On Day 45 of our Christian counting of the omer we are considering tiferet of malchut; or the harmony and compassion in our sovereignty and leadership roles of this life.
A good leader is one that shows compassion. This compassion does not undermine his authority in any way. It simply means he will listen when he needs to and pay attention to details and act accordingly without disrespect; no matter his personal feelings.
When using authority we must not forget to exercise compassion at the same time. This is an integral part of dignity. Authority is used to correct wrong behaviors, but it is not often received in a correcting manner unless compassion is connected with the act of authority.
If you find yourself in a place of authority over another human being it is always good to ask the following questions:
- Is my authority compromised due to lack of compassion?
- Am I remembering to show dignity to all people; no matter their crime or personality?
Proper authority requires successful harmony in leadership. Check your leadership skills by asking the following quesitons:
- Am I handling situations in a smooth and organized way?
- Is there anything I could organize better in order to bring more harmony into my leadership and authority?
- Do I give clear instructions to those who work under me?
- Am I hiring properly and delegating with confident assurance that the person I hire can do a good job?
- If I did not hire this person under my authority; how can I train them in a way that will be helpful to both them and me without undermining their dignity?
- Have I encouraged those working with me to work as a team?
- Are we coordinating things in a way that bring peace and harmony and compassion into our work day?
I have to look at the way that Jesus used his compassion and harmony along with his authority over his disciples.
He was not pleased when they turned people away; especially if those people were the poor, the sick or children who could not speak up for themselves.
As he corrected the disciples in these matters; Jesus did so in a teaching manner. He made his statements to them short and concise and to the point so that they would be able to understand his desires.
No one raised their voice or questioned whether this way was right or wrong. The kindness and compassion that Jesus showed to others was reflected in the respect that the disciples held for him in conforming to his wishes for organization in the way they conducted their business.
All of these things work together in a beautiful way when we incorporate them into our daily lives. Authority ceases to become a struggle or a hurdle and mutual respect and admiration result in good and necessary communications between those in charge.
Life becomes a much happier place whenever tiferet of malchut is exercised.