Malchut within Netzach means nobility within endurance.
Is our endurance noble?
It is probably a good day to consider our goals and ambitions. Do they really represent our best and highest self?
Are we truly using our God-given gifts and the days of our lives to make the world a better place to live?
When we consider this it is so important to reach deep inside our souls for the part of God within us; because it is what He can do with our spirits and souls that matters most.
The God-part of us; the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit within us is how we keep our Temples acclimated to our best purposes.
Our bodies have now become the temple of God on this earth. We must maintain them and keep them holy. God’s purposes must take place within our minds, hearts and souls. Our hands and feet can put action to what is revealed to us each day from Heaven.
Do we realize the purpose that God has destined for our days?
If not; are we praying for this to be revealed?
God has a high purpose for each and every one of us.
Once we know what this is; our endurance becomes critical. We must constantly consider our purpose in all of our endurance.
Are we enduring whatever it takes to bring this about?
Are we allowing the time and resources in our days for our destined purpose to become our greatest joy?
Do we constantly pray for God to give us the strength to do the things that He created us to do?
We must commit to keeping our eyes on the prize. It is important for us to use the nobility that God placed within our souls to stay the course.
We must learn how to connect with the path that God wishes for us to walk; for it is within that place that we will find our contentment and joy.
I think of the disciple named Stephen.
Even as he was dying the death of a martyr, he remained focused on God’s will.
He lived the exemplary life of a godly servant; but those moments just before his death gave many around him a clear picture of The Sovereign God that reigned over his soul every night and day.
Others were able to look into his face and see the glory of God.