We can read in Deuteronomy 33 of how Moses blessed all of the tribes of Israel before his death. When he came to bless Zebulun and Issachar, their blessings were proclaimed together. We read it in Deuteronomy 33: 18-19:
And of Zebulun he said, “Rejoice Zebulun, in your going out, and Issachar, in your tents. They shall call peoples to their mountain; there they offer right sacrifices; for they draw from the abundance of the seas and the hidden treasure of the sand.
This is basically the very same blessing that Israel gave to the original heads of these two tribes (his sons named Zebulun and Issachar years before Moses ever lived.)
Looking back also reminds me of the fact that we have studied these two tribes a lot during our journey through this bible study. Here are some links you can follow that mention either one or the other of the tribes of Zebulun and Issachar.
Now that was a LOT of background and preparation for this lesson about their blessing from Moses!
Of course, all of those lessons do not pertain to this particular subject; so I will still try to summarize the meaning of these blessing from Moses in the remainder of this article:
One thing that we did not mention before (in the other tribal blessings) is that each tribe of the nation of Israel had a stone bearing their name that was upon the Ephod worn by the priests of Israel. God had given Moses the instructions for making this priestly garment with the twelve stones; and Moses had instructed the making of the ephod.
The stone for Zebulun was Quartz Crystal – Clear in color.
The stone that represented Issachar was Lapis Lazuli – Blue in color.
The tribes of Judah, Zebulun and Issachar were on the East Side of the Army of Israel which were surrounding the Wilderness Tabernacle. These tribes were charged by Moses to help with the census that was taken of the army of Israel during the times in the wilderness.
As they traveled to their destiny of becoming a great nation some tribes lost people and some tribes gained in numbers.
Issachar gained 9,900 men (18%) and Zebulun increased by 3,100 men (5%.) So they contributed well in manpower for the armies on the East Side of the Ark of The Covenant inside the Tabernacle in the middle of the army’s formation.
It just so happens that East is the direction of the rising sun. Just as you will see the rising-sun first thing every morning, this division of tribes would always move first in the formation of this mighty army. The other tribes would follow their lead.
This tells me that Moses was blessing the tribes in the order of their leadership, as Zebulun and Issachar followed the tribes from Judah.
When you think of “east” you might also think about the gates surrounding Jerusalem that were built at a much later date, long after the wilderness journey had taken place. We could ponder the facts surrounding the existence of The East Gate as we consider this position of the tribes and the order of their blessings.
This gate was always known as the gate where God entered and exited The Holy City.
At the present time the East Gate has been sealed and the holy scriptures speak of how Jesus will return to us through that East Gate at the time of the Second Coming. He will be the first of many as he leads his mighty army to conquer Satan and his demons.
I say all of this simply to emphasize the importance of things that are considered “east.” This pattern is noticeable in many scriptures and these two tribes were positioned to the East of the Tabernacle.
It is the descendants from these tribes on the east of the wilderness tabernacle that God will eventually use to bring the Messiah forth to save us.
Who these tribes were and what happened to them in this early time of the formation of Israel was a matter of great importance.
These tribes on the east side of the tabernacle were given the most prominent place in the camp of Israel. Their blessing speaks of treasures and it seems appropriate in relation to their position within the tribes.
The three tribes of the East Army were considered by many biblical scholars to be the most important of all the leaders. However; we must also emphasize that no tribe would be efficient without the support of all the other tribes; which put each of the tribes into the records of time as having a history of great importance.
In the first positioning of the tribes as they traveled the desert; and also in the giving of the blessings from Moses; God’s order was coming about for the nation of Israel.
God’s order always brings balance and harmony.
That is what these blessings needed to do for the tribes as they began their new life in the promised land.
We have studied many of the traits of Issachar and we have traced some of their successes through the generations to the wise men who followed the star that led to the Christ Child.
Long before this happened though, we hear of another hero of Issachar named Nethanel. He was the son of Zuar.
A story is told of Nethanel that speaks of the leaders of Israel standing around on the banks of The Red Sea pondering whether to follow Nashun (from the tribe of Judah) into the water while Moses stood holding the rod over the waters.
Nethanel had the wisdom to follow right away without asking questions. His good judgement was not unnoticed by God.
Hence; Nethanel became known among Israel as a wise and obedient man who discerned the times and knew the right thing to do. God appointed Nethanel to be the next Captain/Prince of Israel for the tribe of Issachar. He commanded 57,400 men all together.
When it came time for the leaders of Israel to give to the Tabernacle; they did not respond, though many of them had more wealth than any of the common people. The common people were the ones who wound up giving to furnish the Tabernacle.
However; Nethanel noticed this and felt bad about it and brought it to the attention of the leaders of the tribes. Because of their pride and the fact that they did not want to look shameful, the leaders then donated enough to furnish the clothes for the priests of the tabernacle.
If Nethanel had not brought this up; even that act would not have happened. When the acts of the leaders of the tribes were recorded later; only Nethanel had his name associated with the sacredness of God. He was deemed to be the only worthy contributor.
The wisdom and counsel of Nathanel made such a difference in the direction of the future for Israel’s later generations.
The tribe of Issachar (from which Nethanel hailed) later became known as the tribe that was the most faithful to preserve and teach the Torah.
The tribe of Zebulun also loved Torah.
They loved it so much that they made an agreement with Issachar that they would work and provide financial support for the men of Issachar as they sat in their tents and studied and carefully taught the Torah.
As we have previously stated; before Moses died he gave blessings to all of the tribes. The blessing for Issachar and Zebulan was shared, just as their talents were shared as they went through life together.
Moses’ words came true as the descendants of Issachar later in the nation’s history became the tribe of men who sat in their tents and taught and recorded Torah to and for the people of the land while they were supported financially by the work of the trades from the men of Zebulun.
Moses’ words over this tribe correspond and echoed the Patriarch Jacob’s words over his son Issachar as the Patriarch blessed each son during the days when he was dying.
These men of Issachar became known far and wide as “men who discerned the times and knew what to do.” Cultures today have come to call them the “Wise Men.”
Fast forward to the time of the birth of Christ; years and years after the wilderness experiences. Every little thing that happened in the wilderness journey pointed toward that day when The Messiah would come.
Wise men come with treasures seeking a new born King of The Jews. The “treasures” they brought were those they had received from the sea and the sand.
These”wise men” were men who “discerned the times” and “knew the correct courses to take.”
For generations of time we all mistakenly thought these “wise men” were Gentiles because they came “from the East.” Yet; these men were simply descendants of the generations of the Men of Issachar. They were from the tribes of the “East.”
The wise men (Magi) came from the line of Daniel, and the other captives that the King of Babylon had taken into his religious circles. They were also called Magi. All of them were NOT Gentile; many of them were the descendants of Issachar and the true children of Abraham, though their identities had long been “hidden in the sand.”
What more can I say about Nethanel, Son of Zuar who got to keep the “el” designation at the end of his name; except that he was one of the wise men of Issachar whose descendants were eventually known for preserving the Torah, studying and knowing the truth of God and eventually following the star and finding the Messiah of the world.
When God gives us a destiny we have to follow it with all our hearts. Half-hearted destinies never bring the desired results and only wind up delaying their purposes.
When God determines to do something though; no man can change His course.
If you let Him, God will use you; if not, He will find someone else. God’s plan will come about. He is the same today, tomorrow and forever. God nor His plan will ever change.
But it wasn’t only the sons of Issachar that were special and blessed. Those sons of Zebulun played their parts well too.
The last division of the army that camped on the east side of the Wilderness Tabernacle was headed up by Eliab, the Son of Helon of the Tribe of Zebulun. He commanded 57,400 men of Israel’s army.
Let’s think about why God chose Eliab to be the leader of The Tribe of Zebulun as they formed the army around the Tabernacle.
What reasons could God have had for picking him out of 57,400 other men?
Eliab was from the Tribe of Zebulun which was known for being full of good scholars. Do you think it was it his scholarly characteristics that God found attractive?
It has been said that some of the tribe of Zebulun went on to become the enforcers of the law.
Perhaps we can not see all that God knew of these leaders that he picked to head Israel’s Army until we look down the road into the future and see their descendants.
The tribe of Zebulun, which was Eliab’s tribe, had some ancestors who eventually settled in the areas of Galilee and Nazareth. Many scholars claim that they became part of the Sanhedrin. This was the part of the country where Mary and Joseph were from and where many years later Jesus grew up.
Most of the Gospel scriptures and stories we read about in the New Testament came straight from the lives of people living in these areas. Some of the people there would have been the descendants of Eliab; though how many of them is uncertain due to the the fact that many of these people from the tribe were carried away by the Assyrians into captivity and scattered and lost among the nations.
Whatever amount of the tribe of Zebulun survived the captivity could have still been living in the area when Jesus walked and talked there.
Helon, Eliab’s father, was the second son of Zebulun; who was a son of Jacob/Israel. The name of the tribe, Zebulun, means “sea.” The name of Eliab’s father, Helon, means “sand.” The name Eliab means “ship.” Many from this tribe of Zebulun spent their lives on ships looking for treasures hidden in the sand. They inhabited the cities that indulged the world in trade and commerce.
In the prophetic blessings that were given to the tribes, it was said of both Zebulun and Issachar: “They draw from the abundance of the seas, and the hidden treasures of the sand.” (Deut. 33:18-19)
The people from Eliab’s descendants living in the area of Galilee did become traders from the commerce of the seas. They lived and worked in the area around the Sea of Galilee.
Now we can look at what we know of both of the tribes of Zebulun and Issachar and see that the words of Moses’ blessing came true.
The descendants of Issachar became the tribe who sat in their tents and taught Torah to the people of the land.
They were supported financially by the work of the trades from the men of Zebulun.
Moses’ words echoed the Patriarch Jacob’s words as he blessed each son during the days he was dying.
Be like those wisemen; those noble sons of Issachar.
Study Torah.
Teach Torah to others.
Obey God and follow the gift of the star (Jesus.)
Learn your destiny created by God and follow your purpose with all of your heart. Be brave enough to step out on your own and make your own decisions.
Remember to study the Word of God diligently and to teach it to others. This is especially needed among those who will have leadership over other people. Often this happens with those who engage in trade and commerce. They will be the ones to carry God’s Kingdom to the ends of the earth; and they must have the proper foundation that comes from learning the scriptures correctly.
From the blessings of Israel and Moses to the sons of Zebulun and Issachar; we all have been blessed.
Those blessings began to come true from the moment the People of God entered the land of promise.
They continue on today.