Our meditation today discusses the importance of harmony and compassion in bonding.
Remember; we are looking at these traits and counting the days from a Christian perspective.
One of the first things that must be considered is our empathy.
If our bonding is conditional; our empathy isn’t very helpful.
When we withdraw from every uncomfortable conversation with a close friend; we aren’t showing them complete compassion.
If we listen but never offer our help with the problem at hand; are we really bonded in friendship?
True friends are always available to help and they enjoy the good times as well as the bad.
Real marriages endure problems and pain as well as joyful moments and good memories.
If there is harmony and compassion in our bonding; we are always “all in;” no matter the circumstances.
This type of bonding isn’t something that happens just once or every now and then; it is strong and consistent and dependable. This is a compassion that is supported by a firm commitment.
When I consider this bond I am reminded of how Jesus did not hesitate to heal a leper. He was not afraid to touch them or to be close to them. Fear was put aside for trust and compassion. This is absolute proof that desire for the other person’s best interest is deep and sincere.
To maintain the slow-growing but beautiful balance which must be maintained to obtain this connection with success we must have a vision of the heights we wish to reach in this bonding.
Are our expectations too high in the beginning?
Could it be that we are not patient enough to enjoy a slower progress in order to get to where we are going?
We must hold the desired plan in our minds and be patient to keep going forward.
Remember that tall trees have deeply developed roots.