Today we meditate on Hod of Malchut; or humility in our sovereignty and leadership. How do we make space for others? If we are filled up with ourselves; there will never be enough room. Hod of Malchut requires humility.
Endurance levels test our dignity and success in life. Strong endurance requires determination and strong will. It also requires strong prayer for God to help us to be firm and remain standing as who He created us to be. That requires denying ourselves and standing strong. It takes repenting of our humanity and humbling ourselves before God.
A good question for today’s thoughts is:
How determined am I toward reaching my goals?
Am I pursuing my true God-given destiny?
Do I need to reset my goals?
Also; how confident am I of my ability to reach those goals?
If God is for us; who can be against us?
When we remember to ask God to strengthen us and to keep our goals within His will for our life; things are better and our endurance becomes more balanced and much stronger.
Humans often fail to endure when they do not trust God for their strength in endurance.
Sometimes we become our own worst enemy.
One example is the Apostle Peter. Right after the crucifixion he was questioned about his association with Jesus. Out of fear; he denied ever knowing him.
At that moment his endurance and his lifelong goals for following Christ were crushed. Peter’s heart was probably broken from knowing what he had done.
Fortunately for Peter; Jesus later gave him three times to repent; asking each time if he loved Him and giving Peter the chance to re-express his love and bonding with Jesus.
This link to an article by Andrew Murray in The Blue Letter Bible is a great read on how Peter was changed from the very human, mistake making man into the new Holy Spirit filled leader that we see in action on The Day of Pentecost: https://www.blueletterbible.org/Comm/murray_andrew/surrender/surrender04.cfm. The article is well worth the time it takes to read if you are wishing to go even deeper with these daily mediations.
Jesus will do the same for us as he did for Peter; if we only let him.
If you want to read another story of endurance with strength; here is a link to our own tale of the Story of Esther:
The strong endurance of Esther as she carried out her God-given destiny is yet another great example of Netzach of Malchut.
If you feel your endurance is hindered in your leadership role, just go to the One who is the greatest leader of all and confess.
Tell Him how you wish to lead a Kingdom of Heaven life.
Then ask for strength to stand for who you are in Christ and what you truly believe again.
Ask for help to always endure for truth.
He will always give you another opportunity if you truly want to grow in the Kingdom of Heaven with true leadership abilities.
With the abilities that God will give you your endurance will increase and you will achieve the success of Netzach of Malchut.