On Day 39 of the Christian counting of the Omer; we come to meditate on the characteristics of Netzach of Yesod.
Netzach means endurance and Yesod means foundational bonding; so on this day we are meditating on how our endurance affects our bonding.
Can our endurance withstand the challenges that life throws our way?
How we handle challenges will affect our relationship with God and our relationships with others.
Ponder your last challenge in life. What stands out to you as you remember the details?
Did you respond to that challenge with patience and endurance?
Were there any setbacks with the progress of your life before God or your life with those that you love?
I suppose no one ever faced more challenges and setbacks than Job.
There he was doing all that he knew to do and all the while trusting God with all of his heart, but things just kept going wrong!
I wonder if any of us would be able to endure the things that Job endured with the same patience, faith and endurance. His friends taunted him for staying the course and not blaming everything that had gone wrong on God.
Job knew the truth and he stood solid within it.
When no one on this earth had answers to give to him; he patiently trusted God.
If no answers came from God; he kept waiting and accepted his fate as he waited. Job understood that sometimes God is silent for a reason and sometimes God’s reasons are far above our finding out.
Job never quit believing and trusting; even in the silence, or even when God said no.
He totally understood his source, even when it seemed that God wasn’t there. Job endured every hardship and thought it all worth the effort because of his deep love and awe of God.
Were you surprised to learn that this type of endurance brought Job closer to God instead of taking him further away?
Satan had been counting on the opposite and his plan didn’t work.
Even after all of that suffering; the bond between God and Job became stronger and stronger.
The human relationships that were lost in Job’s times of trouble were replaced by stronger relationships with better bonds later. God blessed Job more in the end than he had in the beginning.
The commitment of Job’s heart for God had been proven to be good and true. Can we say this about our own level of commitments in our faith?
Netzach of Yesod helps Christians to become overcomers. We all must learn this lesson.
The days are coming when Job’s problems may look minor to us. We must endure and stay bonded to God in these end-times. No matter what; our commitment to God must stay strong and sure.
The benefit of this type of endurance with bonding is found in the words of Revelation 3:5; The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life, but will acknowledge that name before my Father and his angels.
When the Bride of Christ overcomes the world; He will return for her. His reward is with Him.
The example of the patient, loving, enduring bond of Christ for His Church is the greatest bond of all. His endurance and His commitment to His Church is even greater than that of Job.