On Day 40 we will look at Hod of Yesod; or the humility of our bonding.
We have been counting for forty days now! Do you know how many times that number (40) appears in the scriptures? It is usually very significant.
40 is usually associated with judgement, trials and testing. In the Old Testament events; almost everything lasted 40 days and 40 nights.
With the focus of our modern-day world; it is hard to get anyone to do anything for longer than 40 seconds. How did those ancients gain so much patience?
Let’s see – there was the flood when it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Noah must have had moments of misery amongst those miracles.
Then there was that time when Moses was up on the Mountain with God receiving the Ten Commandments. Didn’t that take 40 days and 40 nights too? Remember how antsy the natives became when that was taking place? Maybe we will be able to focus better than they did.
Of course we could recognize the number 40 from the 40 years that the Israelites roamed the desert. 40 years is a long time!
Actually, we have been counting the omer for a long time too; but it isn’t over for 10 more days.
Today the subject is humility and bonding and this time requires us to be humble and patient about our counting. We have bonded with this learning experience so far; so let’s be positive and determine to keep going until we reach the end. Sometimes just quietly and humbly holding on helps our bonding experiences to mature and become fruitful.
Hopefully; by the time we get to the end of this journey, our humble bonding with these teachings will saturate our lives with useful ways to live and joyful ways to celebrate in the days to come. The bonding with the wisdom of God has calmed our souls and brought us more inner peace.
Have you found yourself thinking eternal thoughts during this time? Peace and calm will do that to you. This good humble bonding with the scriptures will bring us answers when they are needed, and anticipation for what God is going to do next. In your bonding with others; can they see the awe and wonder that you have for your Creator? If not; why not?
One part of that awe and wonder that Christians experience is the awe of ascension. 40 days after the resurrection Jesus ascended into Heaven again.
Ascending means moving up!
Are you allowing the humble bonding experiences with God and with others to move you up further and closer to where God lives?
This is the ultimate goal of all of our bonding.