As I typed out yesterday’s COME AS A CHILD BIBLE STUDY lesson on The Book of Joshua Study; I reflected on how many times we have covered the main theme of that lesson in this study. “Be Not Afraid” is a regular topic in both the Old Testament teachings and the New Testament teachings. There are probably 365 days worth of quotes that relate to the topic of “be not afraid.”
I wanted to go back and repeat a few of the past lessons on this subject for those who want to dig a bit deeper into the subject. Below you can find old lessons that covered this same topic that Joshua is passing on to the people of God. Whatever was good for those old Israelites is good for us today too!
There are many more such lessons from our past studies. Just do a search with the words you need in our archives and they will pull up for you. The main thing we need to know today is DO NOT BE AFRAID. Our Great God goes before us always. He will bear us up on eagle’s wings and cover us when we need to be protected. Trust Him!
Rejoice in God’s sovereignty over you life and go out and enjoy the beautiful day He has granted to you today.
God always keeps His promises!