
We have been discussing the words found in Deuteronomy Chapter 29. These words clearly explain how God will punish those who are disobedient to His law.
These are the things that Israel heard before they went into the promised land.
Moses actually spent 37 days expounding on the fact that they MUST be obedient and keep God’s Covenant.
There have been many comparisons made to The United States and Israel. No; they are not the same, and one nation has not replaced the other.
They are two separate nations who were brought to a new land and blessed by God Almighty in the process.
Originally; both nations came into their new homes worshiping and praising God.
They both had every intention of keeping Covenant with God and staying true to The Commandments of God.
As generations became comfortable and prosperous in both lands; people began to make very human and unfaithful mistakes. They turned away from God’s ways and turned to pagan ways.
Some would say that the things that apply to the disobedience of Israel do not also apply to The United States.
I say they should probably apply more!
We have come to a great and new nation as a people who have been covered in the blood of Christ. America is living in the timeline of history that has been offered complete salvation for those who follow Christ; who follows the ways of God.
Those Israelites were never promised eternal life. They could bring their sacrifices and be forgiven of sin and have a relationship with God for whatever days of their life they lived.
Now; we have been offered salvation for eternity through the life blood of Jesus Christ. We, in America and other godly countries; have so much more to lose.
They (the Israelites) could lose earthly peace; we (the people of today) could lose eternal peace.
So; when I look at the things that God demanded of Israel; they certainly feel like shadows and types of how a godly nation of today should be living.
We know obedience and/or disobedience make all of the difference; even when we live in grace and can obtain forgiveness. Only those who repent and turn are forgiven. Those who do not repent and turn still face the curses for disobedience.
Like Moses; I want to spend a lot of time dwelling on that fact.
I don’t want anyone to miss any of the points of what God was saying to His people.
The words for the disobedient are hard. These words I bring today are also hard.
This week, in particular, I have been haunted by some of the words we studied back in Deuteronomy 28. They were these words of Deuteronomy 28: 63-67: Because of the suffering your enemy will inflict on you during the siege, you will eat the fruit of the womb, the flesh of the sons and daughters the LORD your God has given you.
Even the most gentle and sensitive man among you will have no compassion on his own brother or the wife he loves or his surviving children, and he will not give to one of them any of the flesh of his children that he is eating. It will be all he has left because of the suffering your enemy will inflict on you during the siege of all your cities.
The most gentle and sensitive woman among you – so sensitive and gentle that she would not venture to touch the ground with the sole of her foot – will begrudge the husband she loves and her own son or daughter, the afterbirth from her womb and the children she bears. For in her dire need she intends to eat them secretly because of the suffering your enemy will inflict on you during the siege of your cities.
I hate to bring this scripture up again. It was nice before, when we left it behind, because it has to be one of the most terrifying and disgusting scriptures in the whole of the scriptures. I can’t imagine anything more horrible.
However; I feel the LORD showed me something this week, a few weeks beyond the time that we studied this passage.
It isn’t a good thing, and I hate to even type it out as a possibility of how this scripture could be fulfilled prophetically in the times that we are living through NOW; but God showed me this for a reason; and I’m going to go ahead and give you the information so that you can begin to pray and fast and ask God to spare us from such words. I will be fasting and praying with all of you.
There is something going on right now that is like a siege.
Only a few days ago I was listening to a newscast and discovered something unexpected. I’m not going to name names, or stations or websites. This information I’m giving you is out there in the common news and laws; so you can dig around and look it all up for yourself. It isn’t hidden; and maybe that is why it is so haunting to my spirit.
The newscast was discussing the fact that there are virus camps now which are already built in the State of Washington. Washington State has publicly advertised for people to apply for the jobs of being on these strike-force teams of people who will take certain citizens to these camps and force them to live there, even if it is against their will.
This fits my definition of a siege.
All of the laws making this happen legally are disguised in the language of the current culture claiming to help protect other citizens form disease; but you don’t have to be infected to be taken.
You can simply have been in some type of contact with any person who was infected; passing them on the street, in the grocery store, at work; etc. Neither of you might have known the other person was ill.
In other words; proof that you are infected or that you might eventually have a problem isn’t necessary.
They (government officials) can come into your home and force you to go with them to these camps at gun point. It is handled like martial law. They can keep you for as long as they want to. This is now written in the state of Washington’s laws. In other words; it is now legal in the State of Washington for people to be taken against their will and locked inside internment camps.
If this sounds like a conspiracy theory; I understand. It is pretty shocking. Look it up for yourself. It is now a law in Washington State. People have been and continue to be trained and recruited as strike-force managers for these state-run camps. Concentration camps DO officially exist there and they are legal and open for business.
But; that isn’t the worse part of what I want to discuss.
They are not just retaining people. This process goes further than that. They also have new laws on how to take care of the dead. When people die; a new process is being legally implemented. It is technically called alkaline-hydrosis. This is a chemical process that melts human flesh down into a liquid slush.
The State of Washington now has a law in their books (only about a year old now) that allows people to be cremated in this new way instead of using the normal procedures of cremation. Other funeral homes across the country are also now using this technique too.
So; within these camps the bodies of the dead will be thrown into large steel vats (which are already built in these facilities) and there the bodies will be quickly turned into slush by this new technique.
When they melt away into a liquid form; the bodies are then drained into the waste-water sewage system. The sewage system eventually uses this mix of waste water (along with the ordinary waste water) to water crops in several (20 right now) states scattered all across the country. The slush is conveniently trucked off to other states and dumped on the fields of local farms to be used like fertilizer. (I’m not sure if the farms are paying for this service or not.)
Of course my first thoughts upon hearing this is that every state needs to check on the laws that govern their use of waste water that is ported in, and their own waste-water procedures of their state. Also; how does your state currently view this new form of cremation? Two things well worth checking into; but let’s continue with our lesson now.
I sincerely hate to make this article/lesson sound so sensational; but I feel led to let you know the connection that I can see in these prophetic scriptures and these new legal procedures.
The past continues to speak into the present.
Maybe you cannot conceive of the fact that people could become sieged and hauled away from home against their will in this country.
Of course, maybe you had never conceived that members of the military or the medical profession would be forced to violate their religious beliefs in order to keep the jobs that feed their families either.
MANY shocking things are happening today; unspeakable things compared to standards of the past.
You have probably heard the nightmare stories of some other countries; but maybe you took comfort in the fact that it can’t happen here.
These strike-force teams are in training right now to run this facility and to siege people against their will. They only have so many beds to provide. Some people having to live there are going to die naturally; but who will be monitoring to know how many will simply be murdered and never heard of again?
There does seem to be a loud silence in the land and it is haunting.
People who will go to the lengths of sieging others against their will and locking them up for no good or logical reason will stop at nothing.
Even worse; if you get caught in this process, and you die; they will simply melt you down into huge vats and flush you out into the sewage system; as if your whole life were nothing but waste.
No one will ever be the wiser.
Then that “waste” that was once a person, will be hauled off and sold to farmers who will think they are doing something environmentally good for the land, the nation and their crops.
Please pray for our farmers and their struggle to provide adequate food that is nutritious and healthy. These farms need our support.
They will actually be contributing to damaging the food supply of the nation without realizing what is truly happening; unless the new governing class decides to be honest and let them know what they are doing.
What are the chances of that?
All of this will come about during a very hard period of time when farmers are struggling to survive economically.
Already farmers can’t afford the cost of fertilizer, fuel for their machines, or parts to replenish and repair their machines.
This new form of portable sewage may simply look like the much needed, cheap fertilizer that they can’t obtain elsewhere.
It may seem to be a good solution.
In reality though, the contaminated and diseased goods they purchase will eventually ruin the farmlands and damage the food chain. Farming will suffer even more than it already has.
In the end of the day; the food that is grown (possibly all over the country) will be the food nourished with melted down human flesh.
The animals and people who eat it will indirectly be eating human flesh without even knowing what they are doing.
I can see the scripture passage from above coming to pass in this type of scenario.
In this situation and circumstances (should all go unchecked) our people will be forced to eat their own flesh to survive.
The scriptural fulfillment is a bit different than what one would have imagined upon the first reading; but still; it is the same thing, only indirectly and unknowingly being done.
This is what we are already facing today.
The evil forces of Satan are everywhere. They are operating right in front of us; but no one is noticing.
Everything is so cleverly worded.
The language of our laws have become deliberately and intentionally twisted in order to make the already rich much richer.
People don’t take scriptures seriously anymore. No one seems to worry about things that happened to an ancient culture about a million years ago.
Most seem to forget that this present culture evolved from The One True God of Heaven and Earth, the same One of yesterday, today and tomorrow.
He created this earth; and He certainly knows how to sustain it. The laws for our best existence were given to us a long ago.
We do not need environmental experts to create all of these new ways; because we have the tried and true ways of the scriptures already written down to guide us.
But no one is listening.
Laws have been passed to make all of this surreal situation completely legal. Washington State was the first; will there be more? Too many at once might have been noticed and not so easily accepted. It is all about population control and meeting the great reset with new global standards of the too powerful world leaders.
Satan has always wanted to rule the world. That is what this is all about in the end. He uses powerful men to get his way. Some things never change.
Also; it is about getting rid of those who will not follow the pied-piper into hell when he plays his tune. Those who do not comply will simply disappear. No evidence will be left behind.
Will anyone be listening then?
I wonder.
I hate to make this information even a part of our study; but if I do not speak it out; I don’t think anyone will. When God shows me such an eye-opening connection to the scriptures like this; I feel it is vital to point it out.
I’m not trying to be political like the other voices that may eventually speak out. My goal is simply to share the truth of the scriptures with a hurting world.
Every warning we need and every answer we are seeking can be found inside God’s Word.
This is just more evidence of how important it is to consider the facts in the scriptures. God is talking through them every day.
Could I be wrong about all of this?
We can always hope.
I would LOVE to be wrong.
So what is the take-away from such a horrid lesson?
Be aware.
Start praying like never before.
Obey God and God alone.
Do not comply with evil forces.
Fight the spiritual battle we are in.
This is fearful information; but we can’t let fear rule over us. I think we have all learned that lesson. We need to walk in the realm of the heavenly Kingdom and trust our God for strength and might and power over evil.
If you are in a position to stop such evil; stand up and do your job. On the other hand, if you are removed and protected and on the out-skirts for now; pray for those who are not. Ask God to put angels around all of us and to protect His people.
Remember the blessings that God promised to those who obey.
If the disobedient have consequences; believe that the obedient also will be rewarded.
Our God is bigger than any federal or state laws.
Do your homework people. Look up what I have told you. We can’t make progress by burying our heads in the sand and pretending that nothing is going on.
Just because it isn’t at your door yet; doesn’t mean it will not be there tomorrow.
Let’s be like Joshua and Caleb; strong and courageous. We know where those attributes come from and how to possess them.
God places life and death before us today.
Choose life!