Today we explore the act of loving kindness in humility. God’s love connected to our humility equals amazing moments of life.
Humility could be compared to modesty.
Until we recognize how small we are we can never realize how large we can become.
Someone lacking the aspect of humility is like a full cup that cannot be filled any further.
There is no room for anything else.
If we learn how to empty ourselves our capacity to receive greatness increases.
Humility helps us to make this transition.
Once humility becomes effective within our souls we can reach beyond ourselves.
Moses wanted to see God’s face.
First he had to understand that God’s ways include humility.
By becoming very humble, Moses was allowed to see God. When He truly experienced God’s presence he became more sensitive to the fact that God’s ways are so much higher than man’s ways. This increased his humility. Though he was humbled; he glowed!
There was another time in the wilderness journey when Moses forgot to be humble. He thought like a man depending on his own self instead of God. In his anguish he struck the rock that was intended to bring them water.
This one moment of weakness; when he lacked true humility, kept Moses from crossing the Jordan into the Promised Land when the rest of the people received their inheritance.
True humility includes all seven qualities of God’s love: discipline, compassion, endurance, bonding, sovereignty, humility and love.
So today we examine our love in our humility. Humility brings love and joy; never fear.
If our humility lacks love; it is not authentic.
From time-to-time we might be confusing humility with low self-esteem. It is definitely not the same thing. Real humility gives us the ability to rise above our own limitations and love another where low self-esteem weakens our ability to show love to others.
Will my humility allow me to be more loving?
Does my humility cause me to be more expansive?
Will this humility inhibit my actions?
Does this humility constrain me from my true goals?