The month of Adar ends the Hebraic calendar of sacred months. For 2024 Adar began on February 10th. So we welcomed the month on a Sabbath.
It is the twelfth month counting from Nisan.
Nisan begins the new sacred year.
For a long time the year of the Hebrews began with Tishrei; but at a certain point (when the people began to journey into the Promised Land) God gave Moses a reset and said that Nisan would be the beginning of the new year. We read this in Exodus 12:2; “This month is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year. Though the calendar starts over for the sacred year in Nissan; the Jewish people still celebrate Tishrei as the beginning of their civil year.
Hebrews have always had several different calendars annually with different beginnings and ends for many different occasions.
They observe a sacred calendar and a civil calendar. There is also an agricultural calendar. What I’m calling the sacred calendar is the one that contains all of God’s Holy Days. Many Christians as well as Jews observe these today.
Christians observe the days in light of the fact that Jesus Christ Our Messiah has come to us; died on the cross, was buried and rose from the grave after three days then ascended to Heaven and now sits at God’s right hand in Heaven.
Jewish people only observe the Torah part of these stories. They are still waiting for the Messiah to be revealed to them. The Torah lays the foundation for all that happens later with Messiah.
The Passover is observed by both Jews and Christians. Each of the people groups look at the season of Passover with a different perspective. The basic foundational stories are covered with both parties. Knowing about Passover is crucial to understanding the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. That is one reason we feel the Hebraic Lunar calendar is so important. The Gregarian calendar will show Easter Sunday coming before Passover this year. That is very backwards and it isn’t in line with God’s way of teaching. Passover always comes before Resurrection. Those following the Hebraic calendar will be enjoying the Resurrection on the day of Early First Fruits – three days after Passover.
If you follow the progression of the above more lunar way of celebrating Passover; your count for Pentecost (50 days after Passover) will always be correct.
All of these things concerning Passover happen later in Nisan; but now we are finishing up the last month of the sacred calendar called Adar. We know that Adar ends the sacred calendar each passing year.
Some years (every 3rd year) contain an extra month of Adar. This month is called Adar 2. We are observing Adar 2 this year.
The extra month every three years is how the astronomers were able to align the lunar months with the solar year to assure that the holy days fell within each proper season.
The Talmud proclaims that joy increases in the month of Adar. Two Adars bring double joy!
Purim is celebrated in the month of Adar.
This year Purim happens on March 23, 2024 (Saturday at sunset) through March 24, 2024 (Sunday at sunset). Joy seems to be a very appropriate factor for celebrating Mordechai and Esther’s triumph over the wicked Haman.
The whole month of Adar is a time of great rejoicing. It is known as a time for good fortune for all of God’s people. Like the name of God hiding in the book of Esther (it is hiding in an acrostic) the month of Adar is full of hidden mysteries.
It is a great time to be watchful. We need to be noticing the things that God is doing which will bring joy to all of the world; even the hidden things that will be revealed at a later time. This is very good news given the current culture which we live. If you look around in these times of troubles; you will also see that God is always working in the shadows, quietly leading His people forward.
One such event we can already detect for this year would be the awakening of God’s people to the lack of truth and accountability in our nation. A Great Awakening seems to be in the works for the followers of Christ. Are you listening to what God’s Spirit is saying to God’s Church? Be aware, be tuned into God’s will for your life. This is an important time in history. Some things will not be obvious to the current culture; but God will be revealing them to us in the spirit. Stay prayed up!
This is a great time to be moving in the personal destiny that God has revealed to you. That is what Esther did when she said she would go to the King in spite of breaking the law, and if she died; she died. God’s Church today needs to be this committed. We may come to the same place as Esther. It is time to stand up and be brave; like Esther.
The world needs more people like Esther who will stand up for the truth of God and be willing to risk all in order to protect it. There are many new converts to Christianity every day now. It is up to God’s Church to be sure they are growing in truth and knowledge of Torah.
On Adar 3, God’s Temple was completed. It was during the reign of king Darius and he decreed that the people should bring offerings to the temple to celebrate the completion of the building with joy. He imparted a blessing and a prayer to send them on their way to their duties for God’s Kingdom.
Christians of today realize that their bodies are now the temple of God’s Holy Spirit. As we dwell with God in this month of Adar I, we must trust Him to give us the power and strength to live into the destinies He has planned for each of us as well as our nation.
This month is not only about remembering the rebuilding of the temple building BUT it is time to concentrate on the rebuilding of our temples which are being consecrated and set apart for Gods service. This concentration cleans us and makes us worthy for Him to dwell in us.
There is also a great need for more leaders like Moses to rise up among us. It is not surprising to find that he was born in Adar. He also died in the same month. This is a deep mystery that plays right into the meaning of Purim. We hope to explore this more in the coming days.