It is the week after Christmas and I’m mulling over all of the “glorious impossibles” for this year. I just read a book on how to cope with the end of the world. How’s that for a way to start out the new secular year? Interesting; but not what I had in mind for starting the year.
Well; the good news is I woke up again today.
The world didn’t come to an end.
If I turn off the television and don’t check the news; it even looks like a really good day. The sun is shining and the mountains are beautiful outside my window. Life seems still good; even if you are 67 years old and looking for your next career. Yep; that is me at the end of 2022.
I’ve been blogging for well over 10 years now. During that time I’ve been writing my heart out. My dreams of becoming a published writer have begun to come true. Writing is my passion; but it hasn’t yet become very profitable. No matter; I won’t ever quit writing. That is just part of who I am.
It is my day job that I’m thinking about changing. You know; the one with the steady pay checks.
The person who holds the business together at my day-job is retiring. That means the company that hasn’t exactly told me yet is probably going to close the branch office where I make a living. Traveling to the Corporate Office is not a good option for me during the current fuel hike. It is too far even if that wasn’t the case.
I will more than likely be out of regular (paying) work soon. In this economy I’m not too sure that anyone should retire before reaching the age of 100. It hasn’t been on my radar at all. I’ll do that when I choose to do that. God isn’t calling me there yet; but maybe one day.
In the meantime; if you know of someone who wants to invest in a new magazine company for me to run, or even just someone who needs a routine freelance writer; please let me know. I’m open to profit abilities.

The funny thing is that I find myself laughing and considering this crazy situation to be a blessing.
God is forcing me to step beyond my comfort zone. I’ll have to let go of a little security in order to find much more authenticity and value in my 8 to 5/Monday through Friday life. That is not such a bad trade off. I’m ready.
So how will I start this glorious impossible and make it work out? Only with God’s help. He knows my capabilities and He knows where they will work best.

What I seem to hear Him saying is “be careful; but aim more strategically into your purpose.”
Yes; I’ve blogged and written novels; but I have no degree in journalism. Every publishing job out there seems to think that is necessary on a resume. However; neither did Harper Lee, Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Maya Angelou, H.G. Wells or Arthur Conan Doyle. I’m not in bad company at all.
I could just stop working and start writing 24/7. Sounds like heaven! It might work – until I got hungry. Why do we have to eat?
My blogging is SO VERY NITCHED. It hits a nerve only with devout Christians wanting to follow a biblical calendar in their living. Some of that goes against the normal worldly grain. There is much inside the pages of the blog about the daily and seasonal things of a Christian-Hebraic thinking lifestyle; especially those with a spiritual aspect. I would love to find the time to fine-tune that even more. I’m totally into producing Christian lifestyle magazines. The material just pours out of me. Ideas never cease. God’s greatest gift to us (after Jesus) is time. I never get enough of it.
To make things even more niched; I am extremely conservative in my politics. It always shows in my writing. Since the Constitution was based upon godly principals and values; I desperately desire that America wake up and quit being “woke.” I wish to see us returning to the good old fashioned, tried and true values of long ago. My heart truly desires fidelity to the original; both in spirituality and nationality.

So; how do I pull this off?
The perfect answer would be to start a southern-styled, conservative magazine with godly values. Any takers? I would be very qualified to run such a publication – all I need is funding. If you have some loose change laying around the house gathering dust; let me know. I have the venture for you to consider.
Hence in the meantime; I continue to search for the gloriously impossible 9-5 job that will allow me a bit of time for life-balances and writing too.
Only God knows the answers. This next year is going to be a bit of a mystery full of doors opening that I’ve never walked through before. It is both scary and exciting at the same time. Whatever happens; I will blog my way through it. Fortunately; I’m great at multi-tasking. How do you think I’ve co-led such an active family for so long while working and writing on the side?
All I can say at this point is that 2023 will be a most interesting year. God will somehow paint a canvas of my life story in a different way than ever before. He is about to do that with all of us. His plan is the ONLY plan. I want those results from myself to be better, more creative, more colorful, bolder and even more true to God’s Kingdom principals.

I just read a story of a man who put his logo on everything surrounding him. In producing a logo of what he loved most; be began to live into it. This seemed a backwards way to start. First you have a good product; then you advertise it.
Over the last ten years I have been building a product line with my articles, stories and books. In the coming year I want to put my logo on them. I want the world to wonder what those different colored trees are saying and why so many people seem drawn to them. Perhaps they will go and look up 2 Timothy 4:2 to know its meaning; and they will know my life purpose in the process. It is a purpose that God has offered to each and every one of us.

I’ve been steadily writing a bible study that is on-going again this year. It will continue until we have been cover-to-cover through the bible together; or I die. The first option would suit me just fine. Our readers seem to love this study and I love conducting it. Writing the study has me continuously studying and learning more than I could be teaching. Participation for this fun group keeps picking up all the time. People of today seem to enjoy reading bible interpretations from a godly lay person who is devoted to the truth over a technically-minded yet canned seminary point-of-view.
However; neither type of interpretation is wrong; it is just that the approach of each study is different in nature. The typical approach tends to prove godly facts in a specific way. The approach we choose is to let God lead you into your own thoughts. Only He knows exactly where you are in life. We use the fresh approach of a child just learning here. Jesus recommended this way to us. It seems to work well for everyone who tries it.
My approach has always been very prayerful and studious, but also open to new points of view. We simply hold everything up to the scriptures. God has rewarded that. People read it and follow it.
During this coming year I want to bring some new intensity into the blog. Look for the joy-factor to increase quite a bit.
While keeping the studious and prayerful layperson’s approach; I want to explore the fun, exciting, adventurous and happy side of the life of Jesus. I want people to see that the lifestyle he lived before us always produces joy and thanksgiving. HE SHOWED US HOW TO LIVE. THAT IS ALL WE REALLY NEED TO KNOW. HE GAVE US THE PERFECT PATTERN.
If you stay inside that particular subject for long you will laugh and play and learn new things. Nothing will ever be the same. Every day is a new slate full of great possibilities for true life and great living. It all starts with a Hebraic-thinking calendar. Expect those types of articles along with the usual.

To find that happier, more joyful place; we must change the mind-set of the world we live in. Wasn’t that what Jesus set out to do?
We must show more of his goodness, love and kindness. There must be a constant awareness of his zest for life and his desire for all to have a good home and a loving family around them. We should always know that he desires our safety and protection and well-being above all other things. He wants us to live joyfully forever. That is why He died to make it possible.
In the next year – whatever I find to do to earn money; my main goal will be to increase these types of writings.
I truly desire to publish more books. Several of them will have a different; more playful, intensely joyful attitude than those of the past. There will be less about duty and more about adventure and discovery. I think this can happen; with God’s good help and guidance.

So; I guess you didn’t get the usual trip down memory lane for this year’s glorious impossibles. I hope you are not disappointed.
There ARE MANY amazing memories of this year to cherish though! I am so very thankful to have them all. I don’t want to disappoint you by not sharing just a bit. SO MANY AMAZING AND WONDERFUL THINGS HAPPENED during 2022.
A brief description would start with the happy thought that my husband and I celebrated 30 years of a good marriage. That isn’t something to sneeze at these days. I’m very proud to be able to say it out loud. My heart is happy that my amazing husband has made the sacrifice of staying with me and making our life work well for so many years of blessings. He is my anchor and he has been very patient with all of my writing adventures. I try to return the favor in a million little ways each year.

Our grown children are happy and thriving in all of their life choices. One very special part of this past year is that our daughter named Erin finally married her long-time sweetheart. He has been such a blessing to our family. Getting to know his family has been a wonderful experience for each of us. Their wedding celebration party was a day to go down in history. We all had a blast and our joy was overflowing.

Our grandkids are growing so tall and strong! Each one of them has their own special set of amazing attributes. Not one could ever be replaced or forgotten if our life is to continue to be complete and blessed. I thank God for all four of them each and every day. We constantly pray for their continued health, happiness and spiritual growth toward God’s Kingdom purposes for their lives.

If it were in my power; I would give the whole world and all of its riches to each of them. More than that though – my prayer is for them to grow in the love and grace of God’s Kingdom. Their parents are doing a great job of assuring every opportunity.

My Mom is still with us and going strong. I can’t keep up with her! She is still so amazing. I hope that energy level flows on to me as I too am ageing more on the downside of 50 than the upside. We are all growing old together. I can’t think of a better way to do it.

There are no definitive answers to the future right now, except to say there are great expectations and much hope for God to provide and bring abundance for as long as He chooses to allow us to belong to His Kingdom.
He will fill our days in the ways that He chooses. His choices have always been better than mine. I trust that fact more than ever now. I’ve learned to listen and to lean into the truth that He reveals to me in each moment.
My request today is that all of our readers pray for all of the decisions I must make in the upcoming year. Change can be difficult; or change can bring more satisfaction and progress. I am praying for the latter. Also I’m hopeful that 2023 will be better than any year we have experienced yet! That would be a VERY, VERY good year. All of the years gone by would be hard to top.

Also; I pray for each and every one of you. My request to Our Great God is that you too will sort out the ups and downs of life in this coming year and continue to find your glorious impossibles amidst the world’s rubble, noise and destruction.
Together; we can bring The Light of Christ to all who are living in darkness. That alone is a reason to look forward to the upcoming year.
Keep shinning your lights. Keep lifting your hands in worship. Stay true to the The God Who Loves You and do not be deceived as we walk through the troubles to come.
Jesus has overcome the world!
Know it.
Breath it!
Walk around in it; and your glorious impossibles will always come forth.

Gail Landgraf/Editor/Publisher/Writer – The IN SEASON Lifestyle Blog