We are approaching the end of Deuteronomy Chapter 25 in The IN SEASON Lifestyle blog’s COME AS A CHILD every Thursday, on-line bible study.
Today we will finish this chapter by looking at the passage found in Deuteronomy 25, verses 17 – 19:
Remember what the Amalekites did to you along the way when you came out of Egypt. When you were weary and worn out, they met you on your journey and attacked all who were lagging behind; they had no fear of God. When the LORD your God gives you rest from all the enemies around you in the land he is giving you to possess as an inheritance; you shall blot out the name of Amalek from under heaven. Do not forget!
Could we find any more relevant passage than this to apply to our own lives today?
In this obscure Old Testament passage lies the answers that many of us have searched high and low to find. Here is the way forward and the successful pathway toward our future; just as surely as it was for the ancients who were forming the beginnings of the nation of Israel back in the days of Moses.
Yet; it is always hard for our politically correct culture to hear a passage directly from God that speaks of ANY type or form of revenge; since we know that God is typically against revenge as a whole.
Each of us who are Christians instantly start hearing the echoes in our brains of Jesus’s voice which is highly recommending the turning of the other cheek. We all want to be living our lives to reflect this warning of the New Testament.
Well; there is certainly nothing wrong with that. It is a good thing; but could we also suffer from a bit of misinformation?
Does this REALLY mean there was a time when The Father and The Son who are said to be One had a moment when they totally disagreed?
Not at all! That will never happen.
You have to understand the whole context of this matter in order to grasp its importance and the deep significance of this scripture passage.
God’s instructions in the Old Testament to protect peace and safety are right in line and completely on target with the New Testament instructions of loving our fellow man. We must always do this just as Jesus has commanded.
However; there is only one aspect of this fight that might SOUND like an exception to the rule; that is any time when and if our fellowman is working for Satan’s army. Then they become, not the enemy of mankind; but the enemy of God.
Our earthly enemies and the spiritual and demonically led enemies that try to persuade us against God’s ways on the earth are two totally different animals. Thus; they each must be treated as what they truly are.
If a man harms you on this earth; you are to forgive him and try to love him in spite of that harm. Hopefully, such an amazing act of love will soften his heart and make him change and turn toward God and God’s ways because of your generosity, love and kindness.
But; if a demonic and anti-god spirit is temporarily or permanently possessing someone who attacks you for pursuing God’s ways; you are to cast him out and send him totally away from God’s people forever.
Obviously; godly discernment in these matters is very important.
Mature Christian discernment is the way a Christian learns the difference between these two very different enemies. This type of spiritual discernment only arrives through obedience and prayer. Jesus instructed His disciples about this matter in Mark 9:29: He replied, “This kind can come out only by prayer.” (Some translations of the bible use the words “prayer and fasting” here. It is nothing to worry about for long because our reasoning is that fasting IS a type of prayer – so use all avenues that God has given you for asserting your authority as a Child of God.)
One of these examples is of someone merely acting like a typical human who doesn’t yet know or follow God; the other is one who knows about God, but is ruled by the demonic and is acting out of hate for God to constantly be destroying God’s Kingdom and everything about it.
So how can we make sense of this passage that so obviously first APPEARS to be words that show bias and hatred toward an enemy?
There is a very good and Godly reason.
Amalek has always stood for God’s enemies.
God’s enemies are not the same as man’s enemies.
This type of enemy is totally incapable of restoration and change. This enemy will NEVER believe in the power of God; nor will it ever submit to God’s ways of doing things. Such entities have demonstrated their lack of desire for God to be known in their constant actions of death and destruction toward others. They have one goal; to please themselves and they constantly set themselves up as idols as they worship their own rotten ways.
Such people are completely given over to evil, hate, wickedness, immorality and perversions. They refuse to change. God has given them free-will; but they refuse to use it; or to believe in the power of God to turn things around and change lives. They are evil to the core and enjoy the process of destruction. They are incapable of admitting that God even exists.
If such activities were actually allowed to exist and continue forever within God’s final Kingdom of Heaven which will one day reign on earth; peace on earth and good-will toward all men would never be accomplished.
Therefore: in the interest of protection; God must first wipe out such ideology so that His people can exist in eternal love and peace and abundance; otherwise; all that Christianity and Judaism ever stood for; including the work of Moses and the dying of Christ on the cross that led to Resurrection and New Life, would be destroyed by the uncurable bearers of hopeless sinfulness on the earth. They have the power to choose to change and accept God’s good way; but they refuse every time.
In theory, whenever people are destroyed for their own selfish choices of wickedness they have basically murdered themselves.
Remember the first flood?
Even way back then; God was kept busy with the act of wiping out Amalek, who was an ancestor of Cain.
But Amalek always seems to raise his ugly head again. There are Amalek’s to show for every generation of history and all of mankind who have ever existed.
One good example would be the very evil ruler named Hitler.
There are many more such persons though; if you take the time to stop to think through history and time. These are all people who allowed Satan and/or his demons to control their every move and all of their motives toward others. They have no respect toward God’s creation or The Creator of Life.
Therefore; when Christians of today say “we must destroy Amalek as the scriptures have recommend” it is the same as saying “we must continue to destroy the works of Satan on the earth.”
The Jewish people have long understood this concept and how it should transpire before we are able to achieve the very best standards of life on this planet. The holiday of Purim actively celebrates the meaning of this. We see within the days of the Jewish calendar each year that they continue to repeat the pattern of focusing on the destruction of Haman; who just happens to be a descendant of Amalek.
Amalek’s goal in life was to wipe The Children of God off the map.
Haman wanted to destroy God’s people and wipe them off the earth too.
Hitler was totally opposed to those who worshiped and followed God.
Marxism teaches there is no God, and wants Christianity to be totally destroyed so that they do not have to deal with the Christian objections to their theories and ideas.
All of these are types of Amelek who have existed in the past and continue to exist today. God tells us not to conform to them; all the way through both the New Testament and Old Testament examples that teach us how God wants us to live.
Each generation has to bear the burden of such evil leaders; and only turning to God and following His ways and instructions can cure their existence on this earth forever. Sin is how they continue to thrive generation after generation.
To end sin is another way to end Amalek.
Following this concept isn’t at all about hatred (as it might first appear to many who are just reading the passage without the background information.) The truth is this concept is actually just the opposite in reality. This concept of wiping out Amalek is about the destruction of those who continue to carry on the sinful acts of hatred that bring death and decay from sin into the world.
Obeying God in destroying Amalek’s spirit forever could also be transcribed and explained in modern language as the act of replacing evil and wickedness with goodness and love.
Such an act will forever change the earth!
Our Heavenly Father loves such acts of total reversal.
God wants us to reverse the hate and evil and terrible death spirals of so many past generations; and He desires that we help Him to turn them around for good.
That is how God always operates.
Hate is fed and made stronger by the abuse of the weak, the helpless, the old and the poor.
This is what happened when the Israelites were traveling through the desert and heading toward their future inheritance of The Promised Land. The Amalekites came up from behind them, attacking them when they were tired and worn out from their journey.
They preyed upon the people lagging in the back; those who were sick and afflicted; and they counted them as worthless and easy prey. The Amalekites considered the blind and the lame of Israel as simply numbers for their victory against keeping God’s people from having the promises God had rightfully given to them.
These enemies didn’t come openly and proclaim their cause first; they simply snuck into the ranks of the people in disguise, and then turned on the people who were the weakest first; hoping to make the tribes numbers much less until the point arrived when The People of God became so small in numbers that they could be successful in destroying them; even against the strongest of them in the end.
Where have we seen such ideology before?
Is it not rampant in our current government today?
Force the most vulnerable of a population to do things against their will, and you can then begin to control the rest of the population easier.
Deceive them and isolate them from the others and prey upon their fears.
Does any of this sound like what has happened over the last few years as we have experienced the pandemic?
Could the present COVID regulations that we are now handed each new day actually be another form of Amalek raising his ugly head among the people?
Satan will use anything that seems to work. He is living inside the souls of many of our reigning government leaders and politicians. They are disposable and worthless in his eyes; but he will use them for all they are worth before he throws them away.
God told His people to destroy this spirit of hate and fear and deception and destruction.
This ideology reflecting the ways of Amelek is not allowed among God’s people who are trying to live out their lives in Kingdom of Heaven principles.
We must remember to stay on guard.
We must fight all of the wrong ideology.
Do not fight with violence; but stand peacefully in protest. Please leave all guns and earthly weapons at home so that the power of God is all that people see. Let your voice be used as a mighty weapon and use it in a godly way to proclaim the ways of God among the people.
This is your sword!
Put your FULL armor on and wear it every day!
If you need encouragement in taking a stand for God in today’s chaos; here are a few encouraging links to read: https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/zelophedhads-daughters-and-us/, https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/clothes-of-the-ancient-priest/, https://theinseasonlifestyle.com/stand-and-be-counted/. Read these and be encouraged and be still and KNOW that God is God.
Our freedom from bondage and slavery must be defended. God has given us a land of milk and honey and it is our inheritance. It cannot be defiled by the ways of Amalek. The pledge of allegiance we have promised is to One Nation Under God; not a nation of Marxist thinkers!
Please wake up.
Smell the coffee and act accordingly.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Stand and be strong in God’s Name.
God gave us the answer long ago; in the time that the nation of Israel was just being born. He said to defeat and wipe out any sign of Amalek among us.
Those last words of the 25th Chapter of Deuteronomy hold great significance!
They are the secret and God-given right to our freedom.
Don’t forget!