It took a long time for one of our daughters to discover that all three of her boys needed to be eating gluten-free foods. When she DID make that amazing discovery; we saw a noticeable difference in the personality and the attitude of these precious boys; especially the oldest child.
One day before this very helpful discovery was made, we were all sitting around at their house chatting and the oldest boy was being very disruptive and irritating the younger boy continuously. We now know it was because of the food we had fed him earlier. The younger child just looked up at him and said “You know – we just want to be happy!”
We were amazed at the wisdom of a three year old speaking out to an eleven year old that day. Though it was funny at the time; we DID discover that we had simply been feeding the oldest all the wrong foods and it was making him pretty grumpy and unhappy. On his new diet; he is such a happy camper!
This great new cookbook seems to have found the same fact to be true for many people. If you are trying to decide how to make your gluten-free eaters happier at Thanksgiving – this book might contain a few magical answers.
Another book that relates to this subject; but isn’t about food at all is one we found for the three-year-old while we were on a trip and visiting a terrific bookstore. Because of the above story; the book seemed to have his name on it. If you have a three-year-old who “just wants to be happy” here is a good book to share with them this year.
We hope these two little suggestions help to ease the decision making process for this season of thankfulness in your home. I know they did for ours!