This second week of a Christian counting the omer explores the Sefirah of Gevurah.
Gevurah pertains to the strength one uses in setting boundaries. Christians must learn how to set the boundary of not returning to a life of sin, but to keep moving within the will of God for their lives.
The Israelites had to keep moving toward freedom. They had to determine with all of their will not to go back to slavery. When they came to a place where there seemed to be no way to go on; God showed them how they could continue.
Gevurah requires great faith; the type of faith that moves mountains and opens doors.
In chesed, love is unbounded. Gevurah is opposite chesed. Gevurah is often love saying “no.” It is about setting limits as a way of expressing love properly. If love is one wing for change, then determination is the other wing.
This fact parallels the Israelites determination not to return to Egypt. They could see the evidence of this once on the other side of the sea. In the middle of the crossing though, they were probably a bit fearful. Fear is a natural emotion. Setting boundaries not to return to the wrong places helps us to counteract fear.
We must be committed to change to keep these boundaries.
This week of Gevurah is not about change itself; but it is about preparing to change. That was what the Israelites were going through as they left Egypt. They were preparing to change from slaves to people living in freedom. It took 40 years of wandering through the wilderness to take away the mindset of slavery and to replace that with the mindset of freedom.
In order to achieve their dream of freedom they had to resist the temptation to turn back and remain in what felt familiar and even maybe a bit safer than where they were going. They had to be willing to risk their safety and comfort in order to get ready to change. Risking safety is sometimes necessary to achieve true love. They had to accept the fear of not knowing where they would end their journey and trust God to deliver them.
Gevurah of Gevurah can sometimes feel dangerous though it is a walk of righteousness. Enemies sometimes arise to distract us from the goal of moving forward toward true freedom. Safety often looks more comfortable than the risk of walking away from bondage.
Nothing in life can change without the determination to make the change. When you wind up in the hot, dry desert without food or water that exhilaration of freedom that once seemed to be all you ever wanted shifts to the reality of a new life and a new way of living. This new way might require intense determination to keep moving forward.
Gevurah of Gevurah requires resolve to stay the course until the end. Each day the Children of Israel woke up with determination to stay the course and not to falter or give up on their sincere commitment to be a free people. This is possible only with God’s help. It is God who gives us this type of strength and determination.
We find that Gevurah of Gevurah is all about focus and determination.
Can you stay in this position without worrying about what others will think?
Will you maintain your desire for change no matter the circumstances?
Are you firm in your commitment to love?
Even if it means setting and enforcing necessary boundaries?
Our prayer for today asks God to help us to continue walking in His strength. We pray for God’s Spirit to pour out on His people and help us to fight for the things that bring life with freedom and abundance.
This prayer asks for God to guide us on this journey, showing us when to set boundaries and when to resolve to keep moving no matter our circumstances.
We learn to move and breath in His strength when we cannot rely on our own. The sooner we give up our will for His will; the sooner we will find our way to The Promised Land.