We are entering Rosh Chodesh Kislev. It began at sunset on November 30, 2024 and ends at sunset on December 2, 2024. This means we have a divine appointment with God to keep!
Something special is underway. Here are a few of the facts about this month: https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/miracles-from-god-in-kislav/.
God is opening the door to a new month for us to spend with Him.
This month screams out a message to us. The message is found inside Genesis, Chapter 1, verse 14: “God said, “Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to divide the day from the night; let them be for signs, seasons, days and years; and let them be for lights in the dome of the sky to give light to the earth”; and that is how it was.”
Today is the Moadim.
A moadim is the changing of one month into another on God’s original calendar. We move from Cheshvan to Kislev.
This moadim represents the beginning of each Hebraic month which always happens with the new moon following the lunar patterns in the sky.
It is the time of a minor festival to celebrate the movement of the seasons God has granted to us. These are the appointed seasons He designed for observing time with Him.
How do we know when the Moadim is here?
If you really want to know; wait until nighttime when the sky is dark and look up.
You will see that we are entering into a phase of a new moon. We just left a full moon. Now we come to the time of the new moon. It appears as a tiny little sliver of light in the sky. This tiny little sliver of light is a sign from God that more light is coming.
Each Hebraic month is represented by its own Hebraic letter.
The letter for Kislev is called “samech.” Samech means support. The meaning of the month embodies themes of divine protection from God.
On the Jewish calendar of the civil year Kislev is the third month.
On the Jewish Spiritual calendar (given by God at the beginning of time and now counted from the month of Nisan) Kislev represents the ninth month of the sacred year.
One aspect of Kislev is the historical celebration of Hanukkah. This historical celebration is spoken of in the scriptures as “The Festival of Lights.”
Hanukkah begins on the 25th day of Kislev. It commemorates the victory of the Maccabees. This amazing victory was during the time of the great miracle of the oil which assured God’s people that He would always be with them and always provide for them.
What did he provide?
The Light.
The light was the great miracle which lasted for eight days instead of one.
Who represents the light to Christians today? It is Messiah who came to us miraculously in the form of a tiny child who grew into The Savior of The World. He told us exactly who He was and why He was with us. Jesus said; “I am The Light of the World.”
The miracle of the light at Hanukkah was a shadow and type of the coming of Messiah.
He brought forth light during the deepest, darkest, coldest part of the winter.
The light He brought to us gave us hope. The impossible had been achieved by God. A virgin gave birth to a child who grew into our Messiah. He lived a sinless life and died to save you and me. The Messiah is the greatest miracle which the story of Hanukkah shadows.
Each Hebraic month represents one of the twelve tribes of Israel. In Kislev we see the Tribe of Benjamin. This tribe called Benjamin was known for its devotion and dedication to the Temple of God.
Because the light that was supposed to burn for one day lasted (by a miracle from God,) through eight days, the Hanukkah celebration of this fact lasts for eight days also. If you are new to the fact that Christians should and can celebrate Hanukkah, you might want to start here: https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-hanukkiyah-menorah/.
For eight days we light a hanukiah (the proper name for the Hanukkah candelabra) which represents this miracle that lasted through eight cycles of worship held in the rededicated, cleansed and Holy Temple.
This Temple is represented by the bodies of the servants of God who follow Messiah as The Light of the World. He has cleansed us and rededicated us to God. His Holy Light now lives and burns inside our souls.
The middle candle of the hanukiah represents Christ.
It is from Him, our Messiah, that we get our light.
His light lights all of the other eight candles which in turn shine the light of Messiah out to the world. Without the middle candle (the Shamash), the candle representing Messiah, we would have no light at all.
He is our source and our salvation.
His light changes our world from darkness to light and takes us from blindness to seeing.
In seeing the lights on of Hanukkah, we come to know and recognize the miracles of God that are prevalent in this very special month.
We believe that Jesus was born in the Fall. That would mean that the seed that grew inside of Mary’s womb (a great miracle) began in the month of Kislev. Nine months later the seed is fully developed into a child. The child was born in Bethlehem. His body housed our Messiah.
In this month of Kislev we begin to ponder the miracle experienced by Mary. For nine months she walked around in a body containing God.
All followers of Messiah are also walking around in a body containing God. Our bodies are the new Temple. It is a living temple made up of many participants.
He was and is and will always be Immanuel; God with us.
Since life begins at conception, the life of Christ began during the month of Kislev. He wasn’t born in Kislev, but his life began in Kislev. A tiny seed planted inside Mary’s womb by God grew slowly into a Holy Child.
For the next nine months, all the way from Kislev to Tishri (nine months), we are awaiting the birth of our Messiah. We are also awaiting the birth that His life will bring to us. Through Him we will be “born-again” into The Kingdom of God.
Each year the cycle of this season repeats.
Every year God teaches us more and more.
In “knowing” us (being in relationship with us) God is always revealing his mysteries and the secrets of the universe, which only the Son of The Master of the Universe would know. How does He know? He was there at the time of creation. Our creation was His design. He became that very first Light; The Light of the World. Yeshua was the first of all of God’s Creation.
Amazingly, Jesus has called us His Beloved and because of this, He is always revealing more miracles to us as the days and seasons unfold on His Father’s faithful calendar.
Therefore, in Kislev, we “know” him in ways we have never known Him before. He woes us and draws us into His Kingdom.
Thus, in Kislev, we realize that Immanuel has come and because of this; we will have The Light living in our hearts forever and ever.