
Whatever is considered a Christian way of life seems to suddenly need to be replaced by its complete opposite in society.
This type of action is quickly spreading throughout the land.
There is no logic or reason to define it.
Many think this is demonic in nature.
We can see this obvious “deconversion” in the changing of the definitions of society that have prevailed forever.
Marriage is no longer defined as “a man and a woman.”
Men with masculine traits are no longer defined as “he” and women with feminine traits are no longer defined as “she.”
Families no longer exist as parents and children, with parents ruling over the young; but now the young can sue their parents for ruling over them, and/or the parents can be punished for the sins of their disobedient children.
It is considered normal for politicians to tell bold-faced lies in order to get the desired votes; and they buy and sell their votes as if that were an honorable thing to do.
Large companies lord over small businesses; creating rules that are impossible and forcing them out of business.
Once well-known and favored establishments become drunk with power and use their power to achieve their unpopular-with-the-common people politics.
Those who work hard and contribute to society to make a difference have their jobs removed in order that those who follow the leader like sheep to the slaughter get rewards that are undeserved for nothing of merit or value. They are rewarded for not taking a stance for their beliefs; and those who do are cancelled and silenced.
Society becomes more about loyalty to a leader and his followers than loyalty to morality or a belief system.
Those countries who have always been our allies and defenders and vice-versa, are treated like enemies; and countries who have harmed us many times in the past and have openly declared hatred for our nation are now called our close friends. We fund them to destroy us everyday.
The curses for these types of disobedience will come.
The scriptures speak of how those who love darkness rather than light will be put under the curse. They will begin to grope around in the middle of the day; but they will still not be able to see.
Such a nation will be plundered of all of their enjoyments.
Their homes, gardens and families will be taken from them.
What once belonged to them, and gave them pride and comfort, will now belong to their enemies.
All the things they labored for will be taken from them.
Then; the worse will come.
Many will be carried away captive into another far country and dispersed to all the farthest corners of the earth.
The once great nation will no longer be known for its good deeds, but it will be a nation shamed; divided, lost and forgotten to the people of the earth.
This nation will be remembered among all nations as the country that was smitten before its enemies.
It will happen because of repeated disobedience to God, idolatry and apostacy.
What happened to Israel can easily happen again. Sometimes this is how God teaches nations to remain true and faithful.
Let’s hope we can learn before the need for such drastic action.
It isn’t too late to turn around and change.