After the private anointing by Samuel and an amazing experience with the men of God, Saul is publicly proclaimed King of Israel.
It appears that God changed Saul’s heart. Everyone noticed this change. They saw with their own eyes that he was actively giving prophecies. Instantly they wondered what could have changed him so much. Perhaps God was preparing Saul’s heart for the time when Saul is publicly proclaimed King of Israel.
Thank you for joining the COME AS A CHILD BIBLE STUDY. Our passage for today can be found in 1 Samuel, Chapter 10. This study group is slowly moving through the bible together, one page at a time.
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If you wish to review last week’s lesson, just click here: https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/sauls-third-sign/.
Sometimes when God changes a person’s heart, those who know the person well will notice right away. This happens because they see such a huge change in the attributes of the person’s personality. Words are different. Their actions are different. Expressions and emotions are different. One who was once carnal and sinful becomes spirit-led and sanctified. Their actions reflect holiness instead of worldliness. People can see an obvious reflection of God. There is also an obvious dying to the self.
Everything about that person becomes different.
This is the process that was going on inside of Saul. People did not recognize him as the same man he was before.
It should be this way with all of us when we commit to following Jesus. Once we have experienced salvation, we are filled with God’s Holy Spirit. Instead of the worldly ways we have been living, people should be able to see the change in us. Things in our lives should be different and opposite to what they were before.
The people who knew Saul asked one another, “What is this that has happened to the son of Kish? Is Saul also among the prophets?”
After Saul stopped prophesying, he went to the high place. Saul’s uncle was there, and he asked Saul where he had been. Saul answered him; “Looking for the donkeys, but when we saw they were not to be found we went to Samuel.” The uncle asked what Samuel had said to them. Saul told him he assured that the donkeys had been found, but he did not mention anything about Samuel proclaiming his kingship.
Here we can see a much humbler Saul. He didn’t brag about the anointing which Samuel had performed in private. Nothing Saul talked about gave glory to himself, but he confirmed the significance of Samuel’s anointing as a prophet. Saul was wise and showed discernment in letting his uncle find the truth as it was revealed by God, instead of Saul. After all, the event of his anointing was not public yet. It would come in God’s good time.
These changes in Saul are very significant. He is acting like a king instead of a donkey keeper! Saul has seen the proof of the three signs. He is beginning to believe in the things that Samuel has revealed to him.
How long will this change in Saul last? Was this really about Saul deciding to change with God’s help, or was it God providing and equipping what Saul would need to become the King that Israel had requested?
So it was that Samuel called the people of Israel up to meet with the LORD at Mizpah. Samuel told them that he had a message from God to deliver to them. This was what he said:
1 Samuel 10: 18-19: “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘I brought Israel up out of Egypt, and I delivered you from the power of Egypt and all the kingdoms that oppressed you.’ But you have now rejected your God, who saves you out of all your disasters and calamities. And you have said, ‘No, appoint a king over us.’ So now present yourselves before the Lord by your tribes and clans.”
Before Saul is publicly proclaimed King, acting as the Prophet of God; Samuel drew lots to determine who would be king. He started with the whole assembly. Next he divided the people into tribes. He then drew a lot for the tribe of Benjamin. Then he brought forward the tribe of Benjamin, clan by clan, and Matri’s clan was drawn in the next lot. Finally, from this division of Matri’s clan, Saul’s lot was drawn.
This was a confirmation for Samuel and the people. It was telling them that they were choosing the man which God wished for them to choose. Saul was confirmed out of all of Israel.
However, when they looked for Saul, he could not be found.
So, they prayed to God. The people asked if Saul had come to the place yet. And the LORD answered, “Yes, he has hidden himself among the supplies.”
They ran to the place where the baggage and supplies were kept. There they found Saul and brought him out from hiding.
Saul stood among the people a head taller than any of the others.
Samuel asked the people if they saw the man the LORD had chosen. He said, “There is no one like him among all the people.”
Do you hear a little sarcasm in Samuel’s voice? I think I do.
Then the people shouted, “Long live the king!” They had what they had asked for. Now a man would rule them instead of God.
Samuel addressed the crowd. Patiently he explained all the rights and duties of kingship. He wrote them down upon a scroll. Samuel laid the scroll before the LORD. Most scholars feel Samuel repeated the words from Deuteronomy Chapter 17. If you want to go deeper with this study, I suggest you re-read Deuteronomy Chapter 17 and think about proper kingship. It will help you to understand the mirey ground the people were standing upon with God during this time.
Samuel seemed to be the only one who recognized how far away from God’s design they had come as a nation. I would not be surprised to know how many times God’s people have repeated this same pattern through the generations.
Will we be any different?
Then Samuel dismissed the people and sent them to their homes.
Saul too, went to his own home in Gibeah. He was accompanied by valiant men whose hearts God had touched.
However, there were others who murmured. They said, “How can this fellow save us?” These men despised Saul and brought him no gifts.
Saul kept silent. He had the wisdom at this point not to try to defend himself.
As I studied this information from 1 Samuel Chapter 10, I listened to the following link. This excellent and revealing sermon describes this time for Saul so well. It clarifies all the points we have studied so far, and then it relates them to who we are today.
I don’t think it could be said any better, so I’m sharing the link here for you to follow, ponder and consider. Please pay particular attention to the earnest prayer at the end of this fulfilling sermon: https://youtu.be/0ns814LgTs8. It is a perfect prayer for all of us today.
All I can add is “Amen!”