When we let our compassion and balance combine with the trait of endurance we are able to see different results and outcomes.
Writers should find this combination interesting as the process of writing calls for using your passion and/or compassion for the written word. As you do so you must maintain a certain balance which holds room for a vast array of different types of mindsets and attention spans. The trick is to make your point and bridge the balance needed for many readers to identify with your words.
If you continue to practice this technique for a long time (initiating the trait of endurance) your writing will be more appealing to more and more types of people over time. Yet; you will also be able to maintain your focus and not lose your own personal identity and voice in the transitions.
It is the “netzach” or the “endurance” that helps to hone this skill and achieve your purpose.
Many people can write; and many can find a subject that they have enough compassion for to express in words to the public. It is harder though to maintain this type of compassion when faced with people and voices that oppose you and stand against your voice.
The endurance that you must maintain should have an element of consistency; the same type of consistency that God showed His people in the wilderness.
It is the type of constant endurance which never turns its back on the original cause; regardless of the attitude of others.
You simply keep reaching for the goal and you focus on obtaining the greater good in the end.
It is the same pattern for any career choice, or personal stance or decision. The “netzach” or this type of “endurance” will carry you through the bumps and hard spots of the journey.
Eventually, this type of endurance will plant a tiny little seed of your purpose in life into every other thing that you do.
There will be days when what you are doing won’t even make sense to you.
No one will follow you.
The words will have a hard time finding the page.
Those efforts for the cause will seem endless. Times with no evidence of success will look bleak and feel painful.
Remembering the balance of Tiferet is helpful in these times. The balance of love, discipline and endurance will help you to think clearly and stay the course.
In these moments ask yourself:
Am I able to keep the balance needed even when life throws me a curve and I am presented with tough challenges and impossible odds?
Are there more things I can do to offset these times that will help my endurance to keep moving forward?
Every workman carries their own personal set of tools for endurance. All of us are a bit different. Some things work for some of us; some things work for others. The important thing is to learn how to use your own set of tools to your best advantage.
Personally; I have found looking at old photographs can be very helpful.
If someone in the family or maybe an old friend, has done something to upset me; I pull out my photos of them and try to remember the good times we have shared in the past.
It helps me to forgive and move on in the relationship. The act of looking at the positive photos will bring my focus back into balance with the whole picture, and I will suddenly realize this moment is just one little moment when things went wrong. The scales will tip toward all those moments when things were going right.
Watching a good clean movie with a happy ending is another tool I have found to be helpful in maintaining equilibrium of moods, whether from relationship clashes, career disappointments, crushed expectations from any of life; etc.
If you can take that temporary escape into someone else’s world (even an imaginary world on a movie screen) you will be more able to put aside your hurt feelings, contrasts of ideology, or whatever is bugging you about anyone else.
When you are presented with a happy ending in another form (such as a movie or a book) you can find it easier to set aside your differences and hope again for a happy ending to also come your own way again.
Books with happy endings can bring about the same results.
These little diversions are harmless and help to take us through to the long haul of any situation.
Our compassion gets mixed up with our balance and endurance and more peace and security can be felt within our souls.
A great exercise for putting this into reality is to find the way that helps you to take a break from negative feelings. Put those tools into action. Then do your best to keep moving forward with constructive endurance toward your life’s goals.
This is a win/win proposition. It will mean peace for you and also peace for all of those living around you.