As a Christian counts the omer we come to Day 7; Malchut of Chesed. It is now 7 days after The Passover and we are meditating on the attributes of God.
Malchut of Chesed means “nobility in loving kindness, or pure love with dignity.
One scholar summarized this trait by saying it is summed up in the reading of Micah 6:8; “He has shown you O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks felt that giving to others was what makes our lives worthwhile. He noticed the differences between physical giving and spiritual giving. With physical goods, the more we share the less we have, but with spiritual goods (kindness, friendship, generosity, compassion, etc.) the more we give the more we grow.
Malchut manifests and actualizes the character and majesty of the human spirit. It is the very fiber of what makes us human.
Today we often hear the scary language of global technocrats who think it is okay to tamper with our malchut. They desire to try to change our humanity. God never meant for this to happen. It is our humanity that makes us uniquely qualified to serve our purpose for God’s Kingdom. Those who mess with our humanity mess with the actions of God’s Kingdom on the earth.
“Malchut is a sense of belonging. Knowing that you matter and that you make a difference. That you have the ability to be a proficient leader in your own right. It gives you independence and confidence. A feeling of certainty and authority.”
As an example; we could consider what happens when a mother lovingly cradles her child. We see the child’s eyes meet the mother’s affectionate eyes. The child receives the message they are wanted and needed.
They know they have a comfortable place where they will always be loved. The thinking becomes; with my mother’s care I have nothing to fear. I feel like a king in my heart. This is malchut, kingship.
A king is allowed to rule over others. The way he does this determines what type of king he really is.
Do you have power over others in your life? How have you treated those who are subordinate to you today?
Have you shown them the justice, love and humility of a servant of God?
Do you feel you have exercised your authority with love and mercy and kindness?