The IN SEASON LIfestyle is all about living life inside out and upside down. This process of life (the way Jesus lived) often involves showing love, respect and honor for the family.
After all; if we can’t love our own family; how can we expect to love all others?
What better way for us to show our love within the tiny sanctuary we all call home, than to incorporate the IN SEASON Lifestyle Family Tree into the family home’s seasonal decor?
If you read this blog very often you have caught glimpses of our family’s tree all through the year. We love using it in a million different ways!
Look for the link under the upcoming photos on this page; and watch for it in new articles that we write in the future. You will see us using this FAMILY TREE often in many ways.
From my own experience; there are a million lovely ways to use this tree to help your family to bond and grow in love. It is a real conversation starter at most of our family events. We have shared information as a family that we might never have shared had we not displayed this tree in our kitchen window and in other locations throughout our home for almost every season and reason that we celebrate together.
As the seasons progress we will show you the links to the products that The IN SEASON Lifestyle has put together to use this simple little tree for every possible season in your home.
Here are a few examples of how we have done it at our house:
We use this version of The Family Tree at Thanksgiving, when we put the name of each family member who is celebrating Thanksgiving with us on a leaf and place it on the tree to remind us to thank God for each and every one. The photo shows a big day in our family history; the day we added the name of our youngest grandchild to the tree! His big-brother got to do the honors; since he was only a tiny little guy at the time.
You would need to purchase the leaves, the netting and the decorative pumpkins to achieve the total look. Keep watching the blog and we will tell you how to find them in November. Just use markers to mark the names on your leaves. You’re all set for a fun and festive Thanksgiving activity that the whole family will enjoy!
Often when we use this tree; we also read the “Thankful” book; which this blog will advertise at a later date. Be watching!
This tree can be set up in September/October (if you celebrate the birth of Christ at the Feast of Tabernacles in the Fall as we do) with the tree displaying only the stars of the sky in small red, gold and blue stars which are given to the little ones to hang on the tree. I always look at the stars with my Grand Kids and tell them “Father Abraham lived under a huge old tree and he often looked up at the stars in the sky.”
You can add the Sukkah (the temporary dwelling) of the Christ Child depicting his birth whenever you think the time is appropriate.
The IN SEASON Lifestyle will be selling the story book that goes with this setting at a later date. Keep reading for your chance to purchase The Sukkah Stories to share with your little ones when you display this concept of The Family Tree in your home.
Later you can follow-up with the angels, the shepherds and the wise men, all when the timing is right. (The world has most of these times wrong; and the tree serves as a good teaching tool to correct this wrong conception by our children.)
This tree is best enjoyed in stages, and is a very valuable teaching tool to teach what you believe about the events and dates surrounding the timeline of the conception and the birth of Christ as well as all the events that followed after.
As it stood in my winter window; we celebrated the coming of the wise men by moving them into the grouping later that year; in February. We know that the coming of the wise men happened much later and a long time after the birth of Christ. That is why I sometimes put the tree up in September/October and teach about the birth and add eight more stars to the first star later in December to teach about Hanukkah and the conception of Christ; choosing to leave the Christ Child in the display through the Christmas season as we are typically celebrating the conception of Christ (Emmanuel – God with us) at our home; then I bring forth the wise men (months later) to teach that there was a great lapse in time before they came bearing their gifts to the young child.
The simplicity of this decor is definitely a part of the beauty of this use of the tree.
Keep watching our articles for links to the products we are showing here. There is a story I have written about a little star that will soon appear to be sold along with the offering of the purchase of this tree display. I consider it to be a Hanukkah story. Keep watching for it; you will love it.
Do you have a little one who wants to be creative and send sweet little hearts out to everyone they know in February when they first hear the story of St. Valentine?
We celebrate the godly part of Valentine’s Day at our house; but not he pagan part of history.
If you don’t know the difference; be sure to catch my February posts under the SEASONS section of this blog.
The story of St. Valentine can be verified by historians and it is a very Christian and appropriate story which teaches family values. It carries a very thought provoking message about the sanctity of marriage and family.
Why not let your small family members make and decorate the tree with these little hearts in order to remember the story? You can pin them on the tree and think about and thank God for how fortunate we are to be able to love so freely and joyously in our families today; just as God intended all along.
The red bird is just a sweet little extra touch we always add in at this time because we think it symbolizes the way that God answers our prayers for those that we love. The white dove is always symbolic of God’s Holy Spirit at work in our lives. We display both here to remind our little ones of where our blessings of love and family come from.
The IN SEASON Lifestyle will also eventually link you to a way to buy copies of our version of the story of Saint Valentine to read to your kids. I think you will love it.
These are just a few samples of how we have used THE IN SEASON LIFESTYLE FAMILY TREE at our house. Thee are a million more ways to use this tree to gather our family together in love and to honor the concepts of God inside our homes. We are excited to begin to share them with you here in our PRODUCTS section of the blog.
We actually have a different and interactive use for this IN SEASON Lifestyle Family tree for every month of the year! Soon coming will be articles with pre-packed kits which you can buy, or you can simply create and orchestrate your own family designs by ordering our recommended products.
We want to offer lots of these to you over the days of each coming season, so that your family can join in on the fun too.
We love sharing our joy!
Learning should always be fun!
The IN SEASON Lifestyle FAMILY TREE helps to make learning a joy.
Your children and grandchildren will love the activities you create around the family tree with each changing season. Your family as a whole will enjoy the changes in decor and they will find themselves watching; always excited to see what you will be doing next!
You can buy our suggested monthly packs of tree-crafts or you can come up with your own creative ideas.
Each month we can display some different phase of our lives together.
We all can be honored in the family; both from the displays of the tree, and in participating in the making and viewing of the displays.
Here are a few more samples of what we did at our house on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.

You start simply by ordering the tree: Just click into the link provided at the end of this post and order.
Every time The IN SEASON Lifestyle uses this tree in some new fashion; we will link to where you can purchase the products and share our ideas with you, so keep watching from month to month in the PRODUCTS section of the blog. Under the PRODUCTS section of the blog we will give you good and more detailed information on how to order the same materials we used so that you can create your own unique IN SEASON LIFESTYLE FAMILY TREE and/or order any of the other seasonal products that we decide to advertise for the current season.
So keep watching and come join in on all the fun with us.
Be sure to go ahead and order your tree now; because we are going to be displaying some great Fall uses for it very soon! You need to be ready.
Happy seasonal decorating!
May your family be blessed by your enthusiasm for sharing the blessings of each season with them.