The Holy Scriptures make it very clear that Asher was commanded to drive away the Canaanites living in Akko or Sidon or Ahlab or Akzibor Helbah, or Aphek or Rehob. They did not do so. Today let’s examine exactly what happened with the tribe of Asher in conquering their portion of the Promised Land.
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Today’s scripture reading covers a verse found in Judges 1:31; Nor did Asher drive out those living in Akko or Sidon or Ahlab or Akzib or Helbah or Aphek or Rehob.
To be clear of the territory that Asher inhabited we will look at the boundaries that were given to them. There were 22 towns and villages in totality. This included Helkath, Hali, Beten, Akshaph, Allammelek, Amet and Mishel. Carmel was on their western boundary as well as Shihor Librath.
Asher’s boundry then turned east toward Beth Dagon. It touched Zebulun and The Valley of Iphtah El, then went north toward Beth Emek and Neiel. Next it passed Kabul on the left. The boundary went on to Abdon, Rahob, Hammon and Kanah, then on to Greater Sidon.
Then Asher’s boundaries turned back toward Ramah and went to Tyre. Tyre was a very strong and fortified city. From Tyre the boundary turned toward Hosah and then wondered to the Mediterranean Sea, covering the regions of Akzib, Ummah, Aphek and Rehob. Asher had inherited a strongly fortified city with many prosperous ports.
We know the Canaanites were not driven out of this part of Israel during the times of the Judges. Canaanites left in the land kept control over the trade routes.
This later had an affect on the Kings that ruled after the judges. Beginning with the days of the rule of Solomon we read of how Solomon relinquished control of parts of Tyre in order to trade for the materials he used in building the Temple.
Hiram was the King of Tyre. Solomon traded him 20 towns in Galilee in exchange for cedar, gold and juniper. When King Hiram went to look at these 20 towns he did not take any pleasure in them.
If the Israelites had originally obtained control over the area of Tyre as God had instructed, they would have owned right to the Mediterranean Sea ports.
Instead these lands that were still controlled by Canaanites helped Tyre to maintain a stronghold over this part of Israel from which the Canaanites (mostly the Phoenicians) profited economically.
This continues the pattern of defeat that Israel allowed to happen by not driving out the Canaanites.
Over and over we see it happen.
It wasn’t that the men of Israel (and Asher in particular) were determined to disobey the commandments of God; but it was more that they were determined to do things their own way. Perhaps they thought they could tame the Canaanites and convert them. However; the opposite happened.
Our own world exists with these same conditions. Spiritually we have been trying to do what seems right in the eyes of men instead of listening and obeying the exact words and commandments of God. Different cultures of the modern world have tried to interpret the scriptures in a way that conforms to their culture instead of changing and following God’s exact instructions.
This never works out well. It plays heavily into all of the troubles that are to come in the study of the development of Israel as a nation. Also; we can see how it plays to defeat Christianity today.
Often things sound right and feel right to humans; but when we actually look at the Word of God we see our thoughts often are in error and take us further into deterioration. When we straighten this out and realize that God made His rules and ways for our own best protection; things get better for us.
God always sees further than mankind can see. He knows the end from the beginning. God is standing outside of time while we are existing in the middle of time. This often leaves us blind to what we really need to do. If we trust God though; He will help us to see the right way. This must be a blind and faithful trust; one that is willing to believe in the things that cannot be seen with the eyes; but are felt inside the heart.
The only way for things to improve, either spiritually or physically, is to rid our lands of the pagan beliefs of the Canaanites. These ancient ways are constantly at play in today’s modern culture.
Old or new; God’s laws never change.
Christianity and paganism cannot shake hands and exist together.
This process of allowing paganism to seep in for the sake of peace often appears to be a great thought and a generous effort that we humans like to make sometimes; but in the end, it only leads to disaster and death.
The way to avoid it is to do exactly as God has commanded.