Last week we studied the day that Moses spoke to the people as they were about to cross over into the promised land. He told them to be strong and courageous.
The words in Deuteronomy 31:16 say: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.“
This is a great passage. Every one following Jesus should memorize and try to practice this verse.
The very next words are: “Do not be afraid or terrified.”
If you are listening to the news and following the chaos of our government today you might begin to feel afraid or terrified; because there are many reasons.
Our freedoms are threatened on some level more and more each day. Religious freedom is being withdrawn and the masses are suffering when they decide to take a stand if it isn’t politically correct.
What I’m going to say may not surprise you.
Turn off the news and listen to Jesus.
His sheep have learned to only follow His voice. He knows the safe places. His provision is always there. Healing comes when He touches the faithful members of his flock.
Do not be afraid; for The Good Shepherd is looking out for us; as He alone can do and as He has always done.
Not only is He looking after us; but he has also dispatched special angels who have end-times assignments especially concerning the people who are faithful and following God.
Another verse of scripture that would apply here is the one found in Psalm 56:3 which says “When I am afraid; I will trust in You.”
In Deuteronomy 31:16 the word “them” is referring to the enemies of God. You would have to be blind today to not see that the enemies of God are very busy trying to occupy and control the land.
There are present-day enemies of God around every corner of our daily living now.
Do not worry about this.
When you commune with God through Jesus by way of God’s Holy Spirit; you will be told what to do in dangerous situations.
How do I know this?
I have read it from the scriptures in Mark 13:11 which says: Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit.
I think of those on trial today who are in danger of losing their jobs for doing what God has shown them to do.
Some are military heroes; others are honest and ethical people working in the medical fields or our hospitals.
Many are truck drivers willing to shut down their profits for a few weeks and fight for true freedom.
There are brave and true pastors and teachers that refuse to shut down their congregations because of rules and regulations that should not be given by authorities who do not have their best interests in mind.
I think of parents who are taking a stand for their children to be given lessons that follow God’s ways and not the ways of men.
These things may only be the beginnings of the troubles, trials and tribulations we must face in the days ahead.
The brave and courageous are rising across the land.
They, like Peter in the marketplace will not be silenced by cancel culture.
Is there someone who is trying to cancel you out? I highly recommend reading and following the words Phil Robertson wrote in his newly released book called “Uncanceled.” He is simply repeating the words of Jesus as a reminder to all of us. Many of us need to hear them again.
This book will encourage and inspire you to be brave and courageous for God’s Kingdom.
The scriptures we have referenced above are from a time when Jesus was speaking to his first, newest and true disciples.
Those who follow Jesus today are disciples too.
The same instructions of those days would apply to our lives now.
We must heed the words of Moses and be brave and courageous.
It is God’s Holy Spirit that dwells within His people who will enable us to be brave and courageous.
As I mentioned; this may only be the beginning. Prophets have told us there is a day coming when people will not be allowed to buy or sell without the mark of The Beast.
If you are caught without that mark you will be tried and persecuted.
We live in a time of Big Tech. Do not think that you will be allowed to hide.
Look at the power lines in your own neighborhood and observe the stop lights on your street corners. Cameras are everywhere you go.
Your home appliances have monitoring devices now that will show others the locations and note the activities of their owners.
Your phone has become your worst enemy if you are not wanting the authorities to come straight into your home and find you. Doctors now talk to patients through the use of phones instead of in person. Your medical records are being stored by foreign countries that do not have your best interests in mind.
How you spend your money is monitored by many different types of electronic transactions. Your bank probably knows more about you than your nearest living relative.
The scriptures from thousands of years back declare that a court will try you; but do not fear; for God will provide the words for you to speak in the day of your trial.
Just wait and pray and remain faithful.
God’s words will come to you when you need them.
You may ask; how will we find food if we can’t buy or sell?
Where will we obtain water for free when we have no money and we do not own a well?
Our clothes will wear out; what shall we do then?
Matthew 6:25 tells us not to be anxious about our life, food, drink or clothing. In the times of tribulation when no true follower of God is able to earn money or buy the things that are used to sustain life; God will provide for our physical needs.
He will feed us, cloth us, and even provide the words that we must say in public.
We do not know the details; but He has promised us this much in His Holy Scriptures.
When Peter was threatened for his life in the public square, the scriptures tell us that he was filled with God’s Spirit and given the right words to say.
These words may not be about us or our protection and survival; most likely they will give testimony to God and The Kingdom of Heaven.
In the words that Peter was given, he bore witness to the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The crowd was astonished at his courage and the fact that such an uneducated man had the knowledge of the bold words which he spoke out.
They threatened him further and told him to stop speaking in the name of Jesus.
Peter refused. He boldly went on preaching and teaching about Jesus to anyone and everyone that he met.
I pray that we will all be this brave and courageous when the proper time comes our way too.
The disciples were all warned by Jesus that the day might come when they would all be ostracized from their own families. Then Jesus added these comforting words; “everyone who endures will be saved”
We read about these things in Matthew 10:21-23: And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child; and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved. But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come.
This is already happening.
Tracking of the vaccinated is being done by trained professionals.
These people will have no qualms about reporting their own family members due to the evil deceptions from which they live out their selfish lives.
When the virus first came to America so many families were divided by those who felt strongly opposed to the vaccinations and those who felt as strong about the fact that people should take them.
The dividing started from there and soon it spread to leaders and authorities of the government who could not agree either.
Our country has been called a country on the brink of civil war for almost three years now.
Brothers are disagreeing against brothers.
We are definitely living through hard times when our true loyalties are being stretched and tried in the fires.
It is needful that we stop to consider what God meant when he told Joshua through Moses to be strong and courageous.
Those Israelites were moving into a land that was inhabited by the enemies of God.
God was appointing them to possess the land in His name.
They were to become the first godly nation. Israel was to be the pattern that set the proper standards for the rest of the world’s nations to follow.
The standard was originally intended to be Israel; not the United Nations, or any other governing body.
But what does that mean for today?
How are we to be strong and courageous today?
We too are struggling between being a godly nation or a pagan nation.
Even today; most of the world has not heeded or learned that God’s ways are the true and best ways to live.
Much like Israel of old; we are in a fight for the future generations.
Like them; our actions now will matter forever.
What will we accomplish and who will help us get through this?
Nothing good at all will happen unless God leads us.
Psalm 121 is one of the Psalms of Ascent. Here are the beautiful and encouraging words that we all must remember:
I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip – he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord watches over you – the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all harm – he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
One thing that was strongly mentioned by Moses in the scriptures to Israel was very clearly stated; God wanted the people to be strong and courageous in following His commandments.
Just before crossing the Jordan and moving into their inheritance for the future; Israel was reminded to keep God’s commandments as they lived out a strong and courageous lifestyle.
They chose to honor God’s covenant with Abraham.
America’s ancestors also made a covenant with God. It was called The Mayflower Compact. This founding document from the pilgrims on the Mayflower was the first instance of our people promising to live godly lives in the new land where God was leading the faithful.
Will we keep the covenant that America’s ancestors made with God?
If history were traced all the way back to the days of Abraham; we would most likely find that many of the pilgrims were Abraham’s descendants too. That would put Americans under two covenants with God.
When Israel sinned they only broke one covenant.
Today; when Americans live in ways opposed to God’s Best Ways; they break two covenants; the one with Abraham and the one with our nation’s founders.
We know from studying the paths of Moses that a covenant with God is not to be broken.
Obedience assures a covenant with God.
Disobedience breaks a covenant with God.
Many of our people are dying of sin and disobedience and broken covenants. We must pray for God to heal the land.
Like those Israelites who determined to follow God into a new and better place; let us also be so brave and courageous.
There are no new places now; so the places we can journey to must be spiritual in nature.
Spiritual journeys are truly harder than physical journeys.
One thing is certain though; Moses was right.
In order to arrive at the determined destination; one must be brave and courageous.
The strength of God is the only way to accomplish brave and courageous nations. This only happens when God decides to pour His Holy Spirit into an obedient nation inhabited by obedient people.
Obedience to God is the key component to the courage and bravery of any mighty nation.
Time is growing short.
Let us determine to be brave and courageous now.