When we pay attention to what God shows to us every day; we are accessing Hod (humility.) Each person responds to life, worship, prayer, learning, and tasks, differently. That difference reflects our Hod (humility.)
If we proceed to the next step and begin to pay further attention to the particular messages we received from God, we are accessing Gevurah (justice and discipline) in Hod (humility.)
Once we have acquired a basic sense of Hod, we will be begin to sense the Hod of others, and we will be able to interact with each person in the specific manner that speaks to him or her – Gevurah in Hod.
Therefore; we know that justice and discipline in humility is Gevurah in Hod.
Sometimes we call this “tact.”
If you have and exercise the wisdom of using tact with others; you get to know them and understand their ways. Then you approach them from an angle they can understand in order to communicate with them and to help them to know God better.
Some teachers teach in only one way and expect the whole class to listen and learn. A good teacher will teach according to each individual student and have better results. This is Gevurah in Hod in action. It is paying attention to the details that work properly and using them to the best for all.
When we mix our discipline to achieve a goal with our humility and approach someone else who is also using their own discipline mixed with humility; we come to know that people experience the world in different ways.
Many students process through the sound of language. Others process through sight. Some process through touch. The successful teacher will use whatever works with their student’s experiences of the world. They will learn how to communicate in a way that each student understands and responds to.
Gary Chapman made these same observations and wrote a book called “The Five Love Languages.” Basically; this book teaches ways that people can communicate in ways that others understand and relate to.
The reports are that relationships are greatly improved from learning these techniques.
Reflect on your own way of experiencing the world. How do you respond the most effectively to sound, sight and touch? Which of these is your desired way of communiction?
Take this a step further and reflect on all those around you. What is the best way to communicate to each of them in a way that they would understand?
Are you using this knowledge as you communicate with others?
When you find your place of Hod it can be tricky. Lights are brighter, sounds are clearer, feelings are heightened.
Hod is expanded consciousness, a place of splendor. It can seem like a place outside of regular time that carries a sense of awe. It feels just like a natural high.
The other side of the idea of Gevurah within Hod can allow the Hod part of life to come crashing down when you least expect it. Gevurah is the key to balancing this. It keeps awe from turning into idolatry. Gevurah helps the peaks not to become the valleys.
Gevurah brings strength and discernment into our peak moments and directs us in the proper way to land from the fluffy white clouds of Hod.
Hence what was once a form of idolatry turns into a more healthy, balanced appreciation of something. Common sense comes into play and calms our ego when we are on a streak of successful wins.
This good balance keep us from being disgraced and humiliated by our own foolish actions and emotions. Gevurah mixed with Hod blinds us to our own light and lets the light of others shine through.
This healthy mix helps us a lot when work is going great but we need to get home to tend to our families. It helps us out a lot when there is a whole box of chocolates in front of us on the table and we know we only need to eat one. To speak more biblically; it delivers us from temptation.
Jesus used this balance when He was tempted by the devil in the desert. He didn’t lose his willpower when he was offered the things that did not pertain to his goals and destiny and purpose of God The Father. He stuck to the work that God had given Him to do and He did it with passion and determination.
We are all the better because He had that discipline. If only humans could stay that focused on their purpose from God. Can you imagine how the world would change overnight?
For humility to evolve properly it must be disciplined and focused.
Ask yourself the following questions:
When should my humility cause me to compromise and when should this never happen?
What am I doing in the name of humility that I should consider more carefully?
Am I using false humility to remain silent or neutral in the face of wickedness?
Does my humility include respect and awe for the people of which I chose to express my humility?
If my humility is lacking, is it because I don’t respect someone?
The next time you feel reluctance in relation to being humble; focus on the reason for that reluctance. Does it originate from a healthy and humble place?