In Deuteronomy 33:8-11 we read in the scriptures of how Moses proclaimed a blessing over the tribe of Levi just before they entered the Promised Land.
(Deuteronomy 33:1-11) About Levi he said; “Your Thummim and Urim belong to your faithful servant.
You tested him at Messah; you contended with him at the waters of Meribah.
He said of his father and mother, ‘I have no regard for them.’ He did not recognize his brothers or acknowledge his own children, but he watched over your word and guarded your covenant.
He teaches your precepts to Jacob and your law to Israel.
He offers incense before you and whole burnt offerings on your altar.
Bless all of his skills Lord and be pleased with the work of his hands. Strike down those who rise against him, his foes until they rise no more.
One thing worth noting in all of the blessings that Moses was leaving with the Israelites is Moses is admonishing them for the good things they have already realized and achieved as personal blessings from God.
The Levites were all busy walking in their destiny for God’s Kingdom.
They were doing the tasks that God had destined and purposed for them to do.
Moses proclaims these characteristics of the tribe and praises them.
We all should be looking at the destiny and purpose that God has given us in our own lives. Are we developing and living those talents and gifts of ability out today? It should be our goal to be like these ancient Levites who were living out their destiny before marching into Canaan.
The act of being who God designed us to be is helping us to prepare for eternity.
Moses commends the tribe of Levi for their loyalty toward God and the way they always put God first and everything and everyone else second.
This is the proper order to an abundant and happy life. Putting God first keeps our lives in perfect order.
The Tribe of Levi was set aside by God for holy tasks and purposes. They accomplished their task. Their loyalty to God knew no boundaries; even during all the hard days of the wilderness journey. Moses praises this act of faithfulness.
They denied themselves and took the responsibilities of the priesthood seriously.
These Levites (the set-aside first-born sons of each family) taught the precepts of God which had been passed down from generation-to- generation to the others in the nation.
The law was taught by these Levites. Also; they lived it out before the people.
The Levite priests had carefully remembered to bring the praise and worship along with the incense for the altar of God. They did all they knew to do to offer up proper offerings that would be pleasing to God and make atonement for the people.
Moses prayerfully asks God to continue to bless these skills and to bless the work of the hands of the Levites as they continue to serve the people in the land of promise.
He asked God to protect them from those who might rise up against them whenever they entered the land and began to set up new towns and cities.
Moses, of all people, would know and understand how demonic forces can come against people who are doing the ministry of God’s Kingdom. In his life time he probably experienced every facet of this huge spiritual problem and learned ways to overcome.
As a mature leader who is now looking backwards with a clear understanding; Moses realizes how important it is for God to be their shield and their protection from harm.
Where would Moses have been without God’s guidance in his own life?
So he prays to this effect for them as he blesses the work of their hands.
Note how Moses mentions the blessings that come to the Levitical priesthood by having possession of the Urim and Thummim.
These two sacred tools of the priesthood are always spoken of in this order; except for the time of the giving of this final blessing; where Moses reverses the order and says Thummim and Urim.
Nothing is ever done randomly in a priestly blessing; there has to be a reason why Moses said this blessing in the reverse order that he used in this passage.
The reason is a very special and perfect reason.
Later, many years after Israel had come into their inheritance and been disobedient; we hear that the Urim and Thummim were lost during the days of the captivity of Israel.
They were never restored or used again, even in the days of The Second Temple.
Perhaps that is because God heard the blessing of Moses upon them and accomplished their greater purpose through Jesus Christ.
Like Aaron was the high priest of Israel who held the responsibilities of the symbolism of the Urim and Thummim; Jesus Christ has become the High Priest of all of The Kingdom of Heaven.
He carries the decision-making ability that the Urim and Thummim gave to Aaron and the priests of Israel from the tribe of Levi. It has been passed rightfully on to Him and the decision for this is eternal.
The word Thummim speaks of “integrity.” Moses has put integrity first in this blessing for this tribe.
The next order is the word Urim which stands for illumination.
The high priest of Israel was to be a man of integrity and illumination; or in other words, upright and understanding.
Moses gives the blessing that passes on the hope for honest hearts and clear heads in the coming generations of the priesthood. These are wonderful traits for passing on the gospel; both in ancient times and in our own times today.
As Moses speaks of the complete loyalty of this tribe in this blessing, he is probably remembering how the Levites did not agree with or participate in the worship of the golden calf.
Additionally; after the sins of the golden calf were committed; the Levites were commanded by God and Moses to kill all of the idolaters. They did so; even though many of them were their closest friends and family. These men followed God’s commands without question. Each of them realized the importance of keeping God’s ways over man’s ways; no matter how much they loved those who had committed the sin.
These Levite priests realized that sins against God could not continue in the camp and still produce a nation of godly people for God’s service in His Kingdom.
Do we realize such today?
I wonder.
Who speaks up for the ways of God today? What happens when the gospel message is surrounded by today’s cancel culture?
Are there any who will refuse a mandate if it isn’t godly in nature?
Do we bow to Caesar; or do we worship God?
Jesus told us what to do when faced with this problem; render unto God what is God’s and unto Caesar what is Caesar”s.
Are we paying attention?
To clarify this a little further; Caesar is clearly a “dictator.”
Who should dictate what a Christian can do with their life? Would this be God or Caesar?
So many people groups of today’s world have turned their backs on the scriptures. They make up their own rules and invent their own form of righteousness.
These groups put themselves up as gods and in the place of the True God of Heaven and Earth. Some of their ideology sounds right; if the person they are speaking to is ignorant of the scriptures and the ways of God.
The truth is that they are NOT right.
Without correction; their wrong ideology could totally change the world.
This is exactly what Satan wants to happen.
Moses praises the Levites for their loyalty and obedience to God’s laws and ways. I’m sure he hopes this continues in the future as the eternal hope of the nation of Israel depends upon this obedient and humble state of its citizens.
Our world today also depends upon the obedience and humble hearts of true worshipers of The One True God of Heaven and Earth over the ways of mankind and man-made idols.
Remember the stand the Levites took during the worship of the golden calf? Maybe we should think of this event the next time we hear of a government mandate asking its people to bow down to the ways of the world instead of the ways of God.
In the time period when the sinful events surrounding the worship of the golden calf took place; the Levites took a stand not to sin against God with the others. They did not participate. Their numbers were small; but they took a stand anyway.
All of the rest of the people of Israel joined in with the evil practices of that moment.
Because of their obedience in the face of adversity; Moses chose to bless the Levites.
He did not forget their righteousness as he was handing out final blessings.
Can we all be as brave as these ancient priests who took a stand when no one else would do so?
Holiness will be a requirement whenever Christ returns to set up His Kingdom during the end-times.
He will look at the things that have happened in his absence. The things that were godly will continue. Things devised by men will no longer be the norm. There will come a time of accountability and what we did in the past will count toward our blessings throughout eternity.
Christ will rule with truth and accuracy.
The wrong logic of this world will be set straight.
When God’s Kingdom comes, those who have lived in humble obedience to God’s ways by using integrity and understanding (even at the point of endangerment to their own lives) will be given positions of high authority.
Many who did not trust in God’s ways will wish they had done so.
Time is growing short.
Judgement Day is coming.
It is not too late to repent and turn and serve the One True God of Heaven and Earth instead of the idols of the cultures of the world.
Be like the tribe of Levi.
God is being very patient with all of us.
He waits on that one last lost sheep to come into the fold before He makes his next move into a time that contains judgement and many harsh circumstances.
God desires that none have to go through the punishment of the incorrigible wicked on that day.
Moses, in his wisdom, recognizes how significant the trait of loyalty and obedience has been for these old Levites They have set the proper and right example before all of us. He blesses them and asks God to continue to give them this measure of goodness in the days to come.
Moreover; Moses clearly sees how significant the leadership of the Tribe of Levi will be in the future of the new nation called Israel. These worship leaders were vital.
Similarly, He knows how important their actions are going to be to all of the tribes of the soon-coming brand-new nation.
Worship is where everything begins.
Recognizing the sovereignty of The Great God of The Universe is how mankind comes into abundant living and a full life. Worship is how we express our love for The God who makes this possible.
Knowing and believing that this God exists and realizing that all sacrifices and offerings belong to Him and Him alone is vital to the growth of any nation.
It pleased Moses when the Levites brought these things forward for worship. They furnished the nation of Israel with the use of incense (symbolic of today’s prayers of God’s people.) This also happened with the offering of the sacrifices at God’s altar in the tabernacle.
In addition; each new generation of priests learned many elements of worship from the shadows and types of the Tribe of Levi. for instance, they have led us to a place which paved the way for today’s joy of knowing Messiah.
Most importantly, Moses knew that God was forming patterns in everything that happened on that wilderness journey.
For example, we know that thanksgiving, joy and a cheerful heart come forth from the place of salvation and mercy in today’s worship. The patterns are ancient; but the abundance is full. These acts of worship once belonged only to ancient Israel. As a result, now many nations enjoy knowing the Messiah!
In other words, corporate worship all started with the Levitical patterns. All the things of the Levitical priesthood have even more meaning for us today than in the past.
In addition, the shadows and types from the worship of the ancient Levites are readily available to those who believe in the saving power of the blood of Jesus Christ. One foretells the other.
Therefore, we begin to see that what the Levites did back then has led us into the better place where we stand today on this side of the cross. They taught us so much about worship.
In conclusion; Moses praises the worship of the Levites, and the skills they use to teach the people to worship in the proper manner. He asks God to continue to teach them and to bless the work they do. In addition, Moses prays for God to stop anyone who comes against them in these good works.