As a Christian counts the omer on Day 33 we discuss Hod of Hod. This means we look at the humility of our humility.
Also; today is what the Jewish people call Lag Ba’Omer.
In case you are not familiar with it; this is the title given to the 33rd day after the ancients brought the offering of the first omer of the crop to the Temple.
They have different reasons for observing this date; but I can’t help but think of the fact that Jesus was 33 years old when He completed His ministry and gave His life so that we could live.
33 days after what now symbolically represents “firstfruits” or the rising from the grave of Jesus on Resurrection Day for us (Christians); the Jews celebrate Lag Ba ‘Omer.
If you are a Christian who is a bit Jewish at heart, it might be even more of a celebration. You can add the remembrance of how Jesus ministered to the earth before He ascended to God the Father after Resurrection from the dead.
That would certainly be a huge part of what Lag Ba’Omer means from a Christian point of view; but what else does it mean to us?
When we look at how the Jewish people celebrate, the other days of counting are serious, with a large amount of mourning for the state of the world and praying for change in hopes of repairing the world. Hopefully this is the attitude of Christians too. We must never lose our love and compassion and care for the needs of the people in our communities, whether saved or unsaved, they are all a part of God’s creation and there is always a need to love and care for others and the state of how the world is existing.
Even in knowing that the Savior has come and we have received the miracle of eternal life, we mourn our wrongdoings and we repent. The whole season is not about repentance though; it is more about change and transition, meditation and putting those thoughts into positive and meaningful action. This further fulfills the work that Jesus did on the cross. He died so that we could have life in abundance.
Change starts within our minds then reaches into each of our hearts as we count the days and meditate on the truths that they represent.
There is a break in the focus of the counting on Lag Ba’Omer. We still count; but the atmosphere changes from one of mourning for the state of the world into celebrating life, family and freedom. For Christians the celebration reflects that though we were sinners, Christ came and died for us and changed everything about our hopes for eternity.
When the people of Israel first gained their freedom in the Exodus from Egypt; they were very unfamiliar with anything other than slavery. It was all they had known for 400 years. It took awhile for God to change their mind-set.
It is the same for us. We have temporary awakenings then we forget. When we stop forgetting and always make the right decisions we will be able to live out of the wilderness and into a new found freedom. Lag Ba’Omer is a temporary taste of what is to come.
Where there are no weddings or hair cutting or celebrations of joy on the other days of the counting; this day is different.
On this day, weddings are held. Bonfires are burned. Haircuts and new clothes and better grooming are acceptable. Picnics and sports activities are done.
Christians remember a soon coming wedding; the Marriage Supper of The Lamb. The true Church and Jesus will be united in love forever and ever. This time and season is like planning for the wedding we know will happen one day. It should be joyful. We cut our hair and don new clothes to celebrate. We enjoy family gatherings and celebrate the freedom that we know Jesus will bring when He returns for us.
There is a celebration going on; but what on earth would we be celebrating in the middle of the counting that is not yet finished?
God’s Creation still thriving in the chaos?
The fact that our Savior is going to return for us and we will reign with Him in a new Kingdom for 1,000 years.
God’s Glory being available to all of us even in serious times of mourning?
Maybe all of that or even more. Here is a link that explains the reasons for the Jewish celebrations: https://israelforever.org/interact/blog/america_and_lag_bomer_what_is_the_connection/.
So as we look at how human we are, and as we anticipate working toward a better world on this 33rd day; we are perfectly free to celebrate, have a picnic, build a bon-fire, or even plan a wedding!
Family events are welcomed and encouraged. On your way to any of them; be sure to get a haircut and purchase some nice new clothes. These are not the most significant part of the day; but they are symbolic physical changes that reflect inward spiritual changes. The spiritual changes we have encountered so far are the most significant part of this day and celebration.
Tomorrow we go back to being serious and studious again; but today we pause to celebrate the victories that have come from remembering to count these days so far.
Our goal (Pentecost) is still some days away; but we have gained much so far. This is our way of recognizing and thanking God for what has been given to us so far.
Let’s also meditate on the humility of our humility as we go through this unusual day.
If you read the link above for Lag Ba’Omer’s original meaning; you can see how not having humility in your righteousness can make you become unrighteous in a hurry.
The Rabbi’s followers were foolish in that they did not have humility with their humility. They learned and shared the KNOWLEDGE of humility; but their actions did not translate that knowledge into fruitful actions. Instead they were arrogant and selfish and in the end it filled their lives with an ugly plague instead of the original goal of working with God to repair the world.
Let’s keep our humility humble.
Go ahead and have a joyful celebration; just be ready to return to normal tomorrow; because our work is not quite finished here.
There is still a lot to do and it is all important for our basic living. We must keep counting until that 50th Day – the Day that God will change us. The celebration will be even greater on that day!
On that day, when living in Hod of Hod, we will definitely realize that it is nothing that mankind can do; but only what God can do that will truly implement the changes that we need to repair the world.
If we observe and implement Hod in our Hod though; God invites us to join in with Him. With those characteristics God can change our hearts and use us in His work.