Today we want to review a great book called God and Cancel Culture; written by Steve Strang. For more details; consult this link from Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/god-and-cancel-culture-stephen-e-strang/1139428203. We will also add an Amazon link at the bottom of this book review, in case you wish to order the book. (We are an Amazon Affiliate and we may receive a small percentage of any sales; but at no extra cost to you.)
Why does this book matter so much?
Have you ever wondered why the current culture has moved so far away from God while moving closer and closer to left-thinking ideology?
This book may help to answer both of those questions.
We are definitely in a battle for the souls of America.
Cancel culture plays a huge role in this battle. The book called God and Cancel Culture helps us to see the importance of this whole political process, and how it can evolve and change within the culture, depending upon our stance.
The wake-up call from this eye-opening book will help to equip the members of God’s Church in their battle to overcome.
Steve Strang advises us that the main step to overcoming any evil movement is to stand strong and continue preaching and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Within the pages of the book, there is a a close examination and consideration of the cultural facts which are now before us. Thus; we need to ponder this huge elephant in the room that no one is talking about called “cancel culture.”
We ask ourselves how we can handle this new type of suppression of open and candid debate which exists between an element of our culture and the churches of America?
Today’s Progressives believe it is perfectly okay to cancel the message of others. They consider their dismissive actions of those who disagree with their positions to be an effective type of activism. Cancelling out the message of others seems to be the Progressive way of holding others accountable.
Cancel culture is such an ironic concept. Those who are doling out the cancelling are not accountable to anyone. They never have to show proof of their own truths.
To double the trouble; it does not seem to matter whether or not they are true. Truth is not the issue with these people. Their actions are more about whether or not they stand in unity with their own group; no matter what.
Those who know Jesus know that He is truth. When you know the truth, it will set you free. This point of the scriptures has never been more relevant than today. It is totally opposite the thinking of cancel culture.
When someone speaks out with a message which the cancel culture opposes, these activists quickly begin to cancel the message. The important values of the “cancelled” party become silenced and ignored. It is as if that group of people suddenly have no voice at all.
The whole process actually contradicts itself
Instead of convincing evidence from both sides of any issue, we have only one ironic non-conversation. The beautiful art of freedom of speech becomes totally destroyed.
True activists should exist to create a better world. In lieu of creating this; cancel culture brings suppression. A total lack of freedom is the end result for much of the silenced population. Only those who consider themselves “elite” and above the law are happy.
Stephen Strang has observed the vast history leading up to this tipping-point moment in time. He explains in detail how the current population is not the first to experience the dangers of cancel culture.
Mr. Strang gives his readers some wonderful true examples from his amazing collection of the life stories from real people who have lived in countries without the power of free speech or self-expression.
Their stories pull at our heartstrings. These amazing testimonies bring us great wisdom and knowledge.
They learned the hard way that free speech and due process are the very essence of the foundation of freedom. The American Constitution contains both attributes.
However; the laws of social media, as well as various other types of media used today, have evolved to a place far from the original intent of our forefathers.
People have forgotten that social media is NOT governmental law.
Often; the only truth allowed is that of the “woke” media.
Another writer, Professor Alan Dershowitz, expressed it like this: “Cancel culture, though a child of the current woke generation, is an illegitimate descendant of both hard-right McCarthyism and hard-left Stalinism.”
With cancel culture, all truth does not matter; only their truth.
Steve Strang carefully addresses the issues by looking back through the pages of history. Later, he also looks forward to what the future may one day become.
It was very wise that Strang chose the historical approach to this matter. This pleases me mostly because of the fact that today’s culture thinks nothing of totally erasing historical facts, as if they never existed.
Erasing history is erasing truth.
Truth matters to God and it definitely should matter to God’s people.
The author explains the dangers of the tyrannical hypocrisy which exists within the current movement of today’s cancel culture. He offers logical explanations behind the many double-standards and politically-correct un-truths of our culture.
Enlightened readers become very aware that it is impossible to live in a true democratic republic while having the use of only one truly accepted ideology.
In a true Republic; every voice matters.
Stephen Strang’s advice to Christians who are living in the world of cancel culture today is to “stand strong before it is too late.”
This may prove to be the most important message of our times.
The book helps us to see the seriousness of standing firm against cancel culture’s consistent threats to freedom. It becomes clear that part of the reason behind silencing the opposition with this technique called “cancel culture” is a goal to cancel Christianity.
God will never allow this to happen.
The book addresses ways for the church to move forward in spite of this attempt to use silence as a weapon against God’s people and God’s ways.
Within the pages of God And Cancel Culture there is an honest assessment of what is happening. The author offers new suggestions for standing against such dangerous ideologies.
In the many messages of this book, we are given a clear reminder of what Jesus intended as the true purpose of the Church.
The author covers various ways in which that purpose can still be carried out and move forward, even in oppressed and suppressed times by those who choose to remain faithful.
After reading this book you will gain a fresh, brand new desire to follow God’s call to better understand the times in which we are living.
As long as God’s people are alive and active, the true Church cannot be cancelled.
This watchman admonishes us to continue to boldly honor God’s call upon our lives.
The stakes are high, but this book will help us all to take courage and act with holy boldness to counteract cancel culture and continue to carry out The Great Commission.