What happens when a nation loses their beloved leader?
For a moment there might be a sense of panic and chaos among the people. Many prayers would be lifted up for God’s help. Many would be wondering why such a thing could happen and some might question the reasons behind everything that made it happen.
A few faithful people would be silently waiting upon God to reveal what they needed to know in order to keep moving ahead with the plans for where God had been leading them.
No; I’m not referring to the election and the election confusion that has recently occurred in America; though it could almost be the same story.
I’m referring to God reassuring the people that He will send another prophet after Moses; one that can be trusted and one that will lead them on to their new nation. Before calamity had even arrived; God had prepared His people. Even Moses, the one who was having to leave, had to be aware of this plan that God was working out.
Not everyone was going to understand the changes.
In Deuteronomy 18 God speaks out to Moses and says “I will raise up a prophet from among their countrymen like you. I will put my words in his mouth. My prophet shall speak to them all the things that I command him to speak.”
Instead of living in fear and chaos; all the people really had to do was to wait on the LORD’S prophet to arrive. God had warned them that he was coming, and he would have the answers that they needed; the words of God which would lead them on into The Promised Land.
For so many years they had been waiting!
For so many years they had wandered; and now Moses had brought them right up to the very edge of the new life; and God was going to take him away from them.
They could not comprehend this; or that Moses was not going to be allowed to enter and crossover with them.
Moses warns them not to panic, but for them to pay attention and to carry on with what they already knew that God wanted.
A lot of things had become foundational; all that was left for them to do was to rise up and build a new life. This new prophet would come to help them figure things out.
God would provide the leader to help them.
It was going to require a lot of trust; but this leader would come from their own people. He would know their hearts and he would understand what they stood for. He would have an appreciation for the great work that Moses had been assigned in order to get them even to this present point. He would have a new vision that would take them further toward a victorious and plentiful life.
They had to trust God and wait.
So; I guess you are ready for me to tell you about Joshua? Or Calab?
They were great leaders, and they were perfect in the transitional role that they played in the formation of Israel; but no -not them.
The people had a LONG wait until this great Prophet from God appeared. His name was Jesus Christ. He came like them – flesh and blood, though he was divine from heaven.
All of the things pertaining to the governing of the nation of Israel that led up to His birth were set in time; and perfectly planned. When everything looked the darkest and when all hope had almost disappeared at the death of Moses; God still had a plan.
One greater than Moses was coming.
It is still the plan.
One greater than any earthly leader ever known is coming.
All we have to do is trust and wait and keep the hope of God in our hearts.
I have never seen the righteous forsaken,
Or God’s children begging for bread.
God is still in control of America.