
If you have been following along in The IN SEASON Lifestyle’s Thursday Bible Study called COME AS A CHILD; you will know that we have been examining the blessings and curses of Israel.
Also; we’ve been examining these in relation to the nations of today’s world.
God gave ancient Israel knowledge of these blessings and curses before they entered the Mosaic covenant at Sinai, and also just as they were about to cross over the river and into The Promised Land.
It was clear that Israel received the great blessings and the somber responsibilities of inheriting both of God’s Covenants, first with Abraham; and then Moses.
God paid much time and attention to this critically important teaching moment in this section of Deuteronomy 28. He once again explained the blessings and curses that would come to the people according to the nation’s obedience or disobedience to His ways and laws.
The blessings for obedience have already been discussed in great detail in our previous articles; and we know that many of these great blessings have been passed down through generations and generations of God’s people, until they have reached the peoples of today’s world’s nations.
It is easy to study the blessings; but not so pleasant to study the curses.
The power to keep these blessings (or to live under the opposite from the curses) still confronts the modern nations of today. God has spelled out His ways to all of us. He used the nation of Israel as a pattern and an example for the rest of us to follow.
We have no excuse.
Now, in Deuteronomy, Chapter 28, we are specifically examining the curses for disobedience and especially studying how these facts might relate to modern-day Christianity as well as end-times events.
Today we will consider the following words found in Deuteronomy Chapter 28:
The fruit of your womb will be cursed, and the crops of your land, and the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks.
Of course, the “fruit of your womb” would be the blessings of children born to a blessed nation.
Children are such blessings from God.
I’m afraid that many of our modern cultures have forgotten this fact.
Abortion clinics are busier than they have ever been in the past.
Cancel culture has been working very hard at cancelling out those of us who believe in the sacredness of life, who stand by the rights of all unborn children; but this only makes the curses of abortion over our nation a more urgent matter to consider.
Those who believe in the sacredness of life are greatly outnumbered.
We live in a world where death is celebrated, and the sacredness of life is taken for granted.
But; God is on our side!
Never has it been more evident or public that taking the life of an unborn child is killing a life that might have brought great help and benefit to the world.
Many are longing for the day when Christ will return and end all of this process of death, death and more death. We want to celebrate life; for life is what God’s Kingdom is all about!
Yet; so many groups in America are against stopping the abortion machines, and they don’t even consider how a precious child’s life is at stake with each and every occurrence of this atrocity.
In Luke 12:2; Jesus said to His disciples, “It is inevitable that stumbling blocks will come, but woe to the one through whom they come! It would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the sea than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.
Abortion in the land is definitely disobedience. It surely puts our nation under the curses instead of the blessings.
Many are working hard to turn these facts around; but it is a long, hard battle and many more are needed.
Jonathan Cahn, a man of Jewish descent who is a protestant prophet of today, wrote his vision from God down in a book called The Harbinger and followed that book up with another book called The Harbinger II.
Harbingers are things that happen which signal the approach of another thing that will happen.
One of the Harbingers addressed in these books is abortion.
These two books, in story form and written as a novel, are based on many real historical happenings which, with a little internet research, can easily be verified.
There are some very astounding ways that the events of the books tie together many ancient mysteries from the Bible. The author points out that America’s founding was patterned after the founding of ancient Israel, and the nation’s demise is also lining up identically with the struggling times of Israel’s captivities.
This author of these books contends that abortion of the innocent unborn is at the very heart and center of America’s rejection of God’s principles.
I quote from Jonathon Cahn’s messages on his website which were posted publicly on our President’s Inaugural Day:
“And as did ancient Israel, we’ve lifted up the most innocent among us, our babies, and shed their blood. Israel sacrificed thousands of its children. We’ve sacrificed millions, tens of millions of unborn children who are not here this day, this Inaugural Day, because we took their lives and their silent screams ascend to heaven. And their blood is on our hands,” he continued. “We pass down rulings from Washington, D.C. that war against the eternal laws of heaven on human life, human nature, gender, marriage. We’ve indoctrinated our children against the ways of God.”
Cahn reminds Americans that we have done what we were warned not to do, but still so many are confused about why the blessings of heaven are being removed from our land, leaving us to face violence and destructive division.
I will go even further and say that because of these and many more things; we are now facing the curses of a disobedient nation.
Cahn points out several things for us to consider.
He notes that the sin of abortion is a sin against the younger by the older. Until this summer, global counts showed us that the virus of pandemic nature seemed to strike the oldest and spare the youngest.
Abortion has been around for approximately fifty years now. During this Jubilee year of abortions; it is the theory of Cahn’s books, that the older have taken lives (through abortion;) and now things are moving in reverse patterns and lives are now being taken from the older generation.
This is exactly what a Jubilee does; it reverses things.
We can take this theory of the mystery of the abortion harbinger even further, (again quoting a few lines from the book): ” When analysis was made in the spring of 2020, to pinpoint the peak of the plague on New York State, two dates were identified—April 9 and April 10. The New York legislature ushered in abortion on demand in two votes—on April 9 and April 10. Thus it was 50 years to the exact days.”
A period of fifty years is called a Jubilee. In 2020 we experienced (as a nation) the Year of Jubilee for the disobedience of the sin of abortion.
Typically; in a year of Jubilee; all debts are reversed.
Before the older of the population were safe, and the innocent younger of the population were being killed. Now; we see that fact becomes reversed and during the year of the pandemic; now the older are dying and the younger are surviving.
In the Jubilee year of abortion; the curse is being reversed.
The above is only the results of the curse of the harbinger called abortion, (there are many more.) Personally; I believe that America is now being punished for disobedience from the sin of committing abortions through the curse of a pandemic plague.
Since this profound writing of The Harbinger II, I have followed the messages of Jonathan Cahn closely. Something in my spirit jumps up to listen when he begins to speak of the mysteries of God, and having studied Hebraic thoughts on The Old Testament for so many years, I deeply appreciate his Hebraic/Jewish background that penetrates through to many of his teachings.
On Passover of 2020 we (my husband and I) observed the service that he held over the internet when COVID was first in full force and much more of a mystery then than it is today.
I also participated later in 2021 (in the same way) with The Feast of Trumpets service which Cahn lead.
Both times, and on both of these very significant calendar days; I heard Jonathan Cahn proclaim that the only hope is our Messiah; and for America to live out the scriptures found in 2 Chronicles 7:14; which states “If we humble ourselves, pray and turn from our evil ways, God will forgive us and heal our land.”
I feel in my heart that his words and the warning of these scriptures are very true and accurate.
Every day I listen to the news come across the wire and then try to decipher through prayer the voices from about a million different sources. These once hopeful voices no longer offer the hope for this wave of prayer and revival needed, or for the turning that needs to happen in our country.
People are simply NO LONGER paying attention to spiritual matters.
Every thing and every public voice seems to be political in nature; possibly due to cancel culture hard at work in our society. We MUST be listening to THE VOICE of The Good Shepherd because He is the only One with our best interests in mind.
All earthly activities are definitely similar to those “as in the days of Noah.” They speak of a modern time when, again; all of the people were going on with their lives as usual while only a few modern-day Noah’s have been busy building up that huge ark right in front of their blind faces and death ears.
Noah did preach the warnings from God; but no one was listening.
They were consumed only with themselves and very busy with their own personal interests.
In today’s world, our leaders, from the top down, are heavily involved with maintaining and increasing abortions in the land. To them is it an industry; a huge money-making machine. The medical research companies and pharmaceutical companies thrive on the sale of human body parts and aborted babies, and politicians are willing to trade their souls to these money-making machines for campaign money.
No one seems to care about God’s ways any more.
This has to remind us of the scripture found in Revelation 9:20: And they did not repent of their murders nor of their sorceries (drugs, intoxications) nor of their sexual immorality nor of their thefts.
The Greek word for “sorceries” is “pharmakeia,” and though this is the ancient meaning; this could also be referring to the present description of how our government officials all seem to be in bed with Big Pharma. It is sad how each generation seems to repeat the same sins in their own unique way.
Imagine what this does to the heart of God.
We must keep praying for eyes to be opened.
This is one of the worse curses that our nation could endure; and it is one that could be easily turned around, if only the truth could be seen and retained by actions from our world leaders.
Obviously; we fight against supernatural spiritual and demonic powers who control the actions of weak, ignorant and greedy people; and these are yet more things we need to be at war against.
Pray that evil souls can be converted and changed before it is too late.
The Apostle Paul was in the business of persecuting Christians just before he was converted. It isn’t impossible for God to bring this about.
There are too many curses taking place against our beautiful land!
It is the Shemita year; a time for all struggles to come to an end. If we continue to neglect the physical actions of this season; at least we should be tending to the spiritual struggles. They need to be healed and laid to rest so that the proper balance of our world can be restored and brought back into spiritual order. We can do this by nourishing our souls with the right foods from the Word of God. This is where the spiritual events will begin to be healed.
Now is the time for all prayer warriors to draw their swords and put on the full armor of God. There are huge battles looming before us. We must be constantly and consistently on our knees drawing all the strength that we can from God Almighty.
Remember David and his five smooth stones.
Ask God to show you your five smooth stones; because we have some giants to slay.