Today, as we continue to do a Christian count of the omer we will examine the traits of gevurah of malchut.
Gevurah of malchut could be translated to mean the discipline and justice in our leadership or sovereignty. This aspect of the counting appears to be very important in the health of a good home, community, nation and world.
As we develop these qualities individually we should be praying for our nation to do the same as a whole.
Each of us can become a part of the solution to changing the world into a much better place. It starts with scriptural knowledge, prayer, devotion to God and His best ways to live combined with obedience to Kingdom ways.
Let’s examine gevurah of malchut with those goals in mind.
This is a good time to examine the discipline of our sovereignty. How is the discipline in our leadership skills stacking up? Are these two great qualities of discipline and justice balanced or does one out-weigh the other?
Effective leadership is built on proper authority as well as discipline. Are you within your jurisdiction of authority with the discipline of your leadership?
Some people just automatically step up and take authority in any and every situation. Most will assume that they are the appointed leaders without checking. Often that is the incorrect action. You may be overstepping your boundaries and treading on the authority of another person if you decide to do this.
We see corrupt judges and politicians that do this continuously. That doesn’t mean it is right. There are also those in high professional fields that think they have an authority level that is not correct. They offer unconstitutional decisions and expect others to conform to their suggestions.
When leadership has the proper self-discipline this will not happen. A good leader will understand the rules and strive to implement them; not break them.
To counteract such a mistake in the discipline of leadership one must continuously keep a check and continue to ask if their authority is proper in every situation and circumstance.
When one keeps their sovereignty in check confusion is eliminated and unity is formed to properly solve the problems and setbacks of daily living.
Sovereignty should never be abused or misused by leadership.
If this happens; it should always be questioned and corrected. Otherwise, in the end; there is no leadership or sovereignty and we begin to live in a world of “every man for himself.”
We saw how this type of life turned out for Cain when he abused his leadership and rights to sovereignty before God and murdered his brother Abel.
No matter how many times God addressed these issues of Cain’s wayward personality; Cain would not listen or conform. He plowed on through life in his own way, selfishly abusing, taking and treading upon his fellowman.
Much suffering and waste came from this attitude and a curse eventually resulted for generations to come.
It is important that God’s people take their leadership appointments and sovereignty seriously and implement them with the self-discipline and humility that holds up the rights of all people.
Good leaders are givers; not takers and they will always defend the rights of others.
- Do I exercise reserve when doling out discipline if my leadership requires such actions?
- Am I aware of where my own authority ends and the authority of someone else begins?
- Is this action within my sovereign jurisdiction?
- What are my limitations when it comes to my sovereignty?
- What are my strengths when it comes to implementing proper discipline and authority?
- How could this communication be improved in order to reserve more dignity and compassion for those who must receive my disciplinary actions?
What does God require of the leaders that he puts into a position of sovereignty? The answer is found in the scriptures in Micah 6:8; No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
If we always keep this scripture in mind we can achieve gevurah of malchut.