Over the past several weeks we have been studying the passage found in Deuteronomy Chapter 28 which describes the curses that come to God’s people who chose to live in constant disobedience.
Today we look at the passage that speaks of the curse of scorching heat and drought.
Remember why the people of Israel had to go to Egypt before they came to be slaves of Pharaoh?
It was because of a draught that had come to the Land of Canaan.
There was no water, hence no crops were able to grow. Livestock could not be watered and there was no grass for grazing in the heat, thus there was no meat to eat. Wells were drying out. People were getting thirsty as well as hungry.
Israel’s sons had been disobedient. They had lied to their father and told him that Joseph was killed by a wild animal; when instead they had sold him into slavery.
Their disobedient actions had placed their father into a state of constant and painful grief. The absence of Joseph was more than he could bare.
I can’t help but think of Our Heavenly Father’s grief when we are disobedient to him. This disobedience betrays the Son who gave His life for us. Jesus and Joseph had so much in common. The disobedient brothers and people of the world today also have a lot in common.
So; the people of Israel heard how Egypt had plenty (because of Joseph’s vision from God which they were not aware of) and they decided to go into Egypt in order to try to purchase food for the family and grain for the livestock.
This was the only way they could escape the draught.
Fortunately, here in America we don’t have to deal with too many cases of draught; right?
Maybe this is one of the curses for disobedience that we might be able to escape?
Don’t be too sure.
I did a little research to see what the scientist and weather people were saying about draught in America for 2022. This is what I found out:
If you look at a current map of the United States for the present year of 2021, you can see that some of the western states are already in severe drought mode.
It was interesting to note that the states of the east who tend to be inhabited by more Christians, are not showing draughts. Most of the states in the West who tend to have higher numbers of atheists; are showing draught.
I had not noticed these facts or thought about them very much until we began to study the curses for disobedience. It was clear that the states that had more Godly people were clearly suffering less amounts of draught.
This could simply be a coincidence; or maybe it isn’t. For now we will just note the facts.
Predicted for the coming year of 2022; are more intense droughts for the west.
Weather patterns seem to be changing.
There is less and less snow run-offs; providing less and less water.
The West is seeing less rain with every passing year.
Fires are intensifying, and water is beginning to be in a state of short supply.
Most of these draught states are very concerned about global warming and human consumption causing all of these problems.
I would be curious to see what would happen if these states got down on their knees and repented for their lack of respect toward God’s ways, and turned around and began to follow the laws of God’s scriptures.
I wonder what the weather would be like for them after that?
I know it may sound strange, judgmental and unscientific to ask such questions; but there are countless examples in the bible which speak of people repenting and turning back to God, then seeing their lands restored and their lack turning into abundance.
My point (no matter the science) is that spirituality and morality matter to the One who created the weather and made the rain and caused our oceans, lakes and rivers to perform as they do. This factor is never taken into consideration when the environmentalist groups speak of global warming and weather changes.
What if turning to God solved the problem?
It could turn out that there is no real scientific problem at all; it COULD be a spiritual problem.
Or both.
Not pointing my finger either; because at any moment, the states of the East could be facing the same problems.
We have disobedient problems all over this country.
No one is exempt.
Some of the finest and holiest people on earth live in the West, and are now taking a stand daily. Daily they pray and repent and try to persuade others to change. They can’t walk this road all alone though; it is time for the rest of us to join in with them and plead for God to bring more spiritual transformation into all of our lives.
Morals across the face of all lands have deteriorated.
That cannot continue without consequences.
God’s ways are less and less important to more and more people groups who are living in the land. This has to change if we are to flourish as a nation.
How can we change?
The best way to begin to bring change is to be a living example of what God’s ways look like.
No one will listen to your logic until you can show them the proof of your statements. This has to be lived out daily; moment by moment.
Ask God to help you and to sustain you, and remember that there isn’t anything in us that would bring the change; only God can make these transformations happen. We need to consistently be asking Him for that backing.
Observing the sacred times and spiritual rhythms of God’s calendar can be very helpful for keeping us all on track and focused.
If we develop patterns in our lives that help to keep us spiritually alive and in tune to God, and create spaces for intimacy with God; we will learn how to stay focused on His abundance instead of our own lack.
To begin this type of transformation requires putting all of our hope and trust in Jesus.
He was the One who made that statement in John 10:10 that states: “I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly.”
Are you feeling a lack of abundance today?
Do you find yourself living in constant fear and being afraid to let go of the ability to fix things yourself?
You might have fallen under this curse of disobedience without even realizing it.
There is an answer to the problem though.
We must turn the curses into blessings by reversing our course and looking to our Creator.
He is the One who brings us to the peace that passes all understanding.
If you find yourself experiencing draught; (either physical or spiritual), know that The One who sends the rains can change everything; every situation and every circumstance.
He is ready to listen to your heart.
Just call on His name today and He will answer.