We have been studying the stories of Samson. Here is a link to last week’s adventures; just in case you missed them: http://watch-out-for-the-little-foxes.
Welcome to our COME AS A CHILD Bible Study which we hold here on the blog every Thurday. We are happy to have you join in with us. If you wish to receive our articles every week; just click into the “submit” button above and you will receive our on-going lessons in your e-mails.
This was a “bare-bones; just the facts” kind of story from more of Samson’s adventures. You have to read these stories and let them sink in before you can understand that they have many levels of deeper meaning.
Have you pondered last week’s lesson yet?
What thoughts did you have?
Have you ever considered that these stories (which are all true) about Samson, might also be prophetic stories to guide us through our modern day lives?
Today we will reflect back on the stories and begin to see that fact. Samson is especially symbolic of latter-day America. If that surprises you; read on.
Samson was supposed to save Israel from the Philistines because he had been dedicted as a Nazarite unto God from birth. Nazarites don’t drink wine or have anything from a vineyard; they do not cut their hair, and they are forbidden to touch the dead.
Remember how Samson’s parents kept these conditions of his vow from before he was born and then taught him to do so also.
Samson was born into these vows of a lifetime. However, we quickly learn that Samson was basically only true to one portion of this lifelong vow. That part of his vow to not to cut his hair was where Samson paid attention and was always obedient. Because of this obedience; God granted Samson great strength.
America was born of a group of people who made a vow to God at the Mayflower Compact. They vowed to live under His ways and to keep God first in all that the nation did or stood for to the rest of the world. Their goal was to be a “shinning light on a hill” which reflected God’s glory.
This was the vow that those who began America took before God. It was the vow that established a great nation. The strength of the nation came from God because of the founders taking this vow and keeping it’s promises.
Was America true to all of it’s national goals and ideals?
No; not always.
Like Samson the country did shameful things or got off track from the original vision of the nation.
However; also like Samson being faithful to not cut his hair; America paid attention to the one critical fact that the nation was established under God’s laws and the fact that they had promised to always be God’s people.
For centuries this vow was kept and honored among the people. The nation grew in strength and might. They knew, like Samson, why they had the strength they had. As long as they followed God’s ways and kept the vow to honor God, America was a successful and properous nation.
Until this current date.
Times have changed.
Someone told our enemies the secret of our strength. Now the enemie has come into the land and destroyed the faith of the people. God is no longer honored. The first commandment went the way of the first ammendment to the Constitution. Both were what made the nation great and gave the strength from God that was needed for a mighty nation.
There is, however, a remnant of hope left.
A few people have remained true to the vow of the Mayflower Compact, much like Samson’s parents, friends and neighbors holding on to all that God told them to do; even when he did not conform. They trusted that God would keep His promises and they kept theirs.
You can read Samson’s story and see that he was a slave of his own desires. This same thing that defeated Samson is the thing that is killing the nation of America today. We are slaves of our own desires.
If Samson wanted something; he took it. He was very used to having his own way. Samson had grown spoiled and selfish; just as America has become in these latter days. He especially loved his own way when it came to his relationships with women.
When Samson fell in love with a Philistine woman he basically put himself in the position of sleeping with the enemy.
Instead of following God’s ways Samson was doing what all the other Israelites had done when God allowed the Philistines to capture and take them over.
He was doing what seemed right in his own eyes; not God’s eyes.
This is self-worship which is a type of idolatry.
Idolatry breaks God’s commandments.
Many nations have leaders like Samson. America has many among its government. They come out strong and able. These leaders seem to be loyal to their nation; at first.
Then what happens?
They go out and do what seems right to them; but not to God. Pride and glory to their own flesh sells them out. The purposes they were elected for are ignored and forgotten for their own personal gain and glory.
Very few leaders of any of our global nations existing today are focused on doing what is right before God; only what seems right to rich and powerful men. Whole nations have been bought for dollars and cents.
As a matter of fact; there are global, self-elected groups who hate God, do not believe in His ways, or even that He exists. They have set themselves up as gods in His place ruling their own make-believe worlds.
From global to local; I see this constantly in much of America’s leadership. Leaders and rulers who say they are thinking of the nation are really thinking of global goals that will hurt the nation’s sovreignty.
They are playing mind-games with the people; much like Samson did with the Philistines. The fake leaders provoke emotion and rebellion among the citizens in order to do their will within the boundaries of the current laws. Then they get away with anything they want while no one is paying attention.
Samson, who wasn’t the smartest man on the block anyway, was choosing to follow his own ways. Devising set-ups and plotting was his pleasure. He had ideals that he had formed which he visualized living up to.
That was his main mistake.
It was a mistake because God had formed a specific purpose for Samson. If Samson had followed God’s ways instead of forming his own ideas and performing his own actions without consulting God; his life might have been a totally different story.
Israel’s captivity might have been much shorter than it was. The people would have given God the glory; not the foolishness of Samson’s plots.
This wasn’t the case though.
Samson thought for himself.
Still; God worked through the brokeness of Samson’s thinking. Often in this story we hear of God’s Spirit falling upon Samson and a good thing turns around for Israel in spite of Samson’s mistakes.
God used Samson’s mistakes to defeat the Philistines. In turn, this helped to free Israel. He never directed Samson to act as he did; God only used whatever actions Samson took, whether good or bad, in Israel’s favor.
We have seen this happen over and over because God is faithful to His true people. God’s merciful reversals occur in the story of Esther, Joseph, Jonah, and are even seen through the greatest story of all, with the crucifixion of Christ; which results in Resurrection and new life.
God’s will always prevails. It was done with Samson; and it will be done with America.
Let us hope for great mercy and forgiveness.
Repentance is definitely in order. Today every soul of the nation should be repenting every day for the sins of this nation.
We have murdered millions of innocent children through abortion.
Women and children have been sold into slavery and trafficked.
Immorality is rampant, on every corner of every street.
The family is under attack.
We are a nation that reeks of sin and shame and we MUST repent now before God brings us to the same shameful end that we will speak of with Samson later.
Let us hope our ending will be better and more appropriate than the ending of the story of Samson. There is so much more to discuss about his life and times before we reach that part of the story.
We will continue down that path again next week.