Previously we discussed that gevurah means strength combined with discipline and judgement. Today we combine those traits with the trait of Yesod of Gevurah.
What is Yesod?
Yesod is a foundational trait that brings commitment and bonding into a situation. This connection of yesod enhances our strength, discipline and judgement.
If discipline is effective it must be combined with commitment and bonding.
There has to be a sense that the discipline is important for developing a stronger bond.
It must be mutually beneficial to all parties.
Normally; any criticism or disciplinary action might cause the person being disciplined to draw away. Good discipline, using the trait of Yesod, causes the person being disciplined to realize it is for their own good.
Therefore; eventually that person will want to draw closer and closer to the one who is looking after their best interest.
In this type of discipline combined with yesod; the two parties are experiencing the growth of discipline together. Yesod of gevurah bonds instead of separating people from one another.
To be sure we are on track with this combination of traits, we could ask ourselves the following questions:
1 – What is the foundation of our discipline? Is it based on godly principles?
2 – Is this discipline based on a concern for others?
3 – Does this discipline foster bonding or distance?
4 – Is this discipline helpful and not harmful?
Many modern-day thinkers insist that the world should never contain discipline or judgement. This is a shallow way of thinking which often leaves the innocent in a vulnerable position in which they could be punished for the sins of the disobedient.
It is much better to correct in love. That way all parties win in the end.
If the free thinkers understood the value of the connection with yesod in administering proper discipline and judgement, they would come to appreciate the value of helping others while showing loving kindness.