Now we have reached day 43 of the process of a Christian counting the omer. Today we are going to examine chesed of malchut. We could say that we are considering the love portrayed within the power of our sovereignty and our leadership.
In this very last week of counting the omer, we want to be especially aware of God’s Kingdom. We are encouraged to remember that our whole goal in all of the days of counting from a Christian perspective is to grow our thinking and acting to a level of achieving the mindset that is suitable for walking inside God’s Holy Kingdom.
How thankful we are to realize that we do not have to wait until we die to walk in that kingdom! Jesus showed us that Kingdom life is possible on this earth.
We died to ourselves the moment Christ gave us Salvation. Now we must aspire to a higher level of thinking and living; a more heavenly one. While we are still on earth this thinking could only improve our own living conditions as well as the daily living conditions of those around us.
Remember that crucial line from The Lord’s prayer that says “Thy will be done on earth as in Heaven?” That is what we aspire to accomplish today.
How many times have we prayed those words? Now is the time to begin to live them out.
Living in malchut is living a “kingdom” life.
With God as our King; we desire to manifest His presence in every aspect of our daily lives.
This desire works like a prayer and it creates a very important connection between ourselves and the portals of heaven. If we learn to live this way; our death will simply mean stepping from one place into another. The eternal life we possess right now will simply continue on and keep moving forward. The ending which the world may see will only be our new beginning. Our purpose and our goals would remain the same and we would continue serving God in the same way throughout all of eternity.
This process can be starting right NOW; not after we die.
Have you ever considered this aspect of Christianity? If you desire to be a good leader on the earth, you must consider it. We must focus on the Chesed; or the loving-kindness of leadership from the foundation of our life in Christ and on through every next step of life.
Some questions we need to be asking ourselves as we go along in this type of lifestyle are:
- Is the care of others important to us?
- Do others respect and admire us because of our care and compassion for all?
- Are all of our actions taken from a love standpoint and not a fear standpoint?
- As we walk through a fear-based society; are we taking every opportunity to create daily shifts from fear to love?
The best societies are led by those who love and have a kingdom mentality. Without those qualities; no balance can exist and people live fearfully in chaos. When Chesed is in Malchut all leadership exhibits care, kindness and concern for all.
Which type of society do you prefer to live in?
This should be a huge consideration whenever we look at the political landscape that forms the nations of our world.
How do you think God sees our nation?
What can we do to help that view become more pleasant?