Tiferet means compassion.
It blends and harmonizes the love of chesed with the discipline of gevurah.
Tiferet introduces a third dimension to these connections; that dimension called truth.
Real truth is totally selfless.
It has no ego.
Truth allows us to express our feelings of love, judgement and discipline in a healthy way.
Tiferet’s name is beauty.
That is because its harmony makes all situations beautiful. To be complete tiferet needs all of the elements of compassion.
Understand that compassion and pity are not the same thing. When true love gives sympathy it is not ever condescending or patronizing.
Take a few moments to think and meditate on how others perceive your compassion.
Is it warm?
Are enthusiasm and love a part of your compassion?
Does your compassion contain life?
Want to know the true meaning of real compassion?
It is when you turn toward a homeless beggar and acknowledge his or her existence with direct eye contact and a genuine smile before you give them what they need.
That is expressing compassion with love. It is showing chesed of tiferet.
This was what Jesus did with the woman at the well. Others judged her; but he loved her. Many looked at her faults; but He saw her potential. Most followed the customs and treated her like an outcast, or one who was not worthy of conversation. Jesus spoke words of life into her life.
It changed her world; and it also changed our world.
Never miss an opportunity to practice true compassion.