What symbolism could be found in the jawbone of a donkey? This and so much more symbolism can be found in the story of Samson.
From what we have seen of this symbolism in the story so far; we could say:
Samson’s Father-in-law is symbolic of Satan. So are all of the Philistines that are coming against Israel.
Samson’s wife is symbolic of the false and apostate church.
The 300 foxes with their tails set on fire during the time of the harvest were symbolic of angelic spirits being unleashed on the world in the last days. They destroyed the crops that had been fruitful for the enemies of the Israelites; right at the time of harvest – Pentecost.
Samson’s strength comes from God’s Holy Spirit. A Christian’s strength also comes from God’s Holy Spirit.
As Samson was in a spiritual battle against evil; so are godly people today.
Harvests of vineyards and olive groves are also symbolic of the time of Pentecost.
At Pentecost God’s Holy Spirit came down to fill those who believed. The Spirit of God came over Samson at that time in the story of Samson’s life and gave him supernatural strength.
Like Samson in this story, at the time of the harvest God’s people are put under the control of God’s enemies. However; God turns things around for them eventually. This is done with supernatural strength, similar to the situation that Samson faced.
Samson was used by his own people to gain favor with Israel’s enemies; the Philistines. The men of Judah acted out of fear and greed instead of trust in God. They turned him over to the Philistines.
Again, in this part of the story we see how Samson was a type of Jesus.
The way Samson allows himself to be caught and bound by the cowards of his own people is the same way that Jesus gave himself up willingly for the sake of saving His people. Like Samson in this story; Jesus allowed himself to be captured and treated like a criminal.
Over and over we see that in spite of his humanness and mistakes, God still had plans for Samson.
He used Samson regardless of his bad judgment and mistakes. God gives him the strength to break free from his bonds. Then God helps Samson to assassinate 1,000 Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey.
This scene of the Samson story is also a prophetic shadow of the battle at the return of Christ in the second coming.
How so?
Let’s think about our last story, the one where Samson went to get his bride and found she had been given to another. In this story Samson was returning. When he did return, he found everything out of order. Then he decided to take revenge on those who had ruined his marriage.
Foxes are let loose in the fields with their tails tied together and set on fire. Samson set them strategically in place. It could be that some of the foxes represented demonic spirits, and some of them represented angels. Both will be at work on the earth during end times. Also; according to prophecy, one-third of the earth will be destroyed and set on fire, during end times.
After passing judgment on his not so loyal family; Samson hid out from the Philistines who wanted to arrest him. He hid in the cleft of a rock.
The men from Judah were confronted by the Philistines. They feared what they would do to them. It was known that the Philistines controlled the trade in the area and collected tariffs from the Israelites.
At any moment (because of their anger toward Samson) the Philistines could cut off the livelihood of the men from Judah. These men from Judah are symbolic of the Jews who handed Christ over to the Romans for trial.
Samson was sent to be the deliverer of Israel. They knew it was God’s plan and had heard the prophecy from Samson’s parents. Yet; the men of Judah were cowards and afraid. Instead of being brave and courageous and asking Samson to defend them against the Philistines; they talked Samson into turning himself in.
Like Jesus; Samson allowed himself to be captured and bound and turned over to his enemies.
His own people turned him over. They surrendered their own deliverer.
Mankind was just as guilty with the crucifixion of Christ.
The Spirit of God came upon Samson again, causing his bonds to break and giving him the strength to deliver him from his enemies. God placed a donkey’s jawbone on the ground next to him. Samson took that jawbone and used it to kill 1000 Philistines.
By taking the jawbone of a donkey in his hands, Samson would have been touching something that had died. This would have made Samson unclean. It was the same with Jesus suffering upon a wooden cross. He took on the sins of mankind, which would have made him unclean.
As he stood on top of a hill, the Philistines rushed at Samson. Perhaps Samson moved forward and down into them as he picked up the jawbone and swung it; killing everyone in its path.
The Philistines could have tried to spear him, but if he was in the middle of them they would have ended up spearing each other instead.
The jawbone of a donkey is very hard. It would definitely knock a man out.
How strange it was to find a donkey’s jawbone being used here. Donkeys were symbols of peace. If a man came into the city on a donkey; he was said to be coming in peace. Mostly royalty rode donkeys.
Now a donkey’s bones were being used to accomplish God’s will for Israel. It happened through the hand of Samson.
How does all of this let us know that Samson was a type of Jesus? Is it possible that some of these things reflect end times? How should we acknowledge them and pay attention to today’s events in relation to them?
Samson slaying the Philistines was a shadow of Jesus Christ overcoming sin by his death on the cross.
When Samson picked up the jawbone after the battle had ended and cast it away; it was like the moment that Jesus said “It is finished.”
He had accomplished his mission.
Samson had fought hard and long. Now he was very thirsty.
It was the same for Jesus on the cross. We can read the scriptures in John 19:28 which say: “After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith; I thirst.” Here we note that Samson’s thirst points directly to the work of Christ.
And God provided Samson water from the cleft of the rock. This is clearly symbolic of the waters of life that are found by following Jesus. It speaks of resurrection power.
Samson is revived and restored. We know that through the work of Jesus on the cross the living water, a fountain of everlasting life, has been provided for all men.
Judges 15 ends by telling us that Samson ruled Israel for 20 years. Next week we will discuss another of his stories.