It is way past time to begin to think about God’s Spring Holy Days. Have you marked your calendar and made your plans?
Of course; I’m speaking of the times of Passover, Unleavened Bread, and Early First Fruits. We get to enjoy eight days of amazing worship and wonderful insights pouring down from Heaven.
Even the time before those eight days matter; the preparation times that we must go through to get there. It is time to get ready.
Have you began your preparations yet?
Time always seems to be slipping away from me. In spite of that I want to approach the Spring Holy Days with the calm assurance that everything will get done in God’s good time.
It isn’t about stressing and rushing; these days are about slowing down and enjoying all of the spiritual blessings that Our Father has chosen to give to us. These are the days that He set aside to be with us.
Nothing could be more special.
It is great to start early and begin to check at least one thing off the list every day until suddenly we find the preparations are all done.
If the house isn’t ready yet; I will take a deep breath and take a Sabbath rest.
When I’m refreshed; I’ll continue plodding away one task at a time until suddenly it is all done.
I’m always amazed that it happens that way.
The leaven gets cleaned out.
All the spring housekeeping gets done.
The special menus get planned, and the groceries get bought. Plans and arrangements for services are finally confirmed. Invitations are issued and people have responded.
Our Passover dishes are retrieved and ready; and the prayers are said.
Out come the special things that speak of this Holy Week. As I put these cherished treasures on the table and around the rooms; I remember that true treasure is what we are storing up in heaven.
Perhaps having the attitude of worship as I prepare will store up a few of those treasures for the future. I hope.
Always in these hurried times Jesus calms my heart. He reassures me that He has overcome the world. Nothing I can do wrong will ever change that. I smile as I continue in my own humanness; hoping to meet all of the deadlines of my little plan on time. My plan only works because His plan is the plan I follow.
I can only hope that my spirit is as prepared as my house! After all; isn’t that the most important part?
So with each year that passes, God has been showing me how to slow down and take one simple thing at a time until it is all done. I’m specially prompted to set aside daily times of prayer, worship and devotions. As these special times approach being in a close relationship with Our Savior is of the utmost importance.
He is helping me to remember to drink in every moment. Jesus reminds me to cherish the gift of holy time that He has given to His people. There is only one thing better than this great gift of time – that is the gift of holy, appointed times!
When the day of Passover arrives; I want to be drinking in the wonder of the miracles of deliverance. It is my desire to be remembering Jesus in every second and every symbol that is presented at the Seder.
My eyes are opened with the fact that we have all been set free from slavery. We have all suffered the plagues from the sins of the world and our Savior has come to deliver us.
Our lifetime on earth is yet another wilderness journey. Baptism is comparable to the miracle of crossing the Jordan. We will come to The Promised Land one day and spend forever with God. King Jesus will replace the Pharaoh’s of this earth and there will be peace at last. Each Passover renews our hope.
As Unleavened Bread begins; I want to think of how important it is to be feeding my soul the right things. I want to feast on The Bread of Heaven instead of the unhealthy foods of the world.
I want to open my eyes wider; realizing how easy it is to overlook and sweep those spiritual sins under the rug instead of cleaning them out of our lives.
Each day I want to come before God with a willing and trusting heart; trusting that He will take care of all the things that I am too blind to see and overlook what I forget; because He is a loving, forgiving and merciful God.
When the Day of First Fruits arrives I want to be fresh and aware and rejoicing in the power and glory of resurrection.
Jesus was the first of many.
Because of Him we too will one day know resurrection and eternal life. As we rejoice we place our offerings before God. Our lives are our gift back to Him. He has given us ALL – His precious Son; and now we are redeemed forever.
It is a day of great rejoicing and praise!
As we continue through Passover week and The rest of The Seven Days of Unleavened Bread; I want to hear all of the old stories again. It is time to ponder the ways that Christ came to us and saved us. It is a good time to walk with Him through the stories of how it happened. He commanded us to “remember Him.”
I want to drink in God’s plans for the destiny of our days. My heart wants to be full of anticipation for what Our Father will do with those who chose to follow Christ and live out His ways forever. A new sacred year opens up before us. It offers a whole new chance to live our lives in God’s best ways.
So many miracles to ponder!
We have entered a time of much worship and rejoicing!
There is so much hope in a time that feels so hopeless for the world. We invite all who will come into our hope, to live and worship with us, to experience God’s love more and more as our days go by.
God is SO good!
We must rejoice and worship Him in the days He set aside for such times as these Spring Holy Days.
I love how it all comes together.
Below are many articles we have previously published. They are our febel attempts to explain the ins-and-outs of coming into these holy days with our hearts turned toward God in pure worship. Understand that some of the articles were written in PAST years; so the dates may not relate to the present Spring Holy Day dates. Don’t let that confuse you.
It all starts with the month of Aviv.
The first clue of the changing of the season begins as we start the month of Aviv by deciding what our first-fruits offerings will be for this year. Your calendar may say Nissan – they are the same names for the first Hebraic month of the sacred year.
Are you ready?
What has God put on your heart to bring to His Kingdom for the time of honoring First Fruits?
Have you been blessed?
Look back over the past year. Have you been profitable in the last year of the Hebraic calendar? God has blessed all of us in different ways. Now it is time to give back.
It is time to be thankful for those blessings. The time is set apart to bring something with faith to God. This gift will be the first of the best of all you have to offer for the new year.
We haven’t had time for a profit in the new year yet; it has only begun. Yet, we decide on the offering that God wants us to give; the thing that He is putting on our heart to do for His Kingdom in this new sacred year.
Let’s walk into the time with an offering of faith. It is our way of saying “I trust you Lord to bless these efforts that I want to give to The Kingdom of God.” This is our gift back to God; expecting nothing in return. It is a gift of love, straight from the heart.
Now we turn a page and begin to look to the blessings of the new Hebraic year.
The first month of the new sacred year on the Hebraic calendar is the month of Aviv; which is also called Nissan.
Let’s think about the meaning of that month and what it says to us at the beginning of each year.
It is time to consider what our first fruits offering is going to be this year. Next it is time to prepare our homes and make our plans for the Passover Seder and Early First Fruits.
Let’s begin!
It is our joy to share our thoughts on these subjects with you. Here at The IN SEASON Lifestyle we pray that you enjoy an amazing time with The Father during Passover Week.
Keep watching for our devotions concerning The Elements of Passover. They will be coming out in a summarized articles soon.
May God’s miracles reach out and touch your heart all during the week of Passover.