There are so many ways to celebrate Independence Day!
Over the years this blog has presented many of these ideas and suggestions in articles for your consideration. Here is a summary of all of them for you to browse through as you make plans for 2023’s events.
I am presently working on a new article called “America’s Unsung Heroes of 2023” but I’m not sure it will hit the presses until after our Independance Day Celebrations of this year. This is too large a subject to rush through. There is so much to research and consider with today’s needs for heroism. Whoever I chose and whatever they do; it will definitely include the subjects of freedom and independence.
It was the whole subject of independance that sparked the thoughts of such an article; so I will try to get it finished writing before Independence Day. Don’t hold your breath though.
If that doesn’t happen I may actually do a whole series of American Unsung Heroe’s Of 2023 sometime in July – so keep watching for those. These will be about people that are NOT making the front pages of our nation’s news today, yet are making a difference in the progress of our nation’s health, sovreignty and freedom.
Until then; enjoy our summary of all of our blog’s July 4th thoughts through the last ten years of July articles. They have been compiled into one easy location for our favorite readers to read.
Many of these articles are still very relevant for the times in which we are living; though some of them were written within the last 3 – 5 years. Freedom and independence seem to keep the same strong values and concepts; no matter when they are being examined or considered. So don’t let the dates throw you off.
Each era we have lived through in the last ten years of life is very significant to where we are today. Sometimes we do not realize that until we stop to look back. There are good history lessons to be learned even from older past articles.
Happy Independence Day!
Keep Celebrating; no matter how uncertain it feels to you. The American Spirit must live on!
If you really want to get the “July Summer Fun Feeling” take a walk down Memory Lane with some of our old July Newsletters. We’ve come a long way! Looking back is so much fun now that we are on this side of the blogging history:
Okay; you’ve got this great July Independence Day thing! Go ahead and add all of your own creative ideas; but just remember to celebrate and thank God that we still have the freedom that we do. Pray for our country this year as you gather for your celebration. Remember – God can do the impossible when humans can’t. Have faith and carry on with the banner of freedom through out the land.