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A funny coincidence has occurred at my house this week. My husband has been studying the facts around the lottery. It is the largest it has ever been in history and someone will be the lucky winner! In contrast to that; I have been pondering more about Shemitah; which, if you think about it, would be a lot like winning the lottery every seventh year. I just found that a bit amusing.
In our last lesson we spoke about The Annual Sabbath; or the 7th Year Sabbath. Before we move on to discuss The Year of Jubilee; we need to explore the implications of The Annual Sabbath further. There is a lot to learn here. This is a very important spiritual concept; especially for the land of Israel. It has both past, present and future prophetic implications and good bible students have learned to pay attention to the other passages of scripture that tie in with this concept.
Welcome to our every Thursday on-going bible study called COME AS A CHILD. This lesson takes up where we left off in Leviticus; Chapter 25 I hope you read the whole chapter before you begin the study. We are so pleased to have you joining us today!
If you missed last week’s lesson you can review it here: SHEMITAH – THE SABBATH YEAR – COME AS A CHILD – LESSON – 231 Since this subject is especially relevant today; we are continuing the conversation we started last week on the subject of the Shemitah, or The Annual Sabbath.
Last week we established the scriptures that proclaimed that Israel should keep Shemitah when they arrived and lived in the Promised Land. The scripture relating to this command of God is found in Leviticus 25: 1 – 7.
The Lord said to Moses at Mount Sinai, “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When you enter the land I am going to give you, the land itself must observe a sabbath to the Lord. For six years sow your fields, and for six years prune your vineyards and gather their crops. But the seventh year the land is to have a year of sabbath rest, a sabbath to the Lord. Do not sow your fields or prune your vineyards. Do not reap what grows of itself or harvest the grapes of your untended vines. The land is to have a year of rest. Whatever the land yields during the sabbath year will be food for you – for yourself, your male and female servants, and the hired worker and temporary resident who lives among you as well as for your livestock and the wild animals in your land. Whatever the land produces may be eaten.
For years after moving into the promised land; the people kept God’s command to observe this Sabbath Year; which they called Shemitah.
Whenever one speaks of Shemitah the theories and concepts around talk about the tribulations-to-come is eventually pondered and discussed. Most people think we are very near to the end times mentioned in Revelation; only God The Father knows. Jesus has warned us to be watching and waiting and ready.
To be prepared for the Sabbath Year one also had to be watching and waiting and ready. They had to know the times they were living in. They had to ponder God’s will for those times and they had to prepare for the year that they would not be growing crops so that they could still manage to eat and feed their families. Things had to be stored away in such a fashion that they could continue to thrive physically as they concentrated more on thriving spiritually during the time of Shemitah.
Before we think of tribulations and times in the future; let’s think a moment about the times of the past.
Up until 490 years before the Babylonian captivity; the people of Israel observed the Annual Sabbath that came every 7th year; or as the Hebrews call it; the Shemita. The word Shemitah in Hebrew means “release.”
Then for a time period of 490 years they ignored the whole concept of a weekly Sabbath
AND the 7th year Annual Sabbath. It wasn’t just the Shemita that they ignored; they ignored everything that God had taught them. The people fell into sin. They were very heavy into idolatry and none of God’s laws were commonly kept in the land anymore.
How soon we can forget the hand that delivers us!
For this; God judged Israel.
He proclaimed the main reason for judgment to be idolatry.
Before His judgement fell; God called and sent faithful prophets that proclaimed the truth and begged the people to repent and change. They did not. God waited patiently for a change. It did not happen.
An idolatrous land would not have observed the rules of God. They would not have kept the Shemitah requirements. The promised land did not receive its proper nourishment and the people were no longer being spiritually nourished. God was there; but they did not turn to Him. They did not worship God or keep or observe the Sabbaths.
Sabbaths are extremely important to God.
The punishment which God sent was banishment from the land.
So it was that the people of Israel went into Babylonian captivity. This second time of captivity (the Assyrians had already conquered part of Israel before this happened) lasted for 70 years.
Why 70 years?
It seems that there was one year of captivity for each of the Shemitah years that had been ignored. Had the people repented and turned to God and given up their idolatry; God would not have required them to make up the Annual Sabbaths that had been missed.
However; this did not happen and God did require 70 years of Sabbaths for the land to rest. During this time the people of Israel were held captive by Babylon and all of the land lay fallow and untouched.
This was what happened to Israel long ago, in the past.
It was their own fault.
The rule for the Shemitah ONLY applied to Israel; not to any of the other nations.
As the years have progressed since this time, some people groups who are not native to Israel have been confused as to whether or not this rule should now apply to them. Especially Christian groups have pondered whether or not their nation would be punished by God for not observing the Annual Sabbaths.
Some modern-day prophets have prophesied that America would suffer for not keeping ANY Sabbaths; much less the Annual Sabbaths.
However; this law wasn’t given to any nation but Israel. It applied to The Land of Promise. Americans as well as other nations have nothing whatsoever to worry about because of not observing the Shemitah; God has not required it of America or the other nations; it was only required of Israel.
However; it might be good to stress to America that the non-observance of the weekly Sabbaths and the Shemitah was not God’s MAIN reason for allowing the people of Israel to go into captivity.
The reason God allowed judgement to come to Israel was because of idolatry.
Unlike the Shemitah; the rules against idolatry are not specific and unique for Israel. These rules apply to anyone who claims to be a Child of God; or anyone who follows God and believes in His Son Jesus Christ as Messiah.
Jesus said; if you love me; keep My commandments. It is a commandment that we are to put no other gods before the worship of God Almighty. He alone is God and He alone is to be worshiped. Even today; God will judge idolatry. This applies to any nation!
God does not approve of idolatry from ANY nation. If you need proof just go back and read about the plagues of Egypt. Any nation participating in the pagan practice of idolatry (regardless of whether or not they observe the Sabbaths of God, or the Annual Sabbaths, or The Year of Jubilee) has always suffered and never prospered.
When nations begin to dabble in idolatry, prosperity continues as usual both for the evil and for the good. It is always allowed for a while. God is very patient and long-suffering and does not wish that any should suffer; but there is always a limit to how much idolatry God will put up with from anyone; Israeli or not.
So nations of idolatry; beware.
The God of Israel is still on His throne and He is constantly watching. Just as happened with Israel; there will come an end to God’s patience.
Many people have become lax and have not paid attention to how idols and pagan practices have taken over their lands, homes and work places. It even trickles over to worship in church congregations because the people have become so accustomed to it that they do not recognize it and are not aware of it.
Take Halloween for instance; it is now practiced in the land as if it were pure worship to God. Television stations present beautiful stories in movies where patrons of villages openly admit that “Halloween is our favorite time of the year!” Halloween is now celebrated by more people than those who celebrate The Resurrection and the Conception and Birth of Christ.
It is not just Halloween though; pagan practices are seeping into our nation and dumping their curses everywhere that you look. God’s ways are being pushed aside and forgotten. You must have eyes to see to notice this. Many of God’s people have fallen asleep. Like the disciples who slept through the time of Jesus’s agony in the garden before the crucifixion; they are not aware and the people of God are sleeping through their watch.
The devil loves to have perfect attendance in church services. It is there that he wants to do his best work of creating chaos and division among God’s people.
As for who should or who should not observe the Shemitah; Israel is the only nation mentioned by God to keep this commandment; however; God has never objected to those who wish to follow the ways of Israel because they KNOW these are the ways of God and the pattern He has set.
That would be a personal decision, and in the long run a national decision for each nation.
Over my sixty plus years of life on this earth; I’ve never seen anyone make a commitment to change because of the knowledge of God’s wisdom and not be blessed. This is simply an unwritten law of the universe. It is certainly okay and acceptable for a person to observe Shemitah out of conviction to follow God because of love instead of duty.
There is more to think about though concerning the Shemitah than understanding who will physically observe the process.
A lot of knowing about this process has to do with prophecy and end times and the calculations of times on God’s calendar. This process is certainly something to take into consideration if you are studying end-times. There ARE parallels to notice. However; it may not be something that you need to worry about; depending on how strong your faith in Messiah is when the end-time comes.
God will do nothing without first warning through the sending His prophets.
Most Christians know and love the passage found in Isaiah 61:1-3. It was an original prophecy given by the prophet named Isaiah. For those of you who are unfamiliar; this is the passage:
The spirit of the sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion – to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.
This very passage was read by Jesus from a scroll in The Temple in the year that He actually began his earthly ministry. It was the beginning of three amazing years.
Think about the words of God to the people who are faithful to carry out His command to keep the Shemita. God promised that in the harvests of the years before the Shemitah there would be enough abundance and blessing to carry them through the time of the Annual Sabbath of the land.
Christians of today are called to the ministry of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. If we follow Him. We are like a royal priesthood following in the steps of Jesus; our High Priest. We are the disciples that serve God along side of Him now. We are His bond-slaves. He has paid our debts of sin and we are bound to serve Him.
That little band of twelve disciples that Jesus started out with has now grown and grown into thousands and millions of souls who follow Jesus. Jesus has proclaimed that He came to set the captives free. He is the bringer of Shemitah.
Every seven years when the Annual Sabbath arrived in ancient times; people were relieved of their debts. A year of release was proclaimed. Debts could land you in jail. Once pronounced “guilty” people served their terms of indebtedness by serving those who chose to bail them out (usually this was a kinsman redeemer; or someone in the family that took responsibility for the person’s welfare.)
This was a type of bondage, but it was a civil bondage in that the people taken captive were not considered to be slaves; merely hired hands that worked and lived on their master’s land until their contract ran out. At that time they were given what they needed to survive until they could return home to grow their own crops and farm their own lands once again.
I would highly recommend that everyone go back and re-read that passage from Isaiah from this perspective.
Read it with the true spiritual meaning of the Shemitah; for that was the time that Jesus stood and read the scroll in the Temple. It was the time of the beginning of the 7th year on what was called “the day of release.” The Day of Release was the time at the end of the Feast of Trumpets when the Shemitah began when every man’s debts were considered forgiven and wiped out of the books.
After he read the scroll Jesus said something amazing: Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him. He began by saying to them, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” (Luke 4: 20-21)
It was the time of the physical Shemitah for Israel; it had begun. Something spiritual and bigger than this physical concept had also begun; Jesus was ready to set the captives free.
Jesus is our Shemitah!
Remember how God said that the previous years would provide enough for the year that the land lies in Sabbath rest? Listen to the words of this passage that speak of Shemitah.
Remember how God said that he would bless those who kept this rule with abundance? Remember it as you read the words again.
On the day Christ stood in the temple and read this passage it was the day of release. Today; Jesus is still the One who proclaims and brings our spiritual Shemitah. He is our Sabbath Year; our ongoing release from the debts of our sin; our time of rest and nourishment directly from God comes from Him.
No one can truly rest until they come to rest in Jesus.
Understand this people; for it matters. A time is coming when you will need to remember; even if you do NOT live in Israel.
You will need to remember because your Master; Jesus Christ will return for you and proclaim again the time of the year of The Lord’s Favor.
You are one of the captives of the world.
He is your release.
Jesus is your Shemitah!
Jesus will be your salvation from the day of God’s wrath and vengeance.
We read about this in 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10: For they themselves report concerning us and the kind of reception we had among you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.
Re-read those last nine words. Are they not music to your ears?
Yes, dear friends, it is true that our Deliverer is coming! He is coming in the clouds and He will save us from the wrath of that day. He is our Shemitah!
He will comfort and provide for His people in Zion.
He will give them a crown of beauty for ashes and the oil of joy instead of mourning.
He will bring the garment of praise (a wedding garment) instead of despair.
The year of release will come for the Bride of Christ before the wrath and vengeance of God comes at the end of time.
Are you watching and waiting?
What looks to be your want and what others are calling your coming troubles will actually become your abundance. This is the principle that God set into motion back in ancient time. Do not be deceived. Wait with patience and expectation. Perhaps no one else will see this; only those who follow and believe in Christ.
Search The Word and prove it for yourself.
All I can tell you is that the stories I’ve heard of the faithful and true of today who are living and harvesting in Israel who planted and harvested their crops according to the requirements of The Sabbath Year received abundance. They were blessed! Their crops more than carried them through the last few years after the Sabbath Year of rest.
Those who planted and harvested according to the ways of men and the world without paying attention to Shemitah reaped a poor, thin and unhealthy crop which did not make a good profit. Natural disasters (rains and floods) came and took their crops away when they least expected.
Those who followed God’s calendar had good crops in the proper years; enough to survive the times when they let the land have its rest.
Christ is returning for those who have been faithful to keep His word. He will NOT come for those following the ways of the world and participating in pagan idolatry.
Are you aware of your own customs and traditions?
Do they match the Word of God?
Can you count on your Shemitah and your time of rest and refreshing?
Then there is nothing to fear; only the hope of The Day of Release when each man will return to his own vine and property and Christ will take His rightful reign as King of All Kings.
Every family will have plenty.
God’s laws will be written over men’s hearts and even the harness bells of the horses will be inscribed with these words: Holy to the LORD. (Zech 14:20)
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