With Day 47 of A Christian Counts the Omer, we realize we have just a few days left to do the counting! The excitement for Pentecost is building. We stop today to examine Yesod of Malchut. This means looking at our foundational bonding in the sovereignty of leadership.
A true leader must be able to draw strength from within. That strength should come from God and not himself. God must be living inside the person for that to be accomplished. When believer’s pray and ask for God’s help they can become filled with the power of God’s Holy Spirit. This is the power from within that we draw from. It is our strength and our life force.
Some questions to consider are:
- Have I done the spiritual work needed for a proper foundation for my life in Christ? A Christian foundation is based upon believing that Jesus Christ is Messiah. Knowing Jesus means repenting of one’s sins, turning from those sins and beginning to walk in God’s Holy commandments. Christianity means learning to live NOW in God’s Kingdom on earth.
- Do I allow how God made me to define who I am, or do I let my position in life rule over me? God has given us all free-will. He allows us to make good choices that will benefit our life here on earth. If we are weak enough to allow other humans to make those choices for us; we are not following the path that God desires. We all must stand on our own two feet. Standing firm is strengthened when we allow God to help us. He will show us when it is proper to give and take.
- Am I afraid to sit silent and alone with the person whom I have chosen to be? Why? Have your choices been godly choices or have you made human mistakes in not recognizing God’s plans for your days? Do “what if’s” haunt you? If you are afraid to face who you have become; it is time to transition into the person you were always meant to be. What is holding you back?
One of our many biblical examples is King David. David never forgot that God granted him the right to be King. He acknowledged this constantly throughout his reign.
David was a very human King. He sinned just as all other human kings have sinned. His sin with Bathsheba was holding him back from being a good and godly King. However; when David repented of his sins; he not only acknowledged his sins but he examined the impact they had over others in his Kingdom.
David’s grievous awareness was that the impact of his sins impacted the Yesod of his Malchut. This means it affected the Foundation of his Kingdom, as well as his own soul before God. Even when no one else knew what he had done; God knew.
No sin ever affects only one.
David realized that his bonding to the love of God helped him maintain his sovereignty as King even after he had sinned and confessed these sins.
The sin with Bathsheba was wrong-bonding. Repenting and turning back to God and taking responsibility for the sins was right-bonding.
It was this bonding with God that empowered King David to rise up and give his people a better kingdom than before. He decided to give them a better and changed King; one which they deserved.
Everything that David did after the grief of this great sin before God was affected by his deep sorrow. This showed his desire to change and transform into the King that God had destined him to be.
Yesod of Malchut helped him to rise up and go forth as a forgiven and healed of his human mistakes man/King.
David learned Yesod in Malchut in that he never again wanted to act without the highest loyalty to God in anything that he ever did again. Now he fully understood how his selfish actions affected everything within his Kingdom as well as his personal relationships.
We too must understand that every move that we make, and every breath that we take, affects something else in this life. It is not just ourselves that will suffer if we act wrongly. Sin carries a domino effect.
Yesod of Malchut is knowing that every bit of sovereignty and leadership we have been given is simply a gracious gift from God. Such a treasured gift requires thinking and acting with grave responsibility and care.
When we act within Yesod of Malchut we will always determine to give back in the same gracious and merciful way that we have been given. We will always acknowledge and honor the source from which all of the goodness of life originates with gratitude.