Are you looking for some Christian meditations for Hanukkah this year?
Hanukkah begins at sunset tomorrow, Thursday, December 7, 2023 and ends at sunset on Friday, December 15, 2023.
There are many meditations for Jewish people that also relate to Christianity; but it is harder to find purely Christian meditations for Hanukkah because most Christian congregations haven’t yet realized that Hanukkah is for all of God’s people.
I love celebrating the festival of lights each year.
My Christian celebrations are tied to the thought that it is a true miracle that Christ has come to dwell among mankind and this is the month of His Conception. It all started symbolically with the miracle of light one Hanukkah.
We have come to know that Jesus is The Light of the World. What a perfect fact to celebrate and commemorate along with all the other miracles that God has shown to our Jewish brothers and sisters.
In light of that fact, I always like to provide eight days worth of Hanukkah meditations for our readers which can be used with the devotion of lighting the Hanukkah candles at this time of the year. These meditations bring out the Christian symbolisms of Hanukkah, which emphasize God’s Light, God’s miracles and how He is in control of all of us. You can’t help but see the story of salvation when you look into the symbolism and the details of Hanukkah.
Enjoy the meditations below.
May the light of Christ fill your heart with joy and Thanksgiving to God!