Whether or not you have participated in our Thursday On-Line Bible Studies, called COME AS A CHILD; – you will probably love some of our author’s books which summarize them. We tell you how to purchase them here in our Community Store.
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You can buy any of our books at Amazon.com. Just go to the Amazon.com site, use the category called “books” and type the name of our book you are interested in purchasing into the space for products. This will take you directly to the Amazon order site and you may place your order there. We receive a royalty on any book you purchase from us on Amazon.
Purchasing these books is a great way to show your love and sponsorship of The IN SEASON Lifestyle Blog. The money we receive in royalties goes to support the expenses we encounter in blogging and publishing.
Here are the books we have published so far:

Golden Tales for Rainy Days by Gail Landgraf is full of short fictional stories for various occasions of reading out loud to a group or just sitting by the fire and relaxing with good, wholesome stories. You can purchase this book directly from Amazon.com.


If you love God’s calendar like we do; you will enjoy these books that contain devotional messages for each of these two parts of the Fall Holy Day Season (Elul and The Ten Days of Awe.)
Like all of our other books; you can purchase these titles directly from Amazon.com. Just look up the titles under Amazon’s “books” section.

The COME AS A CHILD BIBLE STUDY group of The IN SEASON Lifestyle Community is slowly walking through the bible together. We are walking with the eyes of a trusting child who is wanting to get closer to their Father. All of our preconceived ideas and suggestions have been put on the back burner. We are taking in the scriptures as if hearing them for the very first time. You could say we are listening to God with the ears of a child.
This group studies the scriptures together weekly, walking word-by-word and page-by-page through the bible. Then we discuss the subjects together. We have learned so much!
Our studies are winding up a session from The Book of Judges right now. We hope to make it all the way through the bible together. I’ll warn you though that we are moving slowly and taking our time. That is intentional on our part. We want to linger with God and wait on Him to reveal what He wants us to know. It is the hope of the blog’s author to summarize each book as we finish each of our studies. Every book of the bible will be a separate study. So far we have published two such summaries from our Genesis study:

This book is a layman’s commentary and re-telling of the first half of the book of Genesis.
You will love how each character comes to life. The book shows readers how simple it is to understand the progression of God’s plan for mankind. There is nothing preachy here. A lot of commentary comes forth about the times and cultures of each of the colorful Old Testament stories.
These Old Testament stories from the times of Creation on through the fascinating lives of Abraham and Sarah are rich with elements that pertain to modern life as well as the life stories of beloved biblical characters. Each story is told in a unique way; different than many of our standard typical telling.
Every story has it’s own portion of original and studious commentary. This delightful storytelling and the colorful characters make the chapters flow in a way that is easy to follow. You will find yourself weeping with Sarah and Hagar. You will feel the emotions of Abraham’s life after the jubilant ending on Moriah with the offering of Isaac; and then the horrid contrast of the death of his beloved Sarah.
The author loves details about biblical characters. This fact shines through in her books. You will definitely find this out by exploring the adventures in the books which she has published so far.
Go to Amazon.com’s “book” section and purchase your copy today!

If you enjoyed the first book about Genesis; you will love this second half of our commentary about Genesis.
This book is even richer. It is filled with the excitement and adventures and colorful stories of God’s people of old.
In this section of Genesis, The Old Testament stories seem to be one love story after another. This second book is all about relationships. The Gospel Hidden in Genesis Book Two of Two begins with the faithfulness of Eliezer in his servanthood to Abraham. It covers the beautiful love story of Isaac and Rebekah.
You can imagine the pounding of Rebekah’s heart as she decides she will go into a strange land to marry a groom she has never met. Just like this story; so many other stories of Israel take place right beside an old, old and very important well.
One strange love story leads to another; Abraham, after a long time of grieving for his beloved Sarah remarries Keturah. Some readers are surprised to find out that Keturah was the same person as Hagar. Here we find her in later life, living out the time after God had changed her name. She has matured into a new person; a person living and being sustained by a well that was given to her by Abraham.
There are so many surprises hidden inside this book’s pages. We hear of the struggle as Isaac and Rebekah grow their family with the birth of twin boys. Rebekah is warned by God that two nations exist within her womb. The characters of Jacob and Esau are written in ways that make you think you are standing in the room with them. Could two brothers be more opposite?
The book progresses much further into the life of Jacob. It tells of his unfortunate marriage to the wrong woman. We explore how hard he worked to finally obtain the right to his true love; Rachel.
The lives of all of Jacob’s sons are colorfully portrayed. His love for Benjamin and Joseph is so strong that all of the others are jealous. This turns the pages of our book to the telling of the stories of the amazing life of Joseph. We learn how he faithfully kept the nation of Israel from being extinguished from famine and starvation.
The book ends with a summary of thoughts about the strong significance of the life of Joseph. It is very clear to the reader that he was a type and shadow of Jesus Christ.
Of course both books (One and Two) are FULL of Old Testament stories and examples of New Testament revelations. These are all hiding like pearls in a field waiting for us to discover as we turn the pages of the books.
Both of these books about Genesis are unique. They read like no study you have ever participated in before. We bravely tackle many of the subjects that others prefer to skirt. It is our belief that every word of the holy scriptures has been inspired by God and is good for study and meditation. Those who have participated will testify to the fact that these bible studies have added great value to their spiritual lives.
The two books on Genesis may be purchased directly from Amazon.com. Due to software changes beyond our control; we are no longer able to place our books as direct ads on this website. Now you must go through Amazon’s website to purchase them. Don’t let that stop you though. Anything worth having is worth pursuing. We are an Amazon Affiliate and we participate in the KDP Publications program. That means we receive a royalty from Amazon from every book purchased. Our profits come from royalties, and sometimes Amazon will reward us for mentioning their products on line too.

Very soon we will be adding the summary of our study through the Book of Exodus as our newest book. Most of this book reviews the discussions and studies we did from our weekly on-line study of The Book of Exodus study from the weekly bible study blog; but this newest book goes into even greater detail than our on-line study. The message is fresh, important and significant.
One theme runs through the whole book of Exodus – that is how God wishes for his people to live and love in the freedom of His best ways to live. Therefore; we have titled this book “EXODUS TO FREEDOM.” It is all about how a Christian can learn to live in freedom in any circumstances and through any trials and troubling times.
Life changing examples are taken from the physical exodus through the wilderness and applied to today’s world and today’s circumstances.
Exodus to Freedom would be perfect for a spring bible study, especially for groups who love observing The Passover. It contains an interesting and refreshing review of the story of Moses and The Exodus. We like to recommend the book as a good Passover gift to any guests attending your family Seder.
There are a little over 500 pages in this paperback edition. Don’t let that scare you. One reason there are so many pages in this book is that it is actually two books in one. There are chapters on how we learn to take spiritual exodus, and at the end of each chapter there is a set of thought-provoking study questions.
So realize that Exodus to Freedom is actually two books in one!
You have the book, and the workbook, combined for small groups or individual study. Hence; there is no need for your small group bible study participants to have to buy or carry around two separate books for the group studies. Everything you need is all together in one place.
The study questions are deep. Your group will enjoy exploring them together. These questions make for great conversation starters. Your small groups will love this book for reading and discussing as you begin to enter the Spring Holy Day season. Of course, it is also a great devotional book for year-round studies. Exodus is the focus; but there is so much more.
We expect to put this book on the market sometime in March of 2024. That gives bible study groups plenty of time to order ahead for any spring study sessions. Passover and Resurrection Day (Early Firstfruits) comes later than usual this year. They take place in April. Be watching The IN SEASON Lifestyle Blog to know when to order the copies you need in March.
Planning is going forward for a book launch for family and friends as well as an on-line book launch from the blog.
Exodus to Freedom is also a perfect study for anyone seeking an individual devotional study. It is refreshing and eye-opening for any time of the year. It would make an excellent gift for any of your Christian friends seeking to move deeper into the place of living out the Christian lifestyle in God’s way.
Keep watching this page from The Community Store as well as other pages of the blog for more of the coming publication announcements. We hope to be sharing several book launch parties on the blogsite. Many areas of Alabama will be involved as time goes by.
So don’t miss a thing! You can become a member of the blog by going to theinseasonlifestyle.com and clicking on the “submit” button at the top of each of our articles. Just fill in your information. You will then be added to our e-mail list for The IN SEASON Lifestyle Community.
Please let us know if you wish for the author to come to your local community group for book signings, readings or teachings from this book. She loves to share her stories with others.
We are so excited to be able to offer this new publication!

Keep checking our Community Store page for any new books and related products as they arrive.
We also hope to add some T-Shirts and Coffee Cups for The IN SEASON Lifestyle Community soon.
Why not use and wear what you believe; just another way to testify to God’s goodness in our lives; right?
Look for more updates soon!
Thank you for being such amazing and dedicated readers of the blog.
God bless you each and every one!